Splinterlands Strategies: Insanity, Renting, Reward Cards.

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

It’s been some time since I posted about Splinterlands. More like a year or so but I can’t ignore what I am seeing before me.


I see so many jumping on the bandwagon and after witnessing so many shitty blockchain games, DrakeBall being the most recent I can say with all sincerity, Splinterlands is no fly-by-night. Do me a favour, keep away from DrakeBall unless you want to get scammed.

Splinterlands Strat Logo.png

If you are here for the riches, then look on the horizon. See that tiny speck, well that’s the boat you didn’t jump on.

I'm not gloating, honest… (puffs out chest). Like many of us now, I regret selling way too many of my cards before all the madness happened.


I mean Furious Chickens at $42? I had around 20 Lvl 1 chickens and why level up chicken fodder beyond Lvl 1? The rent price for standard, boring, non-barbequed chickens is now 10 DEC a day.

Should you rent a chicken? Yes! Mr. Chicken is fodder for your opponent's tank. He gives you a 1 turn gap for you to unleash your ranged and magic wrath.

I looked at the rental market and was staggered. I place something on there and it’s rented within minutes.


...'Rusty Androids at $1.57. Are you taking the piss?'...

I am not talking about your Lvl.1 Rusty Android here but Betas. Betas have been OOP (Out-Of-Print) forever now and the prices are truly shocking.


Flesh Golems (Lvl.3) rent at 80 DEC a day. I had 50 or so Lvl.1 Golems doing nothing. After some combines, these once redundant cards are now paying me while I sleep.


Who would have thought a common card would demand $36? It's no coincidence I leveled my spares to (3) as that is when he gets the self-heal.

Yet other cards which I feel are staples do not fare so well.


I can’t get a renter for my Level 6 Giant Roc. He has three abilities and fares well as a reach monster in position (2). Some joker has added one for rent at 5 DEC a day recently.


This post is quite rambling but I do want to discuss the current reward cards or lack of them.

Like most, I don't like getting potions as I already have hundreds already waiting for Chaos Legion.

Many reward cards have recently gone OOP but do you know which ones? I dug up this old link from 2 years ago that appears to be still current.


I only tend to hone in on a few reward cards, level them up, and sell or hoard the rest.


Dark Ferryman was one card I was trying to upgrade to Level 6 and I have been forced to buy the rest lest they go up even more.


A 3 drop ranged monster with decent health and 2 single debuffs goes well with me. At $1.29 each, I expect the Ferryman to increase in price.

Nectar Queen is another card I have been laboriously upgrading to Level 8 for what seems forever.


The card again is now OOP and I was shocked to see this common demanding almost $1.50 per BCX. I only needed 5 fortunately and have now managed my target.


It does make me wonder how new players can possibly get in now with old reward cards that are essential for competitive play knocking at $300 per BCX. Renting is the ONLY real option.

I for one am glad I held on to these cards and bought a shit-load of legendary summoners thanks to the STEEM/HIVE divorce.


...'WARNING: Looking at the prices of these cards may induce cardiac arrest, ensure you have a medic next to you'...

That STEEM came in very useful for my big hitters which are now obscene prices, so thank you very much Justin you did some of us a big favour.

If you are new to the scene and want to rent, don’t ignore the gold cards. Some of them rent for less than the regular ones and earn you more DEC!

I guess new players don’t even look judging them to be overpriced.

CheapSummoners Rentals.JPG

Also, look at renting Lvl3 summoners. Mine are far too cheap and I will be raising the rent soon. You are not going to get very far at Lvl1.

Finally, give this game some trust. It’s been around for over 3 years now. It is not going away and you likely will gain your ROI back in just time.

I know I have.


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Drooling Maniac.JPG

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Agh... Tell me about it, I started playing 3 days ago and looks like i'm never going to get my hands on the good stuff, cuz if to increase power you have to rent in order to progress you are spending the dec on rent cards when i'm going to actualy buy the cards? I'm also a yu gi oh player and "max out cards" cost 100$ and you can wait for reprint and get them cheaper, in splinterland is all the way around, cards will continue to sky rocket forever.
But everything is not bad, i like the fact that alpha versions gives extra points, the battles are adicting and the ooze is the best thing invented since cold water.

