If I had my way I would:
- Ban Bots in all leagues and ban abusers
- Give out less NFT's
- Make NFT's tradeable again, no Soulbound cards.
Everything else can stay the same. It won't happen.
If I had my way I would:
Everything else can stay the same. It won't happen.
How do you fund company to make new IP if there is less NFT product on the market?
Are the fewer packs more expensive since they are more rare and in-demand for the player base?
I thought the new sales mechanic for Rebellion did a great job of fitting supply to demand and price has been holding well. Imagine when new players find out how awesome this game is!
I meant the reward cards. The end of season used to be exciting, but with nothing of any sellable value, that's gone out of the window. I speak for others who have abandoned Splinterlands for this reason.
The release such as Rebellion are fine, nothing wrong with those.
I've paid the unlock fee for some of the better soulbound reward cards from Rebellion and they rent very well. I get more renting a max Commander Slade than I do any of my Untamed cards!