I love the explanation of how Hive works, this is something that we need to inform more SPL ppl about. I for one have found it VERY difficult to get my head around Hive , it's been a slow process of discovering one small piece of the jigsaw at a time.
It does not need to be such a slow process .Frankly ,if it were not for SPL, I would never have continued to look into Hive, it's simply far too confusing and the motivation to keep looking is not apparent at first
This podcast added a few more pieces for me , ppl like @azircon have much info they take for granted and automatically make connections in their head that seem obvious to them, the basics need to be explained to others, as these connections are far from obvious to most
Awesome to hear @tarabh and I know that is precisely what Azircon was after in this episode.
It's my understanding that Asgarth & co. at team Peakd are also hard at work at revamping UX/UI - which should help with a lot of this for future generations.
Glad to hear the episode was helpful in digging into Hive for you man!