Please Note:
We are changing the deadline of submissions to 2 days before the post pays out (Sunday at 12 pm CDT). This is so our curators have time to curate all the entries before the next challenge gets posted thanks!
👉 Let's get SPLINTERLANDS trending!
We want your best, most exciting posts about Splinterlands! Got a battle that is too good not to share? Have you created something amazing? Do you have thoughts on stats, cards, abilities, gameplay? We want it all! And we want it to be awesome.
Make sure you tag #splinterlands and #play2earn when sharing outside of HIVE!
Speaking of...
Where should you share it?!

Literally, anywhere. Here are some examples to get you started:
- Medium
- Youtube
- Publish0x
- Tumblr
- Snapchat

How do YOU get an upvote?
- Create AMAZING Splinterlands content on the HIVE blockchain.
- It should obviously be Splinterlands content. We want to reward our Splinterlands community.
- Make it look good. Need help formatting?
- Check out this ULTIMATE MARKDOWN TUTORIAL. Use it. Trust me. 😎
- This may also come in handy : Splinterlands Card Images by Level
- 👉Include your Splinterlands referral link!
- This is required. You must give your viewers/readers a path to the Splinterlands. Note: Battle links already include your referral. 💪
- TAG it #splinterlands and #play2earn. (Let's get TRENDING!!)
- Include a link to your shared post and your HIVE post in a comment below.
DEADLINE: Sunday at 12 pm CDT
Voting Quantity
You can get a MAX of 2 upvotes per week. Please only enter TWO posts a week. This includes the Battle Challenge. Take your time. Make them awesome. 😍
Anyone found using more than one account to enter the contest will be muted in the community and banned from all curation and the possibility for participation in future contests.
Please note: Upvotes are not guaranteed and are up to the curator's discretion.
Manual Curation
That's right! Splinterlands/steemmonsters is manually curating (upvoting) your posts! We currently are working with 12 amazing community curators, plus official team members also have the 'powers' to upvote! We (the curation team) work together to try to upvote in order of entry. Sometimes we get a couple of days behind, just so we can let the VP heal in order to give larger upvote values. Make sure you drop your links within a day or two of posting so we can get to it. If you ever have any questions or concerns DO reach out. And as always, thank you for creating amazing content and sharing Splinterlands with the world! 😍
Curators are rewarded with higher upvotes on their posts and are allowed up to three per week, rather than two. This is our way of saying "Thank you!"


Rewards for this post are burned.🔥
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well! This is my entry for this week:
Guild Brawl Battle Gameplay
Guild Brawl Battle Report and Gameplay
https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@shikiphantom/splinterlands-guild-brawl-battle-report-for-april-16-2022 https://www.facebook.com/shikiphantom/photos/a.103201538984098/124191193551799
I hope you like it! Stay safe always and God bless!
Thank you so much! 😁
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Thanks for sharing! Great battle report and feedback, good job!
Thank you so muchhhhhhhhh!!!
This is my contribution to this week's Social Media Challenge. This time it's all about the Scattershot Ability. I hope you like it! :)
Hive: https://hive.blog/hive-167922/@ga38jem/splinterlands-beginner-s-guide-scattershot-ability
Twitter: ~~~ embed:1516498489072627714?s=20&t=L4mmu0sgPJSZznyOQWV3ug twitter metadata:Z2EzOGplbXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9nYTM4amVtL3N0YXR1cy8xNTE2NDk4NDg5MDcyNjI3NzE0fA== ~~~
Posted using Splintertalk
Curated by @cieliss
I wrote a post about the Usefulness of Ruler of the Seas in Water Splinter Battles. I hope it is good.
My second and last Splinterlands Articles shared in this edition of the Social Media challenge

~~~ embed:1516689138019409922?s=20&t=ZncDcsAN9TaUlhSw6nhK2w twitter metadata:b2FkaXNzaW58fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vb2FkaXNzaW4vc3RhdHVzLzE1MTY2ODkxMzgwMTk0MDk5MjJ8 ~~~
Thank you for this opportunity
This is my post:
~~~ embed:1516455308671045634?s=20&t=z6_f5HredNIGWiNKxHDGXA twitter metadata:RW1ldmVsZV98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vRW1ldmVsZV8vc3RhdHVzLzE1MTY0NTUzMDg2NzEwNDU2MzR8 ~~~
My original post :
My Tweet :
Here's my entry!!