It's good to hear from someone who is new to the game, but all is not lost. Chaos Legion.. hopefully you will be able to buy with USD and not DEC. There will be good stuff in there if it is anything like Untamed (which was not as strong as Beta IMO).

You get reward cards with the DQ's and the End of Season rewards. Meanwhile, just keep renting (preferably from ME!)

Well. Write more about the game. If we the veterans don’t do it who will? It should be our way of paying it forward.

'Splinterlands Strategies' is an old series dug up from the past. It was once a regular thing by me before I became bored of the game. The madness made me look at it again and what I have missed (quite a lot).

I am thankful I kept the majority of my NFT's and got some land. I guess we will be able to rent that out next and all retire (you especially).

I can retire comfortably right now, just based on the current earning from the game :)

I am so glad you dug this old series up. Cheers!

I will do some more but I only write when there's something to say.., that is entertain or teach. It has to have some value or there is little point.


I am so glad that I got at least some reasonable cards in my collection over the four months before all this Splinterlands madness. Completely agree with you that some of the key cards are out of reach for new players, Ruler of the Seas is definitely a big culprit in this instance.

Good to hear you have a stash. I think it's going to explode again once land has some use.

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I've been playing steadily since alpha packs and seeing all this unfold for Splinterlands has been fun. I used to say jokingly buying fire beetles will be more worth than buying ethereum, turns out I was right.

Btw our guild has become more active, I don't know are you paying attention there but guild brawls are now worth playing, you get new gladiator packs only for brawls.

I have many Fire Beetles, they are one card not worth combining as the rental price sucks. The card has it's use in some situations!

I have not looked a Guild Brawls but as my deck is split amongst 2 accounts if a certain splinter is needed it may not work. Otherwise I may give it a go.

I am on the verge of placing ALL my cards up for rent, and then of course I won't be able to compete at all.

I didn't expect you to kick me out of the guild after 2 years. A message would have been nice, I contributed DEC in the past but I guess that doesn't count? I did rent out everything for a season, but have decided to play again from this one. No matter, I will find another guild.

I don't do the kicking so it wasn't me. That's the thing, new guild rules became strict and are live for 3 seasons already, 500 Dec per season, not much really. Maybe if you said something in the guild chat everything would be fine.

I see you are taking on a bunch of Bronze players. Do you think they will continue to pay 500 DEC a month? They get about 1 DEC per match. So it wasn't you.., fair enough I wont hold it against you, but I do feel that your guild is kicking above it's level.

I have never been a fan of mandatory contributions, or demands. I did rent all my cards out on both this and the @bingbabe account. Both were kicked probably because they were in the Bronze league. I have since stopped doing the 100% renting and am back in Gold on both accounts.

The brawls I was about to give a go, and then I was kicked. I am pissed about it but will find a guild that doesn't make demands, I am happy with the voluntary system. Renting out my 'chaff' cards on a single account gives me far more than 500 DEC daily.

@thebluewin, your leader.. ought to communicate more, that's all I will say on the matter.

You can always rejoin, I'm sure blue will get you back, but maybe this guild is not good for your personal tastes considering the new rules, I don't know.

It seems that battling in lower leagues brings better results than going higher where the competition is stronger, in the end you actually get better rewards playing in lower brackets.

You can always rejoin, I'm sure blue will get you back, but maybe this guild is not good for your personal tastes considering the new rules, I don't know.

I can understand the 500 DEC a season in a top 30 guild but look at where you are? Do you want to be kicking seasoned players out with Beta's and adding newbies that don't have a hope of getting in without paying through the nose? That's what Splinterlands is and we all know it. I am currently looking for another guild, and as I say... no bad feelings between us.

It seems that battling in lower leagues brings better results than going higher where the competition is stronger, in the end you actually get better rewards playing in lower brackets.

I hope they will patch this exploit up. Splinterlands is a pay to earn game, and as bad as it sounds my capitalistic viewpoint agrees it should remain so.

