My Reward Season 2Days Ago

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Hallo friend!!
Even though I only got 6 cards at the time of the reward session, I was happy. Why do I say happy?
Because it is a free gift, without having to pay.


The following is the card that I got and the card's usefulness:


COMMON Life Monster

Baby Unicorn.png

There has been a Unicorn baby boom in the last few years that has all Khymians nervous. Baby Unicorns are much better natured than their older relatives. They already possess magical powers, but they’re simply adorable, and they do not yet realize that they are sacred. The problem is that they tend to wander wherever they please, often getting themselves into trouble. Terrible cosmic events always happen when a Unicorn is killed, even if the Unicorn is small. With small Unicorns wandering the streets of Shimmer City, the Khymians are on edge.


COMMON Earth Monster

Barking Spider.png

These terrifying Spiders are typically found in the darker parts of the Splintral forests. Not only do they sometimes grow to the size of a whole chicken, but they emit a horrible barking sound all night long, as well as an unpleasant odor.


RARE Life Monster

Silvershield Assassin_gold.png

The Assassins do not openly wear the insignia of the Order of the Silver Shield, for they take on the dirty work, the kind of work that is best forgotten after it is done. Armed with small jagged daggers and throwing knives, Silver Shield Assassins kill with the silence of a nightfall over the Khymeve Meadows. They never take prisoners.


COMMON Fire Monster

Ettin Spearman.png

The Ettin are a tribe of mutated primitives in the Burning Lands. Many of them have two heads, an extra limb or an inexplicable tail, but they are all freakishly strong. They dig holes for fun, and they communicate with a completely indecipherable series of grunts and moans. Burning Lands scholars are not even sure that the Ettin understand each other. The Ettin are very observant however of when they are being made fun of or ridiculed for their idiocy. They are a sensitive people.


COMMON Neutral Monster

Gelatinous Cube.png

One night when the moons were full, the renegades of the Lunta Kalna performed a secret and powerful ritual. Their ceremony called forth forces of wind, rain and hail; for the first time ever in recorded history, there was a hailstorm in Draykh-Nahka. Except it wasn’t only hail that fell from the sky that night. There were also a small number of strange Cubes that seemed to be alive. They have the look of ice, but upon contact with most objects, the surface of the Cube turns to jelly and absorbs the object, rather noisily. It is assumed that this is how the Cubes eat. When attacked, Gelatinous Cubes can make their outer shell as hard as solid ice for a short time. They can also alter their size to some degree, swelling up and increasing their power, depending on how much they have absorbed that day.


COMMON Life Monster

Warrior of Peace.png

The Peacebringers are the underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield in Khymeria, and the Warriors of Peace are their writers. They have proven time and time again that the greatest weapons are written, not thrown, loosed or swung.

And I also got 300 DEC, this is truly extraordinary.

I play @splinterlands or @steemmonster not for profit, but only for entertainment purposes.