Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!



Please Note:
We are changing the deadline of submissions to 2 days before the post pays out (Sunday at 12 pm CDT). This is so our curators have time to curate all the entries before the next challenge gets posted thanks!


👉 Let's get SPLINTERLANDS trending!

We want your best, most exciting posts about Splinterlands! Got a battle that is too good not to share? Have you created something amazing? Do you have thoughts on stats, cards, abilities, gameplay? We want it all! And we want it to be awesome.

Make sure you tag #splinterlands and #play2earn when sharing outside of HIVE!

Speaking of...

Where should you share it?!

Literally, anywhere. Here are some examples to get you started:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Medium
  • Youtube
  • Publish0x
  • Tumblr
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat

There are TONS of places out there! Share! Share! Share!

How do YOU get an upvote?

  • Create AMAZING Splinterlands content on the HIVE blockchain.
    • It should obviously be Splinterlands content. We want to reward our Splinterlands community.
  • Make it look good. Need help formatting?
  • 👉Include your Splinterlands referral link!
    • This is required. You must give your viewers/readers a path to the Splinterlands. Note: Battle links already include your referral. 💪
  • TAG it #splinterlands and #play2earn. (Let's get TRENDING!!)
  • Include a link to your shared post and your HIVE post in a comment below.

DEADLINE: Sunday at 12 pm CDT

Voting Quantity

You can get a MAX of 2 upvotes per week. Please only enter TWO posts a week. This includes the Battle Challenge. Take your time. Make them awesome. 😍

Anyone found using more than one account to enter the contest will be muted in the community and banned from all curation and the possibility for participation in future contests.

Please note: Upvotes are not guaranteed and are up to the curator's discretion.

Manual Curation

That's right! Splinterlands/steemmonsters is manually curating (upvoting) your posts! We currently are working with 12 amazing community curators, plus official team members also have the 'powers' to upvote! We (the curation team) work together to try to upvote in order of entry. Sometimes we get a couple of days behind, just so we can let the VP heal in order to give larger upvote values. Make sure you drop your links within a day or two of posting so we can get to it. If you ever have any questions or concerns DO reach out. And as always, thank you for creating amazing content and sharing Splinterlands with the world! 😍

Curators are rewarded with higher upvotes on their posts and are allowed up to three per week, rather than two. This is our way of saying "Thank you!"





Rewards for this post are burned.🔥

Social Media Challenge Graphic by @diego1306

Splinterlands divider by @freeztag

There are 4 pages

Here's my entry!!


Hive: https://peakd.com/@luizeba/splinterlands-strategy-guide-ruleset-explosive

NoiseCash: https://noise.cash/post/3gqp824ajv879

TORUM: https://www.torum.com/post/6296762d92735300148b3851


Reddit: ~~~ embed:NFT/comments/v1ywm4/splinterlands_strategy_guide_ruleset_explosive/ reddit metadata:fE5GVHxodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvTkZUL2NvbW1lbnRzL3YxeXdtNC9zcGxpbnRlcmxhbmRzX3N0cmF0ZWd5X2d1aWRlX3J1bGVzZXRfZXhwbG9zaXZlL3w= ~~~

Curated by Cieliss

My Twitter post for this week's original Reward Edition card giveaway:


Hello would like to submit mine:

Peakd: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@pix21/splinterlands-12-brand-new-reward-cards-3-of-them-legendaries

cft[0]=AZWlaVwcJ4p1LgTMQSrOv2G6iroIUv-ecDZTGOiPxxNKNX8eTkOx6NZEHRZs393SN9lW9FyS9iicTox0tB0aRka3ewxHtyOzn2YUja8MEZyrnjHokjQ51PCabx5Wc5VYUpxD9Bj5BRcNJJTz91JyqybVNU1_WX-j_aaqB9pFzl5tQGGWkPJioHTLeXJAlBfhXtqWqqj3xsDrcMasefxQTly4&tn=%2CO%2CP-RFb: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02xj2a4fqEUkWg6cSvXCLDdFseEGBGkHXscbQao5HsFGQ7SV1xxSQLEN143EvRVzfdl&id=109210824920016&