I am using this to react to the whole conversation between you and moon32walker.

Yes, you contributed DEC in the past. That and the 2 years in the guild have been the reason I was waiting for 2-3 seasons. I don't like to kick members but I also want the guild to be competetive and that's only possible with enough active members. I think 500 DEC per season is not that much but gives the guild constant small growth allowing us more upgrading of the new buildings, which are probably very worth it with all the future things coming in SL like the lands.

I am not a fan of mandatory contributions either. But what does it bring if only very few contribute something? I was always hoping for a SL feature like guild tax where every member automatically contributes a small % of ranked DEC earnings every match, but that's not here yet.

You are always welcome to join back if you want, as I only kicked you out of the reason it looked like you have been inactive (guild wise).

Our new guild members are all playing higher than bronze (at least before this season's soft reset), had a lot of matches the last 4 weeks and they all have at least a bit of an own card collection. They deserve their chance.

We have a great core of active and well (brawls) playing guild members which would not be possible if we just kept all old members.

I'm very happy I never sold a single card. I'm getting a 314.74% return on renting out my 358 spare chickens, for example. 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're getting robbed.

Undelegate and re-rent.

You're being sarcastic. Right? Most of them are renting at 184.64% above the going rate. 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How much have you got the out for - mine are out for 12 DEC a pop, I have lots like you.

Although of course a change in the market price can change the return drastically.

I DUNNO how often the feed updates.

Mine range from 12.00 to 19.950. Most between 14 and 17. 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

it varies so much!

And whatever the return, IT'S ALL GOOD.

I'm just making sure to take SOMETHING out!

You are shitting me right? That means you still have that foil Epic I sold you for £10 or was it £12? 😀

You are shitting me right?

Nope! 😁

That means you still have that foil Epic I sold you

Yep. £12 I think it was. I can't remember which one it was though. Swamp or Manticore?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I still have my original steem monsters cards from SteeFest, unopened. does that mean anything? Am I rich now? 😂

If you mean the paper card you got in your goody bag then, no, you're not rich now. But . . . if things continue to develop at the current pace I could see a time in the future when they would become collectible items and be worth a lot of money.

You missed the boat with respect the free account you can get by using the code. When you were given it you got 5 digital cards in the account (at least I think it was 5). If you used it now you'd only get phantom cards. 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

At first with the renewed hype around splinterlands, I started to regret my selling of all my cards afew years ago, but they gave me steem, which then ended up being converted to hive. I sold because I was getting annoyed at all the bots, and there is nothing more frustrating than setting your team up, and then the surrender after waiting 3 minutes for the battle. I still find that very annoying, but I am not worried about buying, renting or really progressing out of the bronze level, I get anywhere from 6 DEC to 100 DEC for a reward, a potion I have no idea what to do with and one free card.

But I like the free SPS, it is free money, so this last week I have been giving it another shot at the freebie level.

I remember the early bot days. I was quite happy to beat them up and get DEC!

Holy cow. Why havent I done anything with renting out these doubles ? I take 1 peek and already see 20 Goblin Shamans Alpha and beta there chilling and doing nothing.

Tomorrow this is prio 1 asap!

Do you use peakmonsters to rent out or where?

Yes, peakmonsters makes it easy. Don't use the Splinterlands interface unless you are doing on-off's.

I got in pretty early and had a killer collection for a while… even owned a Shin-Lo and a Mighty Dricken for a while, as well as a full set of Level 1 Alphas including all legendaries/dragons.

Then I decided to sell about 3/4 of everything so I could build a dCity empire. And of course SL had to go moon crazy after I sold.

So yeah, I sorta got off too early to catch the rocket, but at least I've got a solid passive income from dCity, and I've still got several SL accounts botted and earning me DEC and SPS in my sleep. Can't complain too much I guess.

I should probably look into renting… I've got a lot of singles sitting around doing nothing. Thanks for the reminder.

dCity is something I lost interest in. It was great for a while and then the token lost 80% of it's value. A bad time to get out maybe (on the way down). I have little left and don't regret my exit.

