Hey all!
Feeling discouraged toward the rental market the past 2 days? Maybe you joined a few days ago and are angry that the cards you bought are now renting at a small fraction of what they were.
Like all markets there is an ebb and flow to the price floor of the rental market here in Splinterlands.
Fear not! The simple solution is to look at the days left in a battle season. Easy as pie.
As the season progresses, players earn and invest more into their collection in order to rise up in the ranks. As they see their daily rewards increase as well as end of season bounty, they itch to increase their power without the need to make big purchases on owning high yield cards.
Simply put, **the closer we get to the end of the season, the more cards are rented out, lowering the available supply of cards on the market, which allows us to rent out our cards at exceedingly higher prices.**
Example: My Level 4 Gold Raging Impailer currently (day 2 of Battle Season) is easily rented up to about 200 DEC daily. When we reach about day 11 in the season, I can easily rent him out for around 2000+ Dec daily.
This method works even for extremely common cards with high circulation. A new common Reward card for instance, like Pelacor Conjurer, will easily pay for its self if you increase his BCX (at least level 2 for best results) and make sure he is available for battle when rented a couple days before the season ends.

***Note: This strategy is also the best way to get your Power points up, as well as win more matches without spending big money. Simply have your DEC wallet stacked on the first day of the season.***