Social Media Challenge!- Were Hamster and Were Fox? / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - ウェアハムスターとウェアフォックス?

in Splinterlands4 months ago

Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

The next HALL of LEGENDS will be at the Ware Fox and... Hamsters? A slightly different picture than usual.

次の HALL of LEGENDS はウェアフォックスと...ハムスター? いつもとちょっと違う感じの絵柄。

Legendary NEPHKET has two more methods of attack, plus a powerful combination of Sneak, Stun, and Knock Out abilities. It looks like it will zap you from behind. Though it's expensive.

レジェンドの NEPHKET はさらに2種類の攻撃方法を持っている上、Sneak、Stun、Knock Outと強力な組み合わせのアビリティを持っています。後ろからザクザク削ってくれそうです。高いけど。

Rare MERIPUT MOSSMENDER is very good with Repair and Cleanse. But his HP and speed are low. You may need to use it well to avoid getting attacked. cleanse starts at level 4 or... expensive.

レアの MERIPUT MOSSMENDER はRepair、Cleanseを持っているのでとても優秀。でもHPもスピードも低い。攻撃を受けないようにうまく使う必要がありそうです。Cleanseはレベル4からか...高い。

Both seem to be strong. it seems that MOSSMENDER will also add a new Echo ability, but it's not relevant for me since I can't use it unless I'm level maxed out.

両方とも強そうですね。MOSSMENDER には新アビリティのEchoアビリティも追加されるみたいですが、レベルMAXじゃないと使えないから私には関係ないなぁ。



First is the legendary NEPHKET, but she is strong. Moreover, she seems to be very versatile. There is no way a card that can attack twice is weak!

まずはレジェンドの NEPHKET ですが彼女は強いね。しかも、汎用性も高そうです。だいたい2回攻撃できるカードが弱いわけがない!

She has two attack methods and also learns Sneak, Stun, Knock Out, and Piercing, so I have the impression that she has a crazy strong back attack.

2種類の攻撃方法を持ち、Sneak、Stun、Knock Out、Piercingも覚えるのでめちゃくちゃバックアタックが強い印象です。

The Stun ability has a 50% chance of activating, but since it attacks twice, it's really more like 75%. This card can use Sneak and Stun even from level 1, and its status is above average. It is very strong.


I thought MOSSMENDER could replace SCAVO HIRELING since it has Repair, but it's cost is 6, so I guess it's hard to replace it.I also want Cleanse ability, but it's level 4.
It also heals armor. It also heals abnormalities. must be prepared for both… It’s the burden of responsibility.

MOSSMENDER はRepair持ちなので SCAVO HIRELING の代わりが出来るかと思ったけどコストが6だから難しいかな?
Cleanseアビリティも欲しいけどレベル4か。アーマーも回復する。状態異常も回復する。「両方」やらなくっちゃあならないってのが 「ネームド」のつらいところだな。


Now, if you look at the cards for the Modern environment after the Conclave comes out next April. There is no one with Repair under Silver, although we may need it in the post-April environment...
Conclave is a core set, so I'm sure there will be cards with Repair abilities. That makes me think that buying it just for Repair...


I think it is too early to think about the modern environment after April now, but let's think about it once just to keep it in the back of our minds.
I am thinking at the level of Silver because I am mainly in the Silver environment.


Repair will be gone as I said above.
Clanse has one in LIFE, one in WATER, and one in DRAGON, and two multi-elements, MOSSMENDER and SANCTUS VICAR.


Hmmm... all of them are hard to use. I guess MOSSMENDER might be the best.

んー使いにくいのばっかりだな。やはり、MOSSMENDER が一番いいのかもしれないね。

In addition, Tank Heal is one for LIFE, WATER, and EARTH, and Corrupted Healing is one for DEATH.

ついでにTank HealはLIFE、WATER、EARTHに1体ずつ、Corrupted HealingはDEATHに1体です。

Up until now, the cost of cards with TankHeal and Repair abilities was 3-4, but since Rebellion, the cost has gone up to 5-6. I guess they are raising the average cost so that the cards won't be upwardly compatible with similar cards in the past.


I see that the Summoner cards also cost 2-3 for the Alpha and Beta sets, 3-4 for Untamed, 4-6 for Chaos Legion, and 3-5 for Rebellion.
If we keep going this way, will the cost go up every time a core set is released?


Hmmm, it's a little hard to judge. It's hard to say until the Conclave cards are known. However, I think that HALL of Legend has been released 3 times now and they are all very good cards. If possible this time, I'd like the Rare to be level 4 and the Legend to be level 2.

うーん、ちょっと判断できないな。コンクラーベのカードが判明しないと何とも言えません。ただ、HALL of Legendでいままで3回発売されているけど非常に優秀なカードばかりだと思う。今回の可能ならレアはレベル4、レジェンドはレベル2で欲しい。

But it's expensive - I don't think you should buy it now considering the cosmetics. I think the cost is definitely not worth the performance, especially if you want a gold-foil card.
If I had enough DEC to throw away, I would buy it, but I'm not such an oil baron, so I can't afford it.





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以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。



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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice