It's still a ways off, though. It sounds like a survival mode will be introduced. I wonder how many players will play this?
Of course, it sounds interesting, but I think the disadvantages are too big to make it easy to get involved!
If you lose a battle, the card you were using at the time is considered dead and you have to go on cooldown. I can't play Modern, Wild, or Brawl during the cooldown, which is quite a long time.
In my case, I'm at the Silver League level, so if I lose, I won't be able to play for quite a while.
With that in mind, I calculated how long the cool time actually is.
Common is about 13.5 days, rare is about 10.7 days, epic is about 8.5 days, and legendary is about 4.2 days. This is no good! If I lose once, I'll be unable to play for almost a season. I can still play once a week if it's 4.2 days with Legends, but Common is once every two weeks.
My feeling is that this is an interesting but unplayable mode. But I guess if more people play it, the amount of cards rented will increase and rental rates will go up. As a lender, I am happy. As a renter, it's hard. 🥲.
You actually have a lot of opinions in the comments of the article.
"Wouldn't it be better if the cards were disabled only in survival mode?" He says.
Would I appreciate that more too? It would be very inconvenient not to be able to play modern or guild games after playing survival mode.
As a rebuttal.
"No, they don't. The average player probably won't play because of the cooldown, but if there is no cooldown disadvantage, they will feel like they are losing money if they don't play, forcing them to play, right? I'm thinking of a place for players who have a lot of cards and have too many left over. " Yabapmatt responded.
I guess it's true that if you are not detached from the game, you will have to play the current game plus the survival game, so you may not have enough time. (Well, I don't have enough time to play even in my current state...)
Some have this opinion.
”Shouldn't cards be available for use in guild fights?' And, if you have multiple copies of the same card, shouldn't there be a feature to lock which cards you can and can't use?”
I thought this was a great idea too. I think some people would be willing to try it out if it doesn't affect guild fights, and they would want to keep the cards they need for ranked and guild fights, but play survival mode with the rest of the cards.
With the current specs, even if you have multiple cards, you can only select the card with the highest level, so you end up not being able to use it. I hope you have made a card selection feature for this by the time it is implemented.
There seems to be a lot of other discussions going on, but it's too complicated for me to keep up with. I probably wouldn't play it even if there was a survival mode.
More importantly, I don't want a survival mode, make a classic mode with a limited set that I can use! I keep thinking.
Classic 1 is a mode in which Alpha, Beta and their subsets to be used.
Classic 2 is a mode in Untamed, Chaos Legion and their subsets to be used.
Classic 3 is a mode that allows Rebellion, Conclave Arcana and their subsets to be used.
クラシック2はUntamed、Chaos Legionとそのサブセットが使えるモード。
クラシック3はRebellion、Conclave Arcanaとそのサブセットが使えるモード。
Why don't we just split it up? Of course, I'd rather have all the available wilds and the latest two sets of moderns still available.
I'd be happier with this than the survival mode. What do you think, Mr. Management!
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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice