Splinterlands Art Contest Week 265: Khmer Princess

in Splinterlands11 months ago

khmer princess.png

My entry this week for the Splinterlands Art Contest found HERE

From the Splinterlands Wiki: https://splinterlands.fandom.com/wiki/Khmer_Princess

Once, on the other side of the world, a great Empire thrived known as Khmer. After generations of great losses from a horrific and indescribable enemy, the Khmer were forced to abandon their home and relinquish their Empire. The small numbers that remain of the Khmer have traveled the Outer Ocean on tecnologically advanced ships, the first in the Splinterlands to make use of combustion engines. The magic of the Khmer is also powered by fire, which explains why they have chosen the Burning Lands to make their new home. They are ruled by Princess Sipha; not only is she the only among her seven sisters that survived the wars, but she is the fiercest Khmer warrior. She has very little to prove, but she will do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of her Khmer people.

Created in Clip Studio Paint Pro on a Surface Pro 4. Here is the time lapse video:


This is such an amazing artwork
It looks so amazing
I love it!

So beautiful, love the lighting!!