You lazy-arse monsters, doing nothing other than sitting in my account gathering dust, get to work, I say… GET TO WORK!
If you rent out any Splinterlands cards you might have noticed a sharp drop in daily revenue. If your cards are from the Chaos League expansion or worse the recently out-of-print reward cards, then it may have hit you like a brick.
Summoners will no longer be required to stake on Land', I was feverishly collecting them, and creating mostly L2 and L3 variants.I tend to dump all my spares in the account and before Splinterlands dropped the bomb... which was, '
...'Many 'Kelya Frendul' premium core summoners doing absolutely nothing..., fucking ridiculous!'...
Due to this controversial decision, the value has plummeted even though they are of decent stock and are now out-of-print (OOP). Even the best regular summoner 'Kelya Frendul' does not rent at lower levels.
The rent value is added by SplinterRents so I know these rates are competitive, but no takers? What the fuck is going on; does nobody play at a low level anymore?
I can't do with my assets sitting around doing nothing so figured it was time to upgrade @dismayedworld (my only play account) to compete a little better in the Diamond League.
I know of other players with L5 summoners who reach this league without issue, and @dismayedworld regularly reaches Diamond I by the end of the season. Should this be happening? it doesn't sound quite right.
I had many Tarsa, Thaddeus Brood, and Obsidian summoners in the same situation as those Kelysa Frendul; all staying in bed until 2 pm, playing cards, smoking joints, and visiting the local brothel daily. This just won't do.
I whipped up a few and created three lots of L7 summoners. I don't play Life so General Sloan is safe at the moment. At least one of those pink pigs is doing some work.
The Legendary summoners will take a little more work but will need to be MAXXED to L4 for this to work. For the most part, my spares are doing work, though not bringing in enormous amounts of DEC.
Upgrading from L6 to L7 allows one more level of monster to be used EXCEPT Epic. I took the viewpoint of efficiently looking at this. What can I upgrade from my lazy monster repository while gaining the most benefit?
Expecting all my spare Cursed Windeku's to be rented out, I was shocked to see them doing bugger all like many of my other L2 and L3 monsters. Everyone uses this card as a tank, he's the Modern version of Haunted Spirit, right?
25BCX was not going to be a problem and 25% more damage was a significant upgrade. What else could I find in a similar vein?
Silent Sha-Vi was another one. Does nobody want to rent an L3 version of this staple? It's a strong sneaker, hits hard, and for another 80BCX, 25% harder again!
It appears nobody plays in the Bronze league anymore, or are the cards so cheap everyone buys them?
I was shocked to see Cursed Windeku 1BCX for 22c. I bought many of these for $1 although it was some time ago, and it's the most expensive rare outside of Thaddeus.
Lira the Dark was another one. A L7 Summoner can handle MAX-level Legendary monsters, and at $1.66 per BCX Lira delivers. She's a seriously good card and one I use a lot. I will take that 25% extra damage and win some more battles.
All this upgrading is time-consuming, but quite enjoyable More so when I don't have to spend anything, but simply drag those idling monsters out of the bar, hose them down, and get them working for their living.
If you still believe in Splinterlands, upgrading your play league with OOP cards on the cheap seems like a good idea. Now the gloss of Land has faded somewhat, the rewards cards are also looking like good value again. I will be looking next at those.
Splinterlands seriously need to look at attracting new blood; attracting new players. For them, this is the cheapest I have seen the game since before the explosion in August 2021.
Does anyone still want to play this blockchain game anymore? it’s a proper game and you can’t say that for many of the others.
- Own assets, and earn currency while playing one of the oldest, most established Crypto Games, Splinterlands

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I have an account I run with archmage in silver. Rented a kelya for it and over the span of 1 week, it wasn't used a single time so I dropped it off.
I used to make $300 per day in rentals. Not I have a ton more cards than I had then and I don't make $1 anymore. The team is convinced that the answer is getting them all combined because "there's only 15,000 (or whatever) copies of each CL card at max." That might matter if we had 15k people playing maxed decks but we don't. So now we just have an overabundance of maxed cards and we still have too many at lower levels.
Land will help clear some of it up but not nearly enough. We need an asset bonfire.
Interesting, I use XBOT in Gold and Kelya is used a lot. What summoners did Arch use in Silver?
I just realized I gave you wrong information. I just dug a little deeper and realized the reason archmage wasn't using my rented kelya because that account owns a gold Kelya that it was using instead.
Usually I rent out the gold kelya and use those proceeds to cover the cost of renting several non gold summoners. It seems no one rented my gold Kelya for 30 days so it came off the market and archmage started using it. 🤷♂
Unfortunately, what enriched you also was the source of what caused the decline of the ecosystem. It was not sustainable with the proliferation of bot armies renting en masse at sometimes disadvantageous prices (not like there's anything wrong with that!).
Enriched! 🤣
I put everything back into cards at a time when they were elevated 10x higher than they are now. I'm at a loss of about $40k.
While I don't disagree bots had something to do with the decline, my opinion is more that what the team did in response is really what collapsed the economy. I've always been of the impression that the team got overwhelmed and pulled the plug. Recent interviews with Matt where he talks about how overwhelmed and unprepared they were to deal with it, makes me more confident in that idea.
