This is so Stupid. Who would want to drop 2k for this Shit? Waka Flocka Who??? Why is Waka Flocka worth that kind of investment? Reality Check.. He's Not!!
talk about a cash grab on Waka Flocka's part. Next you guys are gonna go after who? Snoop Dog?? He owns Death Row now. So there is a Whole catalog of rappers you can go on to exploit for NFT revenues. I can already see the Death cards becoming the new Meta if you were gonna do something that ridiculously bold. DEATH ROW'S DOGPOUND is the name of the series. Go make that happen before Waka Flocka tanks in the community because no one cares who he is.
By the way, I'm being sarcastic. Terrible Choice in creating a Waka Flocka NFT. I hope sales go no where on this card.
Maxed out summoner that grants entire party poison... Thats a game changer and if you arent brain dead will return your investment in a short time. If I had the money to spend atm I would regardless of whose picture is one it....
then dont get it? just because you dont know who someone is doesnt mean that everyone else dont. smh