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RE: Introduction post - How Splinterlands helped me keep dreaming ❤️

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Twitch Stream! This is my second time visiting this post and instead of skimming, actually took the time to read it through. I am glad I did!The extremely inspiring article you have put together has made my day! I am glad that @drabs587 directed me here on his

Drabs587 on Twitch.TV

Lots of people do not understand depression and some will say, Just get over it! What they do not understand is that those who have clinical depression want to do exactly that! It is difficult, but with understanding and support from others? Makes the depression tolerable, at least for me (that and a little weed now and again).

Keep on grinding Carol. You are a No Sleep Gang Princess! You deserve some !PIZZA my lady!

👸 Opuntia on