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RE: The Anti-Champion

in Splinterlands2 years ago

these bots out there are just killing it with some ridiculous set up and it is really demoralizing

Yep, it is like no matter what I play at times, they play something better, even when my lineup is left-field.

I can't guarantee staying in C1, so I stopped - if I could get there a bit earlier in the season, I would aim to climb the ladder. C2 is great. It wasn't until the change in tokens that I was able to get to C1...


Often, when I believed I had the battle under control after simulating various potential setups my opponent could employ in my tiny brain, I was left astonished by an unorthodox lineup that completely turned the tide against me 😑

It wasn't until the change in tokens that I was able to get to C1...

What's that?