Weekly challange: Stone Golem

in Splinterlands3 years ago


This week's highlighted monster is the Stone Golem from the Earth splinter. He is a quiet good tank thanks to the shield ability, except when facing magic. Well lets not face magic than, its simple 🤷‍♂ It's an Alpha / Beta released card, with a low circulating supply ~11k, but it is part of the freely playable card set. Therefor everyone can use it at lvl 1, until the Modern format is released.image.png


  • Weak magic
  • 28 mana
  • Fire / Earth / Dragon
The lineup
  • Djinn Chwala
  • Centauri Mage
  • Wood Nymph
  • Stone Golem

My guess was right about the enemy, he favoured Fire splinter with ranged units, because of that i played the Centauri mage, but the Nymph was a bad pick because of opportunity. Djinn Chwala was the main tank, and the Stone Golem is the backline to protect from stealth.


Both team lost his main tank quickly


Centauri Mage dealt with the ranged units just as planned.


Stone golem VS the rest


The low speed caused 2 times a miss, thats why it took till the 11th round to finish, but the Stone Golem dealt with it confidently.

View yourself: The Battle


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21

Your battle was very interesting, however, for another time be a little more specific in how you explain the development of the battle and whether or not you like to use it, answer the relevant challenge questions.

All right, i will try to make a more detailed post next time :)