Social Media Challenge!- Need to find a good tank. / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - 優秀なタンクを見つける必要がある。

in Splinterlands3 months ago

Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

To win in battle, you need a good tank. You have to be able to withstand attacks for as long as possible and protect the attackers on your side. Of course, the attacker has to defeat the opponent in the meantime.


You can get hit from behind with Sneak or Oppotunity, but basically you're going to get hit from the front, so you put a monster with high HP and armor at the front... like OSHANNUS. 😉
What if they suddenly become useless like that? You'd be in trouble 😱.


If you've been playing for a long time, you'll remember that when the game was split between Modern and Wild, the best tanks were suddenly unavailable and hard to organize.


Well, I remember being relieved not to have to deal with LORD ARIANTHUS and CHAIN GOLEM. 🤣
They had both Shield and Void and were very durable, so I felt like I had already lost just by being placed at the front of the pack.

まぁ、私はどっちかと言えば LORD ARIANTHUS や、 CHAIN GOLEM の相手をしなくてよくなると思ってほっとした記憶のほうが強いですけど。🤣

After all, the tanks are Shield and Void. They are very stable. I didn't have the above two tanks because they were too expensive, but UNICORN MUSTANG and LIVING LAVA were very helpful to me.

やっぱり、タンクはShieldとVoidですよ。やっぱり安定感が違う。上の2体は高かったから持ってなかったけど、 UNICORN MUSTANG や LIVING LAVA には非常にお世話になっていたもんです。

A tank with Void makes me feel safe. Magic is a must-hit, it ignores armor, and it is easy to be knocked down by a concentrated attack.
Void's magic reduction by half is very good. IZIAR, TUSK THE WIDE, and of course OSHANNUS are the most commonly used void tanks.

Void持ちのタンクは安心感がありますね。魔法は必中だし、アーマーを無視するし、集中攻撃されるとすく倒されちゃいますから。魔法半減がすごく優秀。 IZIAR 、 TUSK THE WIDE 、 あとはもちろん OSHANNUS がよく使われるVoidタンクですね。


Whether it is a ranked battle or a guild battle, you cannot form a team without a tank first. I put the tank first when the battle starts, but they will no longer be available when the conclave is released next April. It's called modern fallout. 🥲


Whether it is a ranked battle or a guild battle, you cannot form a team without a tank first. I put the tank first when the battle starts, but they will no longer be available when the conclave is released next April. It's called falling out of modern. 🥲


Yes, there are not enough tanks available. If the Chaos Legion set is no longer available all together, Rebellion alone will not have enough tank cards. I hope the conclave adds an excellent card.


Speaking of excellent tanks in Rebellion. GRIMBARDUN FIGHTER , BERA DALLIN, WARBORN CHIEFTAIN, MANTAROTH and others are the most likely candidates?


GRIMBARDUN FIGHTER has the advantage of being a neutral card with Shield and can be used with any element, but I wonder if it has low HP for the cost!
I think it is a good enough tank, but it looks understated because of the excellent Chaos Legion cards we have now.

GRIMBARDUN FIGHTER はShield持ちのニュートラルカードでエレメントを選ばずに使えるメリットがありますが、コストのわりにHPが低いかなー

BERA DALLIN has Taunt and also has Shield ability, what about Armored Strike, I guess the disadvantage is that it doesn't mesh with Taunt. I hope it will be affordable when the conclave is released.

BERA DALLIN はTaunt持ちでShieldアビリティも持ってます。Armored Strikeはどうだろう?Tauntと噛み合ってないのがデメリットかなー。コンクラーベ発売時にはお求めやすいお値段になってくれてるといいな。

WARBORN CHIEFTAIN has Shape, so magic can be avoided, and the Shield ability halves physical attacks. It costs 7, so it seems easy to use. This is a reward card, so it tends to be expensive to buy on the market. You can get it on your own, but it's a Legendary card, so you have to get 3 copies to use Shield.

WARBORN CHIEFTAIN はShapeがあるから魔法も回避可能で、Shieldアビリティで物理攻撃も半減。コストも7だから使いやすそうだけど。コレ、リワードカードなんでマーケットで買うと高額になる傾向があります。自前で頑張って引けばいいんだけどレジェンドだからねぇ。3枚引かないとShield使えないわけで。

MANTAROTH is a promo card so this is also very pricey. The cost of 11 is painful, but the combination of Shield, Armored Strike and Ture Strike is a very good combination.

MANTAROTH はプロモカードなのでこれも非常にお値段が高い。コストが11なのがつらいけど、ShieldとArmored StrikeとTure Strikeの組み合わせは非常にいい組み合わせだと思う。

Legendary cards are hard to buy because of the price, but I also tend to have trouble using them under the Lost Legendaries and Rise of the Commons rules. It would be nice to have a good common or rare tank.

レジェンドカードはお値段的に買いずらいってのもあるけど、 Lost Legendaries、Rise of the Commonsルールで使えなくなるのもちょっと困りがち。やっぱりコモンかレアの優秀なタンクがあるといいんだけどね。

Besides these, GRIMBARDUN SMITH also looks easy to use, but it is also a promo card, so it is expensive. It is also expensive because it is a promo card, and it doesn't have void unless it is level 3. Also, it doesn't have any offensive ability, so I'm a bit worried about it.

これら以外に GRIMBARDUN SMITH も使いやすそうなんだけど、これもプロモカードだからお高い。レベル3にしないとVoidが付かないし。あと攻撃能力が無いからちょっと悩む。

I want a NEUTRAL and excellent tank, but it's still expensive. I guess I'll end up asking for a conclave. I wish I could find an excellent tank in each element, either common or rare, but I'll be sad later if I expect too much, so I'll just have to be patient. I can't wait for the list to come out. Is it still going to be 2~3 months away? Please get it out - get it out - get it out.



The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.

以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。



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Glad you enjoy playing the game.
Though, it kind of sounds so demanding according to your description.

You need to be calculative and there is a big room from defect.

The game is a lot of fun.
I enjoy thinking about strategy and teams, so I collect data and work out the details, but you could try playing more casually.
If you haven't started Splinterlands yet, why not sign up for a trial and give it a try since it's free?

But it may be hard to win with just the cards available from the start. If you like it, you can try renting cards.

Oh okay.
I will give it a try someday 😊

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice