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RE: Nidhoggr Adjustment Proposal: Addressing Airdrop Balance and Improving Tactics

in Splinterlands3 months ago (edited)

I'll have to say no in this current edition of this proposal. Too many stat/ability changes all at once to a single card, doing too much at once may just create a broken card. Pick one to change, see how it goes, then we proceed accordingly & do another adjustment proposal if needed! I do agree it could use a slight adjustment to look more appealing for purchase, just not this much at once. I have not experienced playing the card myself though; maybe its just more of a "Expert" skill level learning curve card to use? Lily was very underused for a couple months after it dropped cause its particular play styles had a higher learning curve as well. May just need proper time & practice and/or a slight increase in the frequency of high mana capped battles to assist.