Kulu Mastermind with Baakjira with Arkemis the Bear and Possibilus Strategy
Today I would like to share one of my favorite strategies for medium and especially high mana battles. I find this strategy works best with at least forty five mana.
This strategy relies on having Arkemis the Bear in front with Baakjira in the second position where he gains reach from the Possibilus summoner and melee attack from Kulu Mastermind.
This strategy is very effective in the following rulesets in particular: Super Sneak, Equal Opportunity and Unprotected.
But as you can see from the battle below you can use this strategy in almost any ruleset.
The key to this strategy is to boost health of already big health monsters such as Arkemis the Bear and Baakjira with Possibilus making these two monsters into somewhat of a super-tank combo.
Additionally Arkemis the Bear has important abilities that make him a perfect choice for the first position:
- Protect - gives shield to all monsters
- Halving - cuts attack in half of the opponent it hits
- Forcefield - takes only one damage from attacks with power 5 or higher
In a high mana battles it is likely that our opponents use monsters with five or more attack power.
Baakjira is great in a second position as he has a huge base health of sixteen further boosted by our summoner and also has important abilities:
- Heal - self heals
- Void - reduces damage from magic attacks by half
- Strengthen - increases health of all friendly monsters by one
- Slow - always good to slow down your opponents unless it is a reverse speed ruleset
Kulu Swimhunter is awesome because he has huge damage when enraged and has weapons training ability to give our monsters in front and behind him melee attack.
The idea here is to place huge tanks in front so that it takes our opponent a long time to get through them and to count on huge hits from Kulu Mastermind as well as in the case of this battle use Djinn Oshannus to slowly chip away at the opponent from the back and try to avoid sneak attacks with a very fast Oshannus.
Modern League Battle Using This Strategy:
Here we can see that our opponent also chose a reach strategy with Possibilus summoner but lead with Diemonshark with Arkemis the Bear in the second position. He also has a couple high damage dealers with Deeplurker and Nerissa Tridawn both dealing five damage melee and magic respectively. The last but not least in their lineup is Doctor Blight a very formidable Promo card from the Chaos Legion Set.
Let's see how that would work out for them:
Round one was pretty good for our opponent, they managed to land a retaliate from Diemon Shark as well as poison on our Arkemis the Bear. Our Bear is definitely in trouble, I will be surprised if he makes it through the second round. But we have Baakjira to back him up!
Second round also didn't go our way as their Diemonshark managed to land two retaliates and both poison attacks were also successful! It is like can't go worse for us! Let's hope for a turn-around in round three!
Round three went OK for us, let's see what round four brings.
In round four we were able to take out their Deeplurker but the poison is definitely getting the job done for them we are about to loose one of our biggest damage dealers at the start of round five...
As predicted we lost our Kulu at the start of round five, but we are getting close to taking out their Arkemis the Bear.
We were able to take out their Arkemis the Bear at the start of the round and score a couple hits against their Nerissa. And it looks like we will take out their Nerissa at the start of round seven and it will turn into a battle of speed vs poison between our Djinn Oshannus and their Doctor Blight
And speed won. While their Doctor Blight was able to land a few shots on our Djinn, but no poison so we won this matchup quite handily and our reward is 8.447 SPS tokens and 765 Glint in Modern Diamond League:
If you wonder what is the best way to get involved you can use my link to begin your Splinterlands and HIVE journey.
Nice battle!
Yes I see prime as a 5-10x and a leader in the space. Also I see Illuvium being strong as well because they have new games coming out, the return of the leaderboards too. Maybe not their ATH but somewhere like prime a 5-10x this bull run. I think SPS could have much bigger gains but its more of a gamble at this point. I mean Splinterlands is becoming a real flushed out product they just need to market i think. Anyways thanks for your comment.
Thanks! I would have to look more into Prime...
Nice sharing.
As you said, this combination can apply in most of the high mana battle.
They're simply very strong :)
They are!
Was maybe the first time that I saw that kind of lineup in modern, granted I skipped most of my battles so maybe I just didn't notice it. Anyways, its a great battle.
You can see it was not a bot since it was in Modern! Also bot line ups are very common and you would have seen it.
Uhm.. Did not say anything about bots or anything sus about the battle. Rather, I was impressed by your lineup since it was something that I don't remember seeing nor I use in battles which makes watching the battle quite refreshing and may use it as reference for my future matches.
Oh sorry that I misunderstood you :) And thank you for the compliment.
Thanks for sharing! - @clove71