Hive: https://peakd.com/@luizeba/splinterlands-strategy-guide-ruleset-up
NoiseCash: https://noise.cash/post/zxr39q9t57kp3
TORUM: https://www.torum.com/post/625ee9f5d7368a38b76c8e05
Hi bros, my contribution this week.
~~~ embed:1516463869560070145?t=Y6bDuqQRJzE2hoIAPwEYIg&s=19 twitter metadata:VGhlYm9nZXltYW42ODl8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vVGhlYm9nZXltYW42ODkvc3RhdHVzLzE1MTY0NjM4Njk1NjAwNzAxNDV8 ~~~
My post:
hola este es mi post... gracias por todo
wow tks so much!!
Wrote about my must rent EPIC cards for the Gold League!
Hope this helps new players or players wanting to progress to the gold league!
Shared on Twitter: PeakD: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@splurgee/favorite-epic-cards-for-gold-league
My submission this week guys, thanks for reading

(When live)Hive: https://peakd.com/hive-102223/@cryptoniusrex/cryptonius-over-15k-matches-manually-played-splinterlands-giveaway-bonanza-details-insideTwitter: ~~~ embed:1516311735870783488?s=20&t=MlaoFUlG93f8lxeWftIqtw twitter metadata:Y3J5cHRvbml1c3JleHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9jcnlwdG9uaXVzcmV4L3N0YXR1cy8xNTE2MzExNzM1ODcwNzgzNDg4fA== ~~~
Hi team!
I wrote about the tokenomics of Splinterlands in comparison to Axie Infinity:
This was also published on my blog:
On Twitter:
On Pinterest:
and on MG.Social (https://web.mg.social/). You need a Coil Membership to access that site but just in case you have one you can find it here: https://web.mg.social/u/AussieNinja
It's all about community!
Thank you so much Mango Juice!
new week, new social media challenge... here is my entry
peakd: https://peakd.com/hive-131619/@dewabrata/splinterlands--weekly-giveaway-012-ends-23-april
~~~ embed:1516065981172690946?s=20&t=mZUfO90BE5_1BJ7qOG5KDA twitter metadata:REtfUDJFfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0RLX1AyRS9zdGF0dXMvMTUxNjA2NTk4MTE3MjY5MDk0Nnw= ~~~
~~~ embed:1515102778749763586?s=20&t=Xx12AHZ_CED644LDomurrA twitter metadata:R2hvc3RseUJHfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0dob3N0bHlCRy9zdGF0dXMvMTUxNTEwMjc3ODc0OTc2MzU4Nnw= ~~~peakD: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@ghostlybg/analysis-5th-full-season-in-splinterlands-rewards-and-stats-silver-ii--season-end-rewards-and-stats-for-my-alt-account-bronz
Hey, here is my entry for this week. 🙃
Here is my entry for this Social Media Challenge as I have reached a great milestone: Splinterlands - Staking SPS like crazy and surpassed 50,000 tokens.
Reddit: ~~~ embed:Splinterlands/comments/u6iz2e/splinterlands_staking_sps_like_crazy_and/ reddit metadata:fFNwbGludGVybGFuZHN8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL1NwbGludGVybGFuZHMvY29tbWVudHMvdTZpejJlL3NwbGludGVybGFuZHNfc3Rha2luZ19zcHNfbGlrZV9jcmF6eV9hbmQvfA== ~~~
Hive: https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@behiver/splinterlands-staking-sps-like-crazy-and-surpassed-50-000-tokens Noise.cash: https://noise.cash/post/w8pj8k7h6wm3
Here my post to this week
new week, new content, lets go.
PeakD: https://peakd.com/@norseland/voce-nao-vai-passar-linha-de-frente-tanks-e-afins Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=3010887205819783&id=100006955997985
This week I want to talk about a must-have card in Splinterlands Furious Chicken.
