DRYBONE MEGALODON, THE MAN-EATER SHARK, existed deep in the Wild Northeast! / Wild Northeastの奥地に人食い鮫、DRYBONE MEGALODON は存在した!

in Splinterlandslast month (edited)

Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge Theme: Explore and Expand Splinterlands Lore

The HIROOSHI KAWAGUSHI Expedition is an expedition to unveil the mysteries of Praetoria's unexplored regions. It is a journey that continues on, seeking something that exists beyond the roadless paths and the many obstacles that lie ahead.

川口 浩男士 探検隊とはPraetoriaに存在する秘境を目指し、驚異の謎を解き明かしていく。道なき道、幾多の困難を超えその先に存在する何かを求め走り続けるものである。

Nature, however, sometimes turns on the explorers and attacks. SILENT SHA-VI lurks behind the rocks.A trap set by MYCELIC INFANTRY. The expedition team continues onward, gathering what little information they can in the face of danger.

しかし自然は時として探検隊に牙をむき襲い掛かる。岩陰に潜む SILENT SHA-VI 、 MYCELIC INFANTRY の仕掛けた罠。探検隊は危険にもひるまずわずかな情報を拾い集め突き進む。


In the backcountry of the Wild Northeast, there are few plants. DRYBONE MEGALODON is said to live in these badlands.

Wild Northeastの奥地、植物さえも少ない荒れた土地。そのBadlandsに DRYBONE MEGALODON は生息するという。

However, the biology of the drybone megalodon is still unknown. This is because most of the creatures they encounter end up in their bellies.

しかし、 DRYBONE MEGALODON の生態はいまだ解明されていない。なぜなら出会ったものはほとんどが奴らの腹の中に納まってしまうからだ。

Our expedition will infiltrate the Drybone Badlands to uncover the dangerous DRYBONE MEGALODON ecology!

我々探検隊は危険な DRYBONE MEGALODON の生態を解き明かすべく Drybone Badlandsに潜入する!

An hour after arriving, we walked and walked, but no creature was in sight. Were the rumors wrong? Could it be that MEGARODON does not exist in a place like this? At that moment, the expedition team was about to think so!



The ground rippled and a huge shark jumped out of the water! The DRYBONE MEGALODON is a fearsome hunting shark that lurks beneath the ground and attacks any prey that comes near it.

なんと地面が大きく波打ったかと思うと巨大な鮫が飛び出してきたのだ!なんと DRYBONE MEGALODON は地面の下に潜み近づく獲物を襲う恐ろしい狩猟を行う鮫だったのである。

Sharp fins rise from the shark's back, slicing through everything in their path as the team members cower in fear!


Captain Hirooshi quickly comes to the rescue! Baritsu growls! With a shout of “Chest Oh! The “Chest Oh!” call was accompanied by a fist thrust that hit a vital spot and managed to repel MEGALODON.

すかさず助けに入る 浩男士 隊長!うなるバリツ!チェストぉぉ!の掛け声とともに放たれる正拳突きが急所へヒットしなんとかMEGALODON を撃退する事が出来た。

However, the targeted personnel are bloodied. His life was in danger. The captain decided to give up the idea of going deep into the country and retreated to a town where he could treat him.


Their name is DRYBONE MEGALODON, a fearsome shark that will eat anything. Captain Hrooshi vowed to fight again.

奴らの名は DRYBONE MEGALODON なんでも食らう恐ろしい鮫である。浩男士 隊長は再戦を誓うのであった。

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以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。




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Thanks for sharing! - @clove71