yes you hear it right i'm back to Diamond III, congrats to my opponent from diamond II at the starts of this season i'm now Diamond III, sadly your not successfully able to put me back to Gold I, but almost...

well this happens to me every starts of each season i always drop tier, but the good thing is that i'm successfully completed my quest, however rewards is so bad i got 2 common rewards cards, drop of dec, legendary and gold foil potions which is now useless to me as we all know it can't be used in rewards anymore, it can still be used for untamed but sadly i don't have money for it and i don't want to used my DEC for it as i'm going to save it for a much needed card like chain golem, summoners like zintar mortalis and alric stormbringer, for now i just keep playing by trying to complete my daily quest...
watch my final water splinter quest today below if you like, summoners cancelled out he used alric stormbringer i used bortus, i used the furious chicken as tank followed by creeping ooze to slow them a bit and ice pixie, in this way i can used sneak for my 2 melee cards.

If this sounds like the sort of group you want to be a part of, click the image below! We're too OP to be put down!