Curated by @lenonmc21

Thanks for the curation

Title: Sponsoring Singapore Splinterlands Players

Hive blog: https://hive.blog/hive-167922/@namelessnameless/sponsoring-singapore-splinterlands-players

Twitter: ~~~ embed:1532074134460858368?s=20&t=X-Q2GvCod6_BCs6HNbNZag twitter metadata:TmFtZWxlc3NuYW1lMXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9OYW1lbGVzc25hbWUxL3N0YXR1cy8xNTMyMDc0MTM0NDYwODU4MzY4fA== ~~~

The deadline has already occurred. Please resubmit your entry in a new challenge!

Curated by Cieliss

hi, this is my entry for this week

peakd: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@dewabrata/splinterlands--weekly-giveaway-017-ends-5-june-special-edition

~~~ embed:1531000745230991361?s=20&t=EoB1AkVJ8o-xGYi4wfca6Q twitter metadata:REtfUDJFfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0RLX1AyRS9zdGF0dXMvMTUzMTAwMDc0NTIzMDk5MTM2MXw= ~~~

Hi there!
Here's my post for this week's Social Media Challenge:

Hive: https://leofinance.io/@parmengo/splinterlands-social-media-challenge-worst-rewards-ever


Hello @parmengo, I recommend you to improve your content in order to achieve great support from the community, I hope you understand.

Looking forward to your input
Thanks!Hello @cieliss I’d be very happy to improve my content but need a bit more guidance. Does it need to be longer? More images? Is the subject an issue?

Hi @parmengo thanks for understanding, if you clearly need more effort, in my profile you will find a post where I explain how to improve the content in splinterlands.

Hello everyone,

I have made a post about tips and trick on how to pass bronze league with minimum cost.
Check out this post because there is a rare card giveaway❤️. I hope you like the sharing knowledge as well as the giveaway~

Here is the link on Hive Blockchain :


And here is my shared post on Twitter :

~~~ embed:1531830266628476930?t=dtkVsB7vkTwjWIPi6t8Cwg&s=09 twitter metadata:UXVlZW5TaWx2aWExMDB8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUXVlZW5TaWx2aWExMDAvc3RhdHVzLzE1MzE4MzAyNjY2Mjg0NzY5MzB8 ~~~

Hi checking your account, I saw that you have no introduction post yet, I invite you to read these two posts.

Making an introduction post will help curators have more confidence in voting for you.

Dear @cieliss , Here is my introduction post :


I have uploaded at May 8th 2022. Could you check it please? thank you

Twitter: ~~~ embed:1531834636669624320?s=20&t=1AUgeOoMZ3tx31Wh1UfeXQ twitter metadata:bG9sMTMzMDk2MTN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vbG9sMTMzMDk2MTMvc3RhdHVzLzE1MzE4MzQ2MzY2Njk2MjQzMjB8 ~~~Peak D: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@pandachef/social-media-challenge-162022-new-gameplay-for-you

Hi @pandachef could you tell me what is the relationship with this account please @namelessnameless.

Previously, lenonmc21 also asked similar question. This is the reply that was given. Hope this will answer your question.@cieliss

"Hi Lenon, I had setup a discord community to support Singaporean Splinterlands players. To have a brief understanding, you can also refer to one of my old blog.

(The old chat history should be there)You can also join our discord to check/verification. Metafrens: https://discord.gg/jhTQC6Ub

The Splinterlands players tends to hang out at the discord #play2earn channel and the singaporean Splinterlands players also chat at the sub "#sg chat" under the main channel #off-topic.

As I joins Splinterlands earlier than the others, so I tend to give some supports for the local community like

provide EOS CP (since I have some surplus)
delegate HP to those request (usually they have lack of RC due to ton of rental activities)
holding private tournament to practice the skills(There should be at least 5 metafrens private tournament host under my name so far, @pandachef has been a regular participants for the metafrens tournaments) Beside delegation of 10HP to @pandachef, I also have delegated

50HP to @genming 10HP to @thesseum 5HP to @vaynard86 Although there is yet to have a local gathering for the Singaporean Splinterlands to verify each discord/hive account, from my own database, @pandachef has an alt acc which is @pandclan. These players tends to tell me their alt accounts so as to benefit from the supports.