The actions of the team did two things. It collpased growth/sent it in retreat and it made them a bunch of money so they could build an infrastructure that was more sustainable. Ever since then its been rebuilding, resetting the rules of the economy, and trying to prepare for the next run up. T
hey've just been unable to get it going due to the macro economy and all the salt that they built up from when they collapsed the splinterlands economy the first time.
We can trace a lot of things back to the bots and bad data that arose from their presence. It impacted everything and caused a great overestimation of the Splinterlands' reach. The damage to marketing is quite clear: Bad data, bad on-boarding, misunderstanding the audience, bad and isolating gameplay experience.
I don't think 'overwhelmed' is the right description of the response. They lost confidence in their own ecosystem. They always needed an external FOMO and they couldn't cultivate anything outside of the Hive space. Runi's formation story was a dead giveaway that they felt inferior and the marketing efforts reflected it. They needed gimmicks, when they had a perfectly fine game that needed certain fixes and deliverables met. Growing the game meant having to sell this ecosystem and the benefits of it to new players and build partnerships in the real world (not crypto) that would provide greater extensibility to the tokens and assets.
You don't give up on marketing when there's a market downturn. You have to figure out how your ecosystem/product provides value and get it in front of the right people and partners. They're a gaming software company with a DAO, not a pure DeFi operation. However, they didn't see things that way.
I noticed a drop in rewards, I have decided to start selling my shitty cards which previously used to gather some rent. Not much buying action happening though either!
You need everything to work for you or it goes! This ideology has done me well so far!
Yeah, I could be doing with thinning my pack anyway. It was bloated with random everythings that don't earn much or make a difference!
Hmmm I should look at this, I don't play anymore no!
I upgrade a bunch earlier, but did buy a few key ones. Quix is one I needed and while he's cheaper, still not under a $1 by a long way!
Most of mine are rented, I just checked I've got them optimised near enough, I'll wait to for land to max out if required!
I have been on the outside of this looking in for so long feeling I missed the boat to fun and more profitability. I would probably be the kind of new blood being a blockchain enthusiast and gamer but I can't see it. Looking in on those posting and supporting them is as close as I have gotten.
Good to see it is a proper game compared to the other busy-work aps that people only play for bits of profit. If I were the developers, I would get the lot of my creative team in a room with @davedickeyyall and lock them in there til they came up with a campaign to draw a new wave of players.
If I had only know and could see the future. There was a time to get in, and another to get out if you look at it purely as a financial project.
So I should look at upgrading all of my summoners now?
Hmm, well they are cheap, that goes without saying. The Rift ones besides Ilthain are not so great IMO, and get little play. I don't know.., for me.. they are sitting around so it's no loss to get them working for me.
I whipped a few up into shape earlier.
The time frame for when card prices and the card rental market started tanking lines up with the anti-bot proposal. When it looked like the proposal was going to pass, the decrease became more pronounced and after it passed, people have been pretty much in risk off mode and trying to reduce their exposure.
Yes, the death of mass botting has done this, but that could be a good thing. I am going to level up most of my surplus.
I barely make anything renting out my cards anymore. I would say only 5% of my cards get rented nowadays. Some people are actually happy that the bot farms are selling off their DEC saying that bot farms dropping off the top DEC holders list is a good thing. Considering DEC is used to rent out cards, that's not a good sign.
Someone once joked that some people are so anti-bot that they would wreck the Splinterlands economy just to say they got one over the bots. I laughed at the time but I'm not laughing any more.
In the same boat as you but I don’t have enough to level my cards so I lower rental prices to at least earn something. Brutal. !LOL
Summoners at least used to rent well, even at L2. It's pointless keeping them now, we need new players.
He puts on another coat
Credit: reddit
@slobberchops, I sent you an on behalf of @mawit07i think this is an effect of the no bots policy fro modern battles.
I spent a solid 3 months micromanaging my rental cards to optimize my daily earnings as much as possible. The max that I was ever earning was around 1.5k DEC a day.
I eventually gave up because it took too much time and effort to constantly stay up-tp-date with all of the changes in Splinterlands and how it effected the rental market.
Also, I would have "investment" cards which were the most in-demand cards to rent but when a new announcement came out or new cards would get released they would significantly tank in value, so you have to essentially always guess the next meta correctly otherwise all the DEC you earned by renting the card would be so insignificant compared to the value lost.
I remember that I had a Gold Foil Djinn Oshanus which was around $300 which I was renting out and getting decent DEC, especially during the EoS rental demand. The problem was that I didn't pay enough attention for a week or so and the price just dropped like crazy where I ended up losing much more in the value of the card than the amount of DEC I earned.
So, yeah, I gave up rentals completely which was a great decision for me 😂
Use SplinterRents, they take 5% but it's worth it.
Never heard of SplinterRents, will check it out.
Yo nunca he podido ganar en este juego siempre pierdo dinero que tristeza estoy que lloro.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(4/5) @kuhnchun tipped @slobberchops (x2)
You got so many cards in the game
Happy to see that you find a way to upgrade your playing accounts