Today is Christmas. In Japan, it is common to eat chicken and cake. When I was a child, I used to admire the whole roasted turkey in foreign cartoons because it looked so delicious.
But now I'm thinking that I'd rather have teriyaki chicken thighs because I don't like to eat whole roasted chicken. Also, I don't like turkey because it has a habit.
I once bought and ate a turkey jerky made overseas, but I couldn't eat it because the taste was not Japanese. I also had a turkey leg at Tokyo Disneyland once, but I didn't like the taste.
Also, I've heard some people say recently that you should eat salmon instead of chicken.
Well, I've gone way off topic, so let me get back to it.
Next April, Conclave Arcana will be released. It is well known that Chaos Legion will no longer be available in Modern as a result of that.
We will lose all the Summoners in the Chaos Legion set at that time, are you planning to change the Summoners?
The Summoner used in the current Modern environment is mainly the Summoner from Chaos Legion. The reason is simple: they have more cards, they are cheaper, and they are stronger.
First of all, the Summoners present in Chaos Legion's KELYA FRENDUL and other rares are probably the easiest cards to use. You are most likely to encounter these samoners in ranked battles.
まず、カオスレギオンの KELYA FRENDUL をはじめとするレアに存在するサモナー達はおそらく一番使いやすいカードですね。ランクバトルでもこのサモナー達に出会う確率が一番高いです。
In fact, many of their abilities are simple and easy to use, and their low price makes them easy to buy even for beginners.
However, they will no longer be available in Modern next April, so it may be better to rent them.
Same goes for Riftwatcher's Summoner, though it's EPIC and therefore more expensive than Chaos Legion.
Legendary Summoners in Chaos Legion are less common than Rare Summoners, but you can find them. They are certainly very strong when used. The disadvantage is the high price and large cost, though.
Then there is the reward Summoner. This is an old reward card, so it is not available now. It is a little bit different from other reward cards in that you can use Gladiator in ranked battles, but I don't think it is used that often.
When Conclave Arcana is released, the above Summoners will be wiped out from the Modern environment. So we need to use Rebellion or Conclave Summoner, but none of Rebellion's rare Summoners are good enough.
I see AVINA OF THE WOLF and others being used, but only rarely, perhaps because of the high price.
AVINA OF THE WOLF あたりは使われているのを見るんですが、値段が高いからなのか稀に見るくらいですね。
This Tactics Summoner method is so difficult that people will probably choose the simple-to-use Chaos Legion Summoner.
Rebellion's Legendary Summoner is also a Tactics Summoner, so it's difficult to use. It's strong, though, because it also comes with a simple ability boost.
However, as I have said many times, we will have to use these when the conclave comes out. Will the price of the Rebellion Summoner go up or down in the coming April? It is extremely difficult to predict due to several conditions.
- Since the subset of Rebellion has not been released, the variety and number of Summoners is low.
- As the date when Chaos Legion will no longer be available approaches, there is a possibility that Liberion's Summoner will be purchased and there will be a shortage of stock.
- The number of Summoners that will increase with the release of Conclave may be excellent, making the Summoners of REVERION unpopular.
- possibly additional Reward's Summoner will be added to the list.
1. リベリオンのサブセットが発売されていないため、サモナーの種類、枚数が少ない。
2. カオスレギオンが使用できなくなる日が近づくとリベリオンのサモナーが購入されて在庫不足になる可能性がある。
3. コンクラーベの発売によって増えるサモナーが優秀でリベリオンのサモナーが不人気になる可能性がある。
4. もしかしたらリワードのサモナーが追加されるかもしれない。
There is still time, but I need to plan to replace it if I continue to play in modern. I'm still waiting because I still think the Rebellion Summoner is expensive, but if the Conclave Summoner is not as good, the Rebellion Summoner could skyrocket in price.
I hope there will be more easy to use samoners in the conclave for new players and the price will be lower.
But if it is an easy to use samoner, the price will go up. 🥲
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