She was originally a distinguished soldier leading a Dragon Guard unit, but when Dr. Bright spread a plague, she was infected by a patient who hid the infection and became a zombie-like wandering monster.
It's the kind of backstory you'd expect to see in a panic horror movie or Resident Evil or something. 😭
Such a tragic creature ULFGA THE BLIGHTED is now available for voucher sale, replacing MANA WARDEN.
The rarity is Legendary and Dragon Elemental. It would have been nice if it were a neutral rare.
そんな悲劇のクリーチャー ULFGA THE BLIGHTED は MANA WARDEN と交代でバウチャー販売に登場しました。
With Legendary, it's rather common that the rules make it unusable. And because it's a dragon, the cost of the Summoner is larger than other elements. Chaos Legion has a 4 mana Dragon Summoner, but Rebellion only has AKANE and NIDHOGGR. The price is too high!
レジェンダリーだとルールで使えなくなることが割と多いんですよね。それにドラゴンだから他のエレメントよりサモナーのコストが大きくなるんですよね。カオスレギオンには4マナのドラゴンサモナーがいますけど、リベリオンには AKANE と NIDHOGGR しかいません。値段が高いんだよー
Well, let's hope for a conclave there, but here's how ULFGA THE BLIGHTED performs.
まぁ、そこはコンクラーベに期待するとして、 ULFGA THE BLIGHTED の性能はこんな感じ。
Untrainable and Poison Burst are the new abilities, Untrainable is a negative ability that cannot be given attacks in training. And Poison Burst is an ability that when ULFGA THE BLIGHTED dies, it poisons the monster that attacked it and the ones before and after it.
UntrainableとPoison Burstが新アビリティですね。Untrainableはトレーニングで攻撃を付与する事が出来ないマイナスのアビリティです。そして、Poison BurstはULFGA THE BLIGHTEDが死亡時に、攻撃したモンスターとその前後に対して毒を与えるアビリティ。
Poison Burst can poison multiple targets, so it seems to do more damage than you might think. And if you gain Rebirth, you can play refill combo.
As a side note, there was a change in the abilities just before release, and the positions of Rebirth and Slow were swapped.
Poison Burstは複数の対象に毒を与える事が出来るので意外とダメージを稼げるような気がします。そしてRebirthを覚えていればおかわりも可能。
I mean, originally the refill combo was available from level 2. I wonder why they changed it.
Was it a decision that the combo was too strong for the Silver League, or was the combo too weak and the intention was to change it to Slow to make it easier to use? Which is it? 💪.
Actually, I feel like Slow is easier to use, which is good. It's speed is 4 and it's evasive ability is not low. Plus the mana cost of 4 is good. It can also be used in little league rules! Really, really, why isn't it neutral!
But I still think Halfling Refugee is easier to use because it has no Shield, no Void, and no offensive power.
でも、ShieldもVoidもないし、攻撃力もないからやっぱり Halfling Refugee のほうが使いやすいかな?
The role is difficult. There are many other excellent tanks, and if the role is to disperse poison against Sneak or Oppotunity attackers, its HP is too high.
In reality, it would be better to put him at the front or the tail of the line to disperse poison.
In that case, it is painful that Rebirth is now level 4.
But I think it would be more stable to use a Poison ability holder if you are going to disperse the poison. At least if it is neutral...
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