Social Media Challenge!- The number required is large! / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - 必要枚数が多い!

in Splinterlands5 months ago

Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

I see that the two promo cards are now on sale. I think these two cards are very powerful, have you guys bought them yet? I want RUNE ALCANIST, but the Phase Ward ability doesn't come with it until level 4 - what a problem.

プロモカード2枚の販売が始まっていますね。この2枚、すごく強力だと思うんだけど皆さんはもう買いました?私は RUNE ALCANIST が欲しいんだけど、Phase Wardアビリティがレベル4にならないと付かないんですよねー困った。

RIKLAUNIMAN is loaded with some crazy abilities...Expose ability...Shield, Void, and other defensive abilities are turned off. Great, it's a tank-killer. But Thorns and Magic Reflect are not removed?

RIKLAUNIMAN はアビリティにとんでもないもの積んでますね。Exposeアビリティ。Shield、Voidなど防御アビリティが消されちゃう。凄いね、タンク殺しだ。でも、ThornsやMagic Reflectは消えないっぽい?


RIKLAUNIMAN has the Charge ability, so I guess the basic idea is to put him behind. Is it a role to eliminate defensive abilities with two physical attacks from behind?

RIKLAUNIMAN はChargeアビリティを持っているから後ろに置くのが基本になるんだろうね。後ろから物理攻撃2種で防御アビリティを消していく役割かな?

Two types of attacks

When the announcement was made I was reminded of RUNEMANCER FLORRE. So I put them side by side.

発表があった時、私は RUNEMANCER FLORRE を思い出したんだよね。なので並べてみました。

FLORRE has no abilities, but it can attack twice with magic and at long range and has high strength. To take advantage of the long-range attack, you have to put it behind, but then you can't take advantage of its high HP.

FLORRE はアビリティはないけど魔法と遠距離で2回攻撃できて体力も高い。遠距離攻撃を活かすためには後ろに置かないといけないけど、そうなると高いHPが生かせないのが残念。

RIKLAUNIMAN can make two types of attacks even behind the opponent's back thanks to the Charge ability. But it's not magic, so it's protected by armor. But it can give Ambush ability to other cards, and Expose can remove enemy tank's defensive ability.

RIKLAUNIMAN はChargeアビリティのおかげで後ろからでも2回攻撃できる。ただし魔法じゃないからアーマーで防がれちゃうね。でも、Ambushを与えたりExposeで防御能力を消したり多彩。HPは控えめ。

Yeah, maybe they are not so dissimilar.


By the way, Mr. FLORRE's left arm seems to be a machine. Maybe it will pop off and a psycho-energetic beam gun will come out. soreha magiremonaku yatsusa.

ちなみに FLORRE さんの左腕は機械らしい。多分、スポっと外れて精神エネルギー式のビーム銃が出てくるんだね。それはまぎれもなくやつさ。



I rather wanted this one, but level 4 requires 4 gold Foil, 25 for normal, and I want the Phase Ward ability, so I'm not OK with just one.

私はどちらかと言えばこっちが欲しかったんだけど、レベル4には金枠で4枚、ノーマルだと25枚も必要。Phase Wardアビリティが欲しいから1枚でOKとはならないんですよ。

3,000 DEC x 25 pieces would cost 75,000 DEC. I have no idea how much it would cost to buy a gold foil!
I have no idea how much it would cost if I wanted to buy a gold foil!

3,000 DEC x 25枚 だと75,000 DECもかかってしまう。金枠で買おうと思ったらいったいいくらになるかさっぱり予想できないよー

When the conclave comes out, the Chaos Legion will fall out of the modern, so OSHANNUS will no longer be available. So I was thinking of a replacement avoidance tank.
I don't have a tank that is fast and has Void, Void Armor, and Shield.

コンクラーベが出たらカオスレギオンがモダンから落ちるから OSHANNUS が使えなくなるんですよ。なので、代わりの避けタンクをって思ってたんだけどね。
スピードが速くてVoid、Void Armor、Shieldを持っているタンクがいないんだよね。

I wonder if QUILLIUN LEGIONARY would be a good alternative. It's not magic, so it's not a must-hit. It's speed is 2, so evasion is... I don't know...

QUILLIUN LEGIONARY なら代わりになるかなぁ。魔法じゃないから必中ではないけど。スピードが2だから回避は...期待できないよねー

So OSHANNUS with a speed of 5 and 11 HP is crazy. I guess I'll have to give up on the dodging tank...

スピードが5でHPが11もある OSHANNUS がおかしかったんだね。避けタンクはあきらめるしかないかなー

Ah, but is it possible to put a Shield on it with PROPHET ROSA? If so, I should look for a tank with high speed in WATER? If so, maybe a COMMANDER SLADE would be a good idea?

あ、でも PROPHET ROSA でShieldを付けるっていうのもあり?ならWATERでスピードが高いタンクを探せばいいのか。 なら、COMMANDER SLADE なんかいいかも?

It costs a lot more and doesn't have Void or Shield, but it has Dodge, which makes it a good dodging tank?
Hmmm, this is starting to sound better and better!


But a combination of a promo card and a reward card? That's a lot of money!
I'd like to try it out for a bit, so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me a rental at a discount?



The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.

以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。



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Thanks for sharing! - @zallin

Good Work, thanks for sharing!