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Done join bro steve
Wish me luck :)

Thanks for all the good information as always.

!GIF thanks

Always appreciate the breakdowns mate.


!gif Upvote



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Thanks for the recap

!1UP Great recap, there is so much information that we can go crazy!

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thanks for the recap i might purchase some fire magic cards.. also excited with the new 6mana earth summoner card..


Good recap. Thanks for always doing giveaways.

Animated cards sound cool.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Nice to have you back, I need to look closer to that pool screen

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Nice vid. Great to see you back.

ty for the recap

Thanks for the recap.

Thanks Steve, Great recap!

Hope you have a good time away. Let you a comment on youtube explaining why the DEC-SPS and SPS-DEC were split into two buckets even though it's the same DEC-SPS pool on hive.

Nice on quick recap of Townhall sumarize !!!

Difinietely, in for DEC shot.

Posted using Splintertalk

Nice recap.

thanks for the recap

count me in



In Tribal Dex when i press on Liquidity Positions it show 0$ and i have money in it is someone else having same issue Swap.Hive-SPS pool IGN vantoura

Ah, so we can now claim rewards for LPs ingame at last! Impermanent loss is quite an issue to think about though, especially during the recent HIVE pumps.

Looking forward to that EMP partnership! Both SPL and EMP have such a massive presence in their own realms with proven dev teams delivering a financial ecosystem for a bustling community. I look forward to your video on EMP! AJ is such a great guy and I think you will find EMP is great too!

Great to have you back Steve. A good round up of the information as usual. Staked SPS will be very interesting for sure.

The upcoming update of Changing Rank Rewards from DEC to SPS will be interesting. That'll help DEC going back to peg.

ign: abzolutezer0123

thanks for the update. Didn't realise there is a Pool tab in the SPS dashboard. :)

Miss your recaps! 😆 Thanks man!

Thanks for the recap! Long time. 😂

Nice video. Watched the whole thing but can’t help but be super curious about the land. I recently just bought a plot and am so excited! Wonderful to see that it’s 95% completed for one of the segments! Haha

Count me in for the 5000 DEC please! Gonna be a huge help for my deck if I can win that!

Thanks for the great recap, Steve! ;)

Count me in, IGN: dtam

Thank you for the chance :)

Excellent video as always. Great info about the liquidity pools. I would never have spotted the new tab! That's been missing since the airdrop ended.

count me in :)
Thanks for the recap!
IGN: jonacau

Thanks Steve. Gonna have to look into those liquidity pools after all


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @luizeba, @stever82

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Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Great video as always. What is the difference between tribaldex and splinterlands pools. I used tribaldex to stake SWAP.HIVE:VOUCHER and there are rewards shown there, but how do I claim them and whats the difference between the rewards on splinterlands pool page where it shows i can claim SPS.

Little confused, hopefully you can help clear confusion.

thanks steve! happy to see the pool interface..

thank for your content

I'll rather watch your video's than the Townhalls lol, thanks again!

maybe the new partnership games are gonna be better playable for the rest of the family because splinterlands is too complex for them XD

Can't wait for Riftwatchers.
Thank you.


Really excited for the new fire summoner. Art is fantastic! Thanks for the recap as always. IGN: Bluedevil0722

I'm glad to hear you back. I been watching your channel and like a lot of your video's. Please add me to next weeks drawing.

Nice video i really appreciate your effort for making it is very informative, thanks again =)

HSBI for me and good luck all! @hoot9e

HSBI for me and good luck all! @hoot9e

HSBI for me and good luck all! @hoot9e

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