ok guys this my 1st time to join weekly challenge, this week it's about Phantasm before we proceed to my battle let us knows this monster first.

Card details:
phantasm is a death splinters and available as rewards cards so most of us already have it.

it has 6 mana, at lvl 1 it has 2 melee with a speed of 4 and 7 health, it also has ability called "flying" so it's evading melee and ranged attacks increased for those opponent monsters who don't have this ability.
using this monster as tank even at lvl 1 with it's speed and flying ability opponent may miss.
at lvl 5 a new ability called "return fire" is available for it, so opponent ranged monsters will received a damage in exchange.
at lvl 9 "retaliate" will be available, now not only opponent ranged monster will received a payback also melee too.
My battle:
now that we know what phantasm can do let's proceed with my battle.
it has 21 mana cap, and weak magic rules so magic will hit armor first before health.

My Lineup:
contessa lament (mana: 3) this my only death splinter summoners, it can decreased opponent ranged attack by 1.
phantasm (mana: 6) the star off this challenge, we all know it's ability, lets see how it's good in real battle.
shadowy presence (mana: 1) i choose it at 2nd because of it's health and mana.
cursed slimeball (mana:1) this just a dummy to protect cards on his back also it fills the remaining mana i have.
creeping ooze (mana: 1) most of us used this because of it's low mana and slow ability
boogeyman (mana: 6) even i know that magic has a little disavantage in this match i still used it because of it's slow ability also it can still do 2 damage.
haunted spider (mana: 3) my last monster it has a little health and low speed but can do 2 ranged damage.
Let's Watch:
hope you enjoy a little about this match.
my opponent used zintar mortalis, that's why my phatasm melee decreased by 1, in other hand my contessa lament handle his two ranged monster it's -2 damage for him, he choose rusty android as a tank, that's why my boogeyman would received damage everytime it attacks his rusty android because of it's ability, i have 2 monster with slow ability that's why all his monster speed became 1, this give my phatasm speed big advatage even it decreased by 1 because of his creeping ooze, it takes 5 rounds until it ends, his 2 cards with snipe, my phantasm ability and speed, and my shadowy presence sacrifice result to a win.
phatasm even at lvl 1 is a good card because of it's speed and ability, however in this kind of match with low mana i might choose haunted spirit because of healing ability and mana is much lower than phatasm.
thanks for reading and watching. i'm not good on this, but i wanted to try...
Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

You did nice in the battle.
Nice lineup there.
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