Thankful for Splinterlands

in Splinterlands2 months ago

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I've known Splinterlands since 2021. I did not take it seriously at first. I thought that the game design was a little clunky compared to other emerging web3 games like Axie Infinity. I turned my attention to other play2earn projects instead and had my fair share of successes and losses. When I finally grew tired of getting rugpulled by deceptive developers, that's when I realized how different Splinterlands really is compared to other games.


While I can't really claim that I am heavily invested financially in the project, I still consider Splinterlands and the entire Hive ecosystem as my digital safehaven. In a world full of greed, I found two people who shared a vision of peace, prosperity, and freedom - Aggroed and Yabapmatt. Here are two individuals who had the chance to milk their player base for huge profits, but chose to establish a DAO fund instead. Rather than pocketing the money, they gave millions of dollars to their community. To be perfectly honest, if I were in their shoes, I would never have done that. I'd go on a one-year luxury cruise or something. That in itself is something unique to Splinterlands, a DAO that is fully funded and has complete authority on what to do with it. In my opinion, that's the true definition of decentralization.


The company had some shortcomings and mistakes as well like the overprinting of in-game assets and the use of funds to branch out to other projects. But through those mistakes, they learned and made corrections. I can say that Splinterlands has matured and is now worlds apart compared to how it was years ago. And it's not like the core game itself is mediocre. The cards and mechanics are very well-designed, and I especially love the Chaos Legion set. The second major game expansion, land, also looks promising with its depth and complexity. All of this is complemented by an ingenious tokenomics that is just waiting for the right moment to activate.

So if I have something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, it would be to Aggroed and Yabapmatt, for giving the gift of Splinterlands. I'm also thankful to the community who continue to believe in the vision and direction of the project despite the numerous setbacks experienced through the years. I wholeheartedly believe that one day, the entire blockchain community will finally recognize all the efforts made here and Splinterlands will be the standard of what a web3 game should aspire to be.

official post here.This has been my entry for @thepeoplesguild's Episode Challenge. If you would also like to join, you can check the

If you're new to Splinterlands and would like to give this game a try, feel free to use my affiliate link here.
Thank you for reading and see you in the battlefield!
Sudeon.jpg 👉👈

 2 months ago  

Wonderful message of thanks here @sudeon! Always appreciate you participating dude. Happy early Thanksgiving!

Thanks. Enjoy the holidays as well.

You just got DUO from @sudeon.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

Thanks for sharing! - @azircon