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RE: The Case for Conclave Acana pack prices at 4,000 DEC

in Splinterlands2 months ago

Two points I would like to point out of to you regarding your post. First would be that people were willing to pay $25 a pack for CL because splinterlands was the "IT" TCG crypto game of that bull run and every content creator and their mother were talking about splinterlands everywhere. That is definitely no longer the case. The only actual talk of splinterlands on Youtube is by content creators that were here from the start of the game or during 2021. The $25 price for CL was also able to be earned back with no issue at DEC was so far above peg and SPS was near a dollar. So people were comfortable with spending that kind of money on a game that had incredible hype and was paying out a decent amount.

And as far as rebellion not selling that wasn't only due to the overprinting of CL but due to the community basically losing all faith in the game itself and the team. After multiple missed promised deadlines and fear after the team having two major layoffs. More then anything I would say sentiment kept people away from Rebellion. The mass exodus of a large number of players also had people things this game was on a crazy train to zero.

Just my thoughts though and what do I know


Thanks, these are both valid observations. Apologies for being simplistic in my wording above. The first point was then further complicated by loads of CL packs as rewards and discounted sales.

Your second point is really important though as there was a genuine concern over the survival of Spinterlands for a few months. Many people place the blame of reduced player numbers on the change in game features, and whilst that may have impacted some people, I suspect the bigger driver was fear of the project not surviving. I'm very pleased to see in the last town hall that game finances are back on track and the plan for 2025 is very exciting indeed, as it drives towards, hopefully well timed, effective marketing of the game.

You also have to remember that Chaos Legion was dropped with we had a huge amount of players new to the game so at the time the amount of packs and cards was nowhere near as out of hand as now. Also if they had delivered on land the way it was pitched a lot of Chaos Legion cards would be on land. But land has severely under delivered on thus a low amount of land is being utilized.

They cant really market till they get a few things tightened up and delivered before they can market. And hopefully they do this before the bullrun ends.

I appreciate you great post it was nice chatting with you