Community Engagement Challenge: What is an evasion tank, we called ninja. / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: 回避盾と言えば忍者

in Splinterlands4 months ago

Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Tutorials and Tips from the Community

A tank position is one that has high defense, high HP, and attracts attacks from opponents to protect other members of the team. Generally speaking, tanks are often referred to as knights or guardians with high strength and high defense, but there are some tanks who are known as evasive tanks, taking advantage of their super evasive ability. Yes, the ninja!


In Splinterlands, the frontmost monster that withstands attacks while the rear guard defeats the enemy is the tank, but there are monsters that avoid enemy attacks with high evasive power. I guess you could call them ninja.


This is a Rift Watcher ninja. I thought it would be more active but it was surprisingly hard to use. Was it because of the high cost? No, I secretly think it's because it was overpriced. It might be cheap now, but when the conclave comes out, it will be useless in modern.


And over here is a ninja from the Chaos Legion. Yes, it is OSHANNUS! Wow, DIO! He does something we never could without blinking! What a guy!

そしてこっちはカオスレギオンの忍者。そう、OSHANNUSです!さすがOSHANNUS!俺たちにできない事を平然とやってのけるッ そこにシビれる!あこがれるゥ!

OSHANNUS is such an excellent OSHANNUS, but this one will not be available in modern when the conclave is released.


I have tried to find a tank with high HP and high speed in Rebellion, but I still can't find one that can match the convenience of OSHANNUS. If I had to choose one, Giant Alpine Skink would be a good choice since it has the Shield ability. I like the low rarity.

リベリオンに高HPでスピードの高いタンクがいるかと思って探しては見たのですがやっぱりいまいち?OSHANNUSの便利さにはかないません。どれか一つ選べと言えば Giant Alpine Skink であればShieldアビリティも持っているのでいいかもしれません。レアリティが低いのもいいね。

But once you get to know OSHANNUS, you will think it is not enough.



RUNE ARCANIST was released when I was thinking about this. She has a Phase Ward ability that allows her to grant Phase abilities to previous monsters.

そんなことを考えていた時に発売されたのが RUNE ARCANIST です。彼女は前のモンスターにPhaseアビリティを付与する事が出来るPhase Wardアビリティを持っています。


So, a monster that failed to become an evasion tank because it does not have Phase can become a ninja! I've been looking for such a ninja candidate.


First is ENDLESS APE. He has high HP and has the Scavenger ability. But his speed is 3. It's a little short.
I guess you don't have to be an evasive tank, but you could have him heal and be durable. I don't think he can be a ninja.

まずは ENDLESS APE です。彼はHPも高いうえにScavengerアビリティを持っています。でも、スピードは3なんですよね。ちょっと物足りない。

The next candidate is NIGHT REAPER, who's Flying ability is also very good as it improves his evasiveness. He also has Magic Attack, Flying Monster Killer, and Reflection Shield to protect him from magic reflection and counterattacks by Thorns!
It is quite excellent. But the problem is that it costs 11. Considering that you have to use Dragon Summoner, the cost is even more!

次の候補は NIGHT REAPER です。Flyingアビリティも回避力を高めるのですごく優秀かも?さらには魔法攻撃、飛行モンスター絶対殺すマン、魔法を反射されたりThornsで反撃されてもReflection Shieldがあるから大丈夫!

Hmmm, if you ask me if it's realistic... But there is romance, isn't there? I feel the possibility of becoming a ninja.


And the last major contender is COMMANDER SLADE. First of all, it has a speed of 5, on par with OSHANNUS; it has Enfeeble to reduce attack power, Dodge to increase evasion, and Reflection Shield to nullify counterattack damage. It is very excellent!

そして最後の大本命は COMMANDER SLADE です。まずスピードが5でOSHANNUSと同レベルのスピードを持っています。Enfeebleで攻撃力を下げ、Dodgeで回避率を上げ、Reflection Shieldで反撃ダメージを無効化します。凄い優秀!

The downside is that it doesn't protect against magic, but that's where RUNE ARCANIST comes in.
A ninja! You can be a wonderful ninja!

欠点は魔法を防げないことですが、そこで RUNE ARCANIST ですよ。Phaseを付与してやれば魔法も回避できるので耐久度が爆上がりです。

Should I buy it now on the market? I was thinking, but the gold frame is over 10,000, and there's only one piece out there. I thought there would be more because it's rare. Is it already collected? Am I late to the party?


Well, well. I don't know if things will go that well, and RUNE ARCANIST is too expensive to get in the first place. Yeah, it's not going to catch on. Too bad 🍇🦊.

ま、まぁ。そんなうまく事が運ぶかわからないし、そもそも RUNE ARCANIST が高いから手に入らないし。うん、流行らないよね。🍇🦊 残念―


The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.

以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。



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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121