Peakd: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@javivisan/put-a-furious-chicken-in-your-life-en-es
Here is my entry!
Referral: https://splinterlands.com?ref=rayius
~~~ embed:1516454174103248907?s=20&t=_nMkWiJr6VB9bpNESaaYOA twitter metadata:UmF5aXVzNXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9SYXlpdXM1L3N0YXR1cy8xNTE2NDU0MTc0MTAzMjQ4OTA3fA== ~~~
"How to monetize with splinterlands?"
Thanks for upvote! Hive link: https://ecency.com/hive-127515/@lipe100dedos/pt-en-como-rentabilizar-com Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/filipe.valentim.144/posts/5090877114314237
Wrote up a little newbie article on rewards. Might do it more often as it was kind of fun going through the rewards. Plus with the upcoming changes to rewards I think a good comparison type article would do well which I want to heavily promote to attract new people into the game.
Anyways here's the article - https://www.splintertalk.io/@ggbits/this-is-why-i-love
Thank you Yonilkar appreciate the support!
Hi, this is my contribution for this week!
~~~ embed:1516102160777367559?s=20&t=yxnL9coou28RtW5PErdD8Q twitter metadata:Vmpla19JY2h8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vVmpla19JY2gvc3RhdHVzLzE1MTYxMDIxNjA3NzczNjc1NTl8 ~~~
I have written about my first experiences of joining a Guild and entering a Brawl.

My Twitter Post: ~~~ embed:1516463510615691269?s=20&t=ci-CdpJnipp2Nvkbpw3a9g twitter metadata:SG9sZGVjazQ3fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0hvbGRlY2s0Ny9zdGF0dXMvMTUxNjQ2MzUxMDYxNTY5MTI2OXw= ~~~
PeakD Post: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@holdeck/splinterlands-i-joined-a-guild-and-you-should-too
First entry for the week:
PeakD - https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@kuhnchun/chaos-legion-investment-or-1233percent-after-three-months
Twitter -
This week post is about a big whale....
Peakd: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@danideuder/baakjira-analysis-the-big-whale-en-esp
this is my entry:
Curated by @cieliss
my first entry
hive post - https://hive.blog/hive-13323/@realsort/toatcpdc
twitter post - ~~~ embed:1516178747216433155?s=20&t=tepEe3Govt3Jx5-njuQ12w twitter metadata:UmVhbHNvcnRFbHlhc3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9SZWFsc29ydEVseWFzL3N0YXR1cy8xNTE2MTc4NzQ3MjE2NDMzMTU1fA== ~~~
Curated by @cieliss
Curated by @cieliss
Here's my Twitter post about my new out-of-print Reward Edition card giveaway.
Curated by @cieliss
Hi guys and girls,
here's my post for this weeks challenge. It's the third part of my "5 tips for beginners" series.
I shared it on Publish0x and Torum. Hope ya'll like it.
Curated by @cieliss
Curated by @cieliss
My entry:
Peakd: https://peakd.com/hive-177682/@reppilc/my-experience-using-yodin-zaku
Twitter: ~~~ embed:1515813964243943428?s=20&t=mH7ZUPuHkjyyRpG11CExEQ twitter metadata:Tm9TZWk5Mzk5ODg2MXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Ob1NlaTkzOTk4ODYxL3N0YXR1cy8xNTE1ODEzOTY0MjQzOTQzNDI4fA== ~~~
Curated by @cieliss
~~~ embed:1516559325988282378 twitter metadata:WW9uaWxrYXI3Nzd8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vWW9uaWxrYXI3Nzcvc3RhdHVzLzE1MTY1NTkzMjU5ODgyODIzNzh8 ~~~
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
@ashikstd vai amar post vot pai na keno ?