Yeah. Taxes are insane too. I am in it for the long haul, we shall see how that turns out for me. If I start posting pictures from the Bahamas you will know.

why am I the only one on this blockchain that doesn't understand this game still? 😂

It's hardly a complex game, well... compared to Magic the Gathering, though it is getting more complex with all the new rulesets and abilities. You should have jumped in at SF3 with the cards in the goody bags. I notice you mentioned this elsewhere in the post. It may still be valid and saves you $10.

interesting dynamics. some are now not playing as they are better off renting all their cards. i thought i was gunna also be in renters heaven but low an behold - my son and wife decided they wanted their teams back to play again. fk they are just bad investments! lol

I might be one of the new all-renters soon. I would miss the DQ's and Season rewards if so.

I have so many regrets over all the cards I sold! I had chuffing loads! I still have a reasonable few and make a bit renting them out but as the power of foresight or perhaps a bit more faith might have been nice!!

I may well rent out ALL of mine after this season end. That means no more chests to crack and who doesn't like doing that? Financially, I will be better off especially if the madness continues.

You know, I might too as I had meant to say, I have been getting married at the lack of cards as rewards for quests or even at seasons end. It's all options and tiny amounts of Dec!

There are new cards coming but likely not in time for this end of season. I posed the question earlier in Discord.

PS: Did you know your are not a dumb cunt anymore? @anddumbcunts is giving you votes. 😀

I saw that! Tis a remarkable turn of events. No more cuntery! At least for a short while perhaps.

The Dice cards? I bought a couple but my heart wasn't in it. I hate paying for the damn things now!

The Dice cards? I bought a couple but my heart wasn't in it.

I wish I had, look at the prices.., like all of them.

Amoursmith rentals i've got about 200 of these rented no problem.

Screenshot 2021-08-28 at 14.58.25.png

I also have an army of chickens i picked up at $0.04 rented out for 12 DEC a day.


I think your collection should rent well, many of my unlevelled cards rent out for much higher returns than my maxed.

I've stopped playing, the entire deck is rented for around 20K DEC day.

I've stopped playing, the entire deck is rented for around 20K DEC day.

Now that is interesting. Don't you miss popping those chests? After EOS I may go the same way. 20K a day is not to be sniffed at. I'm already at 4.5K a day just with the chaff I don't use.

haha i sold my chicken for 5$ to 8$ each :P i thought that was a nice price :P

I sold all mine for much less, and many more!

I sold my legendary ;( all of them back in time " wow 20 hive/st**m for one. Good deal!

Nope :P

and we are mtg people. Shame on us!

You have seen what has happened in MTG. The regrets I have there are deep. I had it all, Mox, Lotus, All the P9, two sets and an Alpha sealed deck along with 36 Revised Sealed boxes. I don't want to go there.

pain is real but I think we are both still in profit, so longterm it doesn't matter as long we are in game :)

And we get a new chance with new set :D get rekt or make it hard :D

It is looking bad for new players. They will have to rent the good cards from those who got in early. Even then they may struggle to buy much. I rented out a load whilst I was away and couldn't be bothered to play for a few days. We could do with ways to quickly rent out sets of cards as it's tedious to do each one.


Its very easy using Peakmonsters. Use this option and start earning.


Aha! I should have expected that. Not used Peakmonsters much.

What's yer return like btw?

My cards are split across 2 accounts,..



So 5.5k DEC and that's the crap I don't use!

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Splinsanity indeed.

I also have quite a number of cards I regret selling. I avoid watching their current prices like the plague. 😂

Great article. I agree and i also believe that the game is poised to greater heights.

Amazing dynamic concepts.i thought I was the only one who didn't understand about it.well it is an impressive article

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I need to start renting some more of my cards. I am hoping to build up a decent amount of funds so I can go in pretty hard when Chaos happens. I regret selling a lot of my cards now. They got me to where I am though, so oh well.

Also, look at renting Lvl3 summoners. Mine are far too cheap and I will be raising the rent soon. You are not going to get very far at Lvl1.

What is the difference between the basic summoners Lvl3 and Lvl1? I didn't find any differences in the description... For example for ALRIC STORMBRINGER?

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