Long time no see here on my blog. Of course there are reasons for this. Reasons i might go into more detail with in a separate post - maybe.
But while I have been away from "blogging" on the HIVE and/or STEEM blockchain for months, one thing on the blockchain has always kept me nearby almost all the time - The best blockchain based trading card game, Splinterlands!
Even as a big fan of this game, I was not in favor of a few decisions made by @aggroed and @yabapmatt in the last months, as they seemed to only improve the money wandering in their wallets rather than improving the gaming experience. Especially the low amount of good tournaments for people with regular foil alpha/beta/promo collections decks is still sad.
A great change however was introduced in the last weeks - Seperate League Leaderboards with seperate League Prizepools! Now way more players, even the ones with small decks in the two digit dollar value range have real chances of picking up some nice booster packs every season.
In my eyes, this is a great change for every real player. Of course, multi-account users and bot networks aiming at maximum daily "profit" from quest rewards got hit hard by this new system, as the collection power (= the amount of dec burn value your collection is worth) limits them from collecting high rewards with low level decks. But I am quite sure that almost every real player prefers a nice competition, with suiting opponents of a similar deck level, to the daily struggle of killing some weak bots in order to complete the daily quest.
At least speaking for our guild, the Legendary Dragons around @twinner, @uwelang, @louis88 and so on, I am quite sure @jeanpi1908 with @j-p-bs and @sco with @doctor-cog-diss enjoy a realistic fight for the top spots in their league over the daily quest struggle.
And being able to compete for the top spot in the Diamond league with my deck lacking many Untamed cards is also way more fun than to compete for place 50 to 10 in the Champions league - However I see myself up there in the near future again :)
A nice side benefit of those changes also is the fact, that the amount of Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) per win has gone way up again - three digit DEC gains for a single victory are no rarity anymore!
All in all, the game is developing in quite a good direction What do you guys think?
This! :) For 90%+ players the game was too much about farming and stupid grinding to the highest league possible (with low level cards) and not about real competition.
Oha, schön mal wieder was von dir zu lesen :)
Ich bin aktuell ebenfalls mehr bei Splinterlands als auf Steem/Hive aktiv, dafür dort aber jeden Tag :D
Ich finde das Update grundsätzlich gut, da es effektiv gegen Bots vorgeht, mich persönlich hat es aber ingame sehr weit zurückgeworfen.
War die letzten Monate immer in Champions 2, nun dümpel ich aufgrund meiner Card-Power bei Diamond 2 rum... das Ärgert mich sehr, da mir da viele Rewards verloren gehen. Auch kam die Änderung genau wenige Tage nachdem ich einen großen Teil meiner goldenen Karten verkauft hab, wodurch meine Card-Power danach sowieso komplett im Keller war.
Aber mir gefällt das Spiel nach wie vor sehr gut. Ich hoffe ich komme wieder weiter rauf, ohne großartig Geld investieren zu müssen.
Naja, in der CL hast dann aber hauptsächlich Rewards gegrindet ohne je Chance auf Boosterpreise gehabt zu haben, oder? Hast da nun sicher deutlich bessere Chancen - Vllt. hilft es ja, ein paar Einzelkarten zu mieten anstatt zu kaufen, ist sicher preisgünstiger und flexibler :)
Ja stimmt, in der CL war ich weit weg von den Boosterpreisen.
Ich muss gestehen, ich hab das erst heute gecheckt, dass es nun in den Top 30 jeder Liga Booster zu gewinnen gibt.
Das ändert natürlich einiges - ich hatte das anfänglich irgendwie nicht verstanden gehabt haha :D
Und ja ich versuch nun mal auf Gold 1 in die obersten Plätze zu kommen, mal sehen wie gut das klappt^^