I have been playing a little with Olivia of the Brook recently, which is a Life, Epic reward card from the new set that I only have to Level 3 at the moment, but I think it is a pretty amazing card. It's "mimic" ability is one of the most interesting out there at the moment, where at the beginning of each round, it picks up a random ability from the enemy team, as well as having a chance of stealing an ability from an attacker that hits her.
The longer the battle rages, the more abilities mimicked.
A battle I should have lost
The round is a long one, but it is worth the watch just out of morbid fascination. About halfway through I still didn't think I was going to win it, but it ended up working out in the end.
For once.

Return Fire
Tank Heal
One feisty lady.
Each round, the attackers had 6 melee attack and 19 magic, but by this point, it was just a matter of time. And because I had put scavenge on her using Eternal Tofu, should would keep climbing, even as fatigue sets in, self-healing along the way.
And while mine is sitting at Level 3 where it picks up a shield, it isn't until level 5 it gains a bit more attack and level 6 it gets an important reflection shield addition.
Of course, because the abilities are picked up at random, she doesn't always mimic the right ones at the right time and several times I have played her, she has been killed early with opportunity, or scattershot. However, a taunt card, preferably with martyr to boost her attacks, helps mitigate a little.
I think what is interesting with playing in modern, is that a lot of the matches are going to be close to mirror, because there are less options to choose from. This means that the line between win and loss is narrower, so any advantage is highly valuable. I think that this card makes a difference, because in those close matchups, it can pull in an ability that turns the game, like the one above, or this one below, where the opportunity and the mimicked affliction do the damage against four triages.
Wouldn't it be nice to have the mimic ability in real life? I mean, I know a lot of smart and talented people, so if I was able to obtain one of their positive traits at even the rate of once a year, a decade from now I would be pretty awesome. It is a bit like being able to download skills from the matrix. Alas, all I have to work with are my own capabilities and therefore, my own potential is all that is available.
What a pity.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
That Round 17 board state looks so badass knowing that you won the battle. Olivia seems very strong in all stages of the game. In lower league, having two attack types with opportunity is already strong. She also gets mimic at level 2 which I think is too early.
You technically don't need a mimic for that. If you spend a year learning/working on something, you should have some proficiency at it at the end of the year. It does require a lot of time, effort, and consistency.
I was thinking about this too. I don't play in lower leagues, but it might be devastating, especially with Tofu.
I am glad that you picked up on that ;) This is exactly the case - where while maybe not an expert after a year, the chance to be pretty good at something is high, so why don't we do it?
I think the answer is pretty simple. Time and Money. We don't have enough time. Growing up we realize that we can't do everything that we want. A lot of people pour a lot of time and effort in their work even if it isn't what they want to do. Parents sacrifice their time to take care of their children.
I want to do a lot of things like play the guitar/piano, learn Japanese, get better at sports, etc. But not only do I not have a lot of time to learn and do all of them, but they also won't help me get more money for basic needs.
Wow, that is pretty impressive. I don't think I have the patience for a battle that goes that long. That was always one of my biggest issues with Hearthstone. I wanted something that was over quick and having to wait for the opponent to submit their move each turn was excruciating.
Just realized today that they added a faster speed. There is a 4x now too.
A lot of time is wasted for sure.
No kidding?! I hadn't realized that either. I need to get in at some point and do my weekly land collection.
I watch pretty much all of my games, unless I know exactly why I will win, or why I will lose. Even then - morbid curiosity often makes me watch. Going faster is better for most though.
I do too for brawls. Sometimes I have to slow it down a bit so I can see what actually happened. I get lost sometimes!
That's crazy, almost 30 rounds, haha. I've never seen a card persist in not dying for so long. Congratulations to both of you, great match.
It was a long game, but a fun one to watch from my end - might not have been as fun from the other side :)
Long battles becomes Olivia's domain beginning at level 2 where she gets Mimic and it was always fun watching battles with her looking how many abilities she could get. Even Recharge gets interesting with her but what I really want her to have was Bloodlust.
I have only picked up bloodlust a couple times with her, but it has never triggered! One day though :)
Holy Moly what a game! Haven't seen something like that ever! Thank you for this delight! Even with x4 it's a very, very long game to watch, but worth it :-D
I have had to watch it play through a couple times now, to make sure I get the screen shots. Would be nice if there was a way to skip rounds.
Impressive ability for sure :O
It was a fun round at least :)
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

When soul bound unlocking comes it will be interesting to see how this card behaves. Until then, it's Epic chests all the way for me!
I need to get smarter with the chests I open...
Splinterlands!!! Might be it's not a game for ladies. I've been trying to understand it but I don't
Some of the top players are ladies.
Damn that card seems powerful. Until now I believe that craziest thing I saw in splinterlands was my Ancient Lich gaining(30?) health. I also saw Quora Towershead have (10?) melee and 10 magic attack...But this card seems to be new levels of craziness. What is truly impressive is that it is only epic and not legendary.
I desperatly want to get mine higher than level 1. Such a fun card even when it loses.