I got 25 regular cards and 2 GOLDFOIL cards!
Some asshole is always luckier than you.
two gold foil cards. The name for that account is fitting, because it seems to have more luck than other accounts. Some asshole is always luckier than you.I have purchased packs using a few different accounts over the years. It wasn't really planned, but now it means I have a few accounts that are guaranteed to get some airdropped cards every time. The account @some-asshole that I used to use got

First use ever = success

Granted, I could've just gotten lucky. There's no way to say for certain that winning this battle had anything to do with using the Lobstradamus card. Then again, there's no way to say for certain that using the card didn't help, right?
First use by @ts-goblin = also success
As I mentioned earlier, I got two gold foil versions of the Lobstradamus card. I locked them, which is a new feature in Splinterlands. They cannot be burned or transferred for a set amount of time aftre being unlocked. Just in case. They can still be delegated, so I delegated one of the GF ones to the TeamShare account I play, @ts-goblin.
That's all for now. I've got quests to finish and whatnot.
I'm in the middle of a DEATH QUEST as @ts-goblin at the moment, though. I should probably stick to that, at least when it's not a silly choice for one reason or another. I'll experiment more with the LOBSTRADAMUS card and share more battles in the future.
No one gives a shit, bro.
Fer sure.