Hope this can get your understanding."

He is a friend from one of the discord group

You can look at this post which was ask before

Hello Friends! For my entry into the social media challenge I did a recap / guide of my first day with the new ranked rewards system where I had a Life Focus!

Peakd - https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@mondroid/day-1-ranked-rewards-results-my-strategy-for-the-life-focus-how-many-chests-can-i-get

Publish0x - https://www.publish0x.com/mondroid-splinterlands/day-1-ranked-rewards-results-my-strategy-for-the-life-focus-xvmegxx

Curated by Cieliss

Thanks so much Cieliss!

Hi Splinters!

My post Not Financial Advice has a big section about Splinterlands at the end. I talk about my Splinterland activities during a bear market, my predictions to both SPS and the card market and the things I'm excited about on the Splinterlands roadmap:


This post was also shared on my personal blog:


Also Pinterest:


And on MG.Social:


Thanks so much!

Hi Splinters!

My post Not Financial Advice has a big section about Splinterlands at the end. I talk about my Splinterland activities during a bear market, my predictions to both SPS and the card market and the things I'm excited about on the Splinterlands roadmap:

Curated by @lenonmc21

Thank you so much Lenon!

Buenas a todos, aqui esta mi post:


~~~ embed:1531848732127465473?s=20&t=cJcZ122bBdPT9bExPd44BQ twitter metadata:RW1ldmVsZV98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vRW1ldmVsZV8vc3RhdHVzLzE1MzE4NDg3MzIxMjc0NjU0NzN8 ~~~

~~~ embed:1531850043052916736?s=20&t=W9fW9VjcFWebvD8rLbOWqA twitter metadata:Z3IzM25tYXN0ZXJ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vZ3IzM25tYXN0ZXIvc3RhdHVzLzE1MzE4NTAwNDMwNTI5MTY3MzZ8 ~~~


My entry for sosial media challenge with the news rule

~~~ embed:1531858196129665024?s=20&t=EE2RFIIbQk2j1UGWtFHslA twitter metadata:QW5nZ2FOdWdyYWhhYTd8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQW5nZ2FOdWdyYWhhYTcvc3RhdHVzLzE1MzE4NTgxOTYxMjk2NjUwMjR8 ~~~

Hola amigos aquí dejo mi participación, muchas gracias de antemano y bendiciones.


participación https://peakd.com/@ofemar23/mi-primer-weekly-challenge-cruel-sethropod-es-en

Curated by Cieliss

Here's my post


~~~ embed:1531872237720113153?s=20&t=y97bCOHTfMDBMZhEQd9sNQ twitter metadata:dnZfZ20yfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3Z2X2dtMi9zdGF0dXMvMTUzMTg3MjIzNzcyMDExMzE1M3w= ~~~

Gracias por la actividad, aquí comparto mis entradas correspondientes de esta semana:


Twitter Estoy ansioso por la nueva actualización :)

My entry:

Peakd: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@reppilc/naga-windmaster-an-ability-thats-hard-to-find

Twitter: ~~~ embed:1531388536733286401?s=20&t=PEzDZrdyJ4myay-wsBk10Q twitter metadata:Tm9TZWk5Mzk5ODg2MXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Ob1NlaTkzOTk4ODYxL3N0YXR1cy8xNTMxMzg4NTM2NzMzMjg2NDAxfA== ~~~

My Contribution for this week:

~~~ embed:1531904483357298691?s=20&t=C7tbNl_0-EB4sfOTbnjI6w twitter metadata:Vmpla19JY2h8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vVmpla19JY2gvc3RhdHVzLzE1MzE5MDQ0ODMzNTcyOTg2OTF8 ~~~


~~~ embed:1531909894877618176?s=20&t=RL-p-n_7kIGGwWvp13NMhQ twitter metadata:R2hvc3RseUJHfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0dob3N0bHlCRy9zdGF0dXMvMTUzMTkwOTg5NDg3NzYxODE3Nnw= ~~~PeakD:https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@ghostlybg/analysis-8th-full-season-in-splinterlands-rewards-and-stats-silver-i--season-end-rewards-and-stats-for-my-alt-account-bronze

Exciting times for Splinterlands!