Post e lekha achey eta vai. Upvotes are not guaranteed.
ato kosto kore watercolor diya kaj kori taw upvote pabo na . akhon ki kora jay vai jodi aktu bolten
koshto korlei upvote paben amon guaranty kono community te nei vai. apnar koshter kaj hoyto curator der pochondo hocche na.
r upvote jehetu guaranteed na so miss jetei pare.
my entry https://hive.blog/hive-13323/@jos3lider/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-end-of-season
Posted using Splintertalk
Publish0x: https://www.publish0x.com/splinterlands-card-game/splinterlands-sharing-my-eos-rewards-xelqver Peakd: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@freeztag/splinterlands-or-sharing-my-eos-rewards
Curated by @cieliss
Heres my entries for the week:
Thanks @hoosie
Posted using Splintertalk
Curated by @cieliss
Hello, Dear and Great Friends of Splinterlands, here my entry for this week...
My Peakd Post:
My Tweet Post:
Curated by @cieliss
My post about last 100 days of the SPLINTERLANDS airdrop.
Hello, i noticed that you're new here at our community. I recommend to you to read that post @castleberry/how-to-get-a-great-start-on-hive-2 and also do a #introduceyourself post to the curators be more confident in upvote you.
How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain
How To Get A Great Start on Hive 2
My entry for this weeks challenge:
Looking at the performance of my archmage Bot:
PeakD: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@kheldar1982/deen-earning-in-splinterlands-without-actually-playing-my-march-income-from-the-archmage-bot
Twitter: ~~~ embed:1516525779835932678?s=20&t=DLwqcg_r-v8Ys0rdHCGKIw twitter metadata:SGVsZERlckFyYmVpdDgyfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0hlbGREZXJBcmJlaXQ4Mi9zdGF0dXMvMTUxNjUyNTc3OTgzNTkzMjY3OHw= ~~~
Hello, checked your account and I noticed that you don't have a presentation post, I recommend to you to read that post @ castleberry/how-to-get-a-great-start-on-hive-2 and also do a #introduceyourself post to the curators be more confident in upvote you.
In my very first post I did some introdutction but it seems I did not follow the recommendations. What is the big difference. Who is reading such a post when it would be more than 3 month old?
I am willing to do. Just want to know whats the difference. Always thought this is a more anonymous plattform.
And up to now, I always got an upvote from a Splinterlands Curator. But thanks for the hint.
The big difference is that "Upvotes are not guaranteed and are up to the curator's discretion" and splinterlands curators are watching over some things now while curating and having a proper introduction post is one of those things.
All fine for me. So this was an official aks to do this post. This is fine for me.
Thank you for this information. So in the future you will look through all posts someone made to find the introduction one?
I do not understand how this will work, but I can do it no problem. If this is to make sure, there are no Bots, triing to farm curation its even more fine for me.
I don't think it's going to happen like this. We'll mainly focus on new accounts for such things and if someone from the curation team wishes to look through all posts then it's fine.
Yeah, it's for that.
Than you know, that I am not a Bot. 😉
Still I am going to do a post like that.
Did not want to write to many things about me on hive, but why not.
~~~ embed:1516528652887994379?t=wL9GMt72JMS8Uk3BDh4ogg&s=19 twitter metadata:TWVhbkNsb3dueXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9NZWFuQ2xvd255L3N0YXR1cy8xNTE2NTI4NjUyODg3OTk0Mzc5fA== ~~~
Hello, checked your account and I noticed that you don't have a presentation post, I recommend to you to read that post @castleberry/how-to-get-a-great-start-on-hive-2 and also do a #introduceyourself post to the curators be more confident in upvote you.
I followed your advice and this is my introduction post.😄
How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain
How To Get A Great Start on Hive 2
Thanks for the info, I'll do it.
My participation this week.
~~~ embed:1516533834078167054?s=20&t=VKumyA2pVJ6uZSra_rxAoA twitter metadata:Y2FybG1maXZlfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2NhcmxtZml2ZS9zdGF0dXMvMTUxNjUzMzgzNDA3ODE2NzA1NHw= ~~~
~~~ embed:1516534783626592256 twitter metadata:RWxGaW5vTkZUfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0VsRmlub05GVC9zdGF0dXMvMTUxNjUzNDc4MzYyNjU5MjI1Nnw= ~~~