Here's my post for this weeks challenge. I talk about the new legendary Chaos Legion summoner and what the other's might look like. I shared it on Publish0x and Torum.



Hey Team, today i participate for the first time in the socialmedia challenge, here is my little contribution.


PeakD: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@captainloken/splinterlands-social-media-challenge-or-around-the-world-with-a-djinn-de-en

Twitter: ~~~ embed:1531923020071198720?s=20&t=ANWeCQEQhfjAfctLdopzCw twitter metadata:TG9rZW5DYXB0YWlufHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0xva2VuQ2FwdGFpbi9zdGF0dXMvMTUzMTkyMzAyMDA3MTE5ODcyMHw= ~~~

my contribution this week:

#splinterlands #play2earn #cryptogaming #blockchaingaming

Here is my entry for the week

Referral: https://splinterlands.com?ref=rayius


~~~ embed:1531934626788220929?s=20&t=U_H3ka2PCVibQFgM2IIrJA twitter metadata:UmF5aXVzNXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9SYXlpdXM1L3N0YXR1cy8xNTMxOTM0NjI2Nzg4MjIwOTI5fA== ~~~

Cool and rehived :-)

Here is my entry for the social media challenge!



~~~ embed:1531953823089975297?t=cf6a5kca-SJbmo2hjireXg&s=19 twitter metadata:TXl0aGljaXplcjI3fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL015dGhpY2l6ZXIyNy9zdGF0dXMvMTUzMTk1MzgyMzA4OTk3NTI5N3w= ~~~

Social Media Challenge https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@spongebob27/which-is-better-frozen-soldier-vs-serpent-of-eld

Social Media Challenge

My PeakD post :


Twitter Post :

~~~ embed:1531966406589198336?s=20&t=LqaXFk8BGd-_fuF4EvSQew twitter metadata:eHlrb3Jsenx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS94eWtvcmx6L3N0YXR1cy8xNTMxOTY2NDA2NTg5MTk4MzM2fA== ~~~

Hello everyone,

I have made a post about tips and trick on how to pass bronze league with minimum cost.
Check out this post because there is a rare card giveaway❤️. I hope you like the sharing knowledge as well as the giveaway~

Here is the link on Hive Blockchain :


And here is my shared post on Twitter :

~~~ embed:1531830266628476930?t=dtkVsB7vkTwjWIPi6t8Cwg&s=09 twitter metadata:UXVlZW5TaWx2aWExMDB8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUXVlZW5TaWx2aWExMDAvc3RhdHVzLzE1MzE4MzAyNjY2Mjg0NzY5MzB8 ~~~

My first entry

Second and last entry

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Here’s my entry this week.

Post: https://ecency.com/hive-13323/@arbalestarx7/splinterlands-reward-system-changes

Twitter: ~~~ embed:1532002558532648962?s=20&t=OSFbR1C2IbK_DuCSFVTIKw twitter metadata:Sko5ODg2Nzg3NXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9KSjk4ODY3ODc1L3N0YXR1cy8xNTMyMDAyNTU4NTMyNjQ4OTYyfA== ~~~

My Hive & Splinterlands Financial Report posted on:

Twitter: ~~~ embed:1531670804253089794?s=20&t=MhK3TWVX0QkC-Kj0pd0IWQ twitter metadata:bWFyaW84OTQ4ODQzMDU4fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL21hcmlvODk0ODg0MzA1OC9zdGF0dXMvMTUzMTY3MDgwNDI1MzA4OTc5NHw= ~~~ PeakD: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@mario89/my-hive-and-splinterlands-financial-report-4-may-2022-gereng

There are 4 pages