Community Engagement Challenge: It's still very cheating, this spider! / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: やっぱりめちゃくちゃチートだよね!

in Splinterlands4 months ago (edited)

Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Favorite Strategies

Even if you say it's your favorite strategy, it ends up being the same article because you write about it all the time. Sometimes I've written similar strategies before.


Also, not that it matters at all, but I think the battle screen has become confusing. I guess it's just something I'm used to...



So, this time, we will use the ARACHNE WEAVER strategy. ARACHNE WEAVER and CURSED WINDEKU are essential cards.
VENARI BONESMITH and USUT also work very well.

そういうわけで今回は ARACHNE WEAVER を使った戦略です。必須なカードは以 ARACHNE WEAVER と CURSED WINDEKU ですね。
あとは VENARI BONESMITH や USUT なんかも相性がいいね。


From the start of the battle, they are acting in the opponent's favor. The speed of the opponent is higher than that of the team. WINDEKU-kun is in the process of being beaten to a pulp.

バトル開始から相手の有利に行動されています。スピードは敵のほうが高いので行動順は相手が先。 WINDEKU くんがボコボコにされています。

However, the game is not over yet!



WINDEKU-kun is healed by 7 points. His recovery power is amazing! 😉
If you don't get knocked down in one turn, you can recover your entire team, which is a cheat no matter how you think about it. And the whole team, no matter how many of them are dying, they all heal... crazy, right?

7点回復で全快する WINDEKU くん。回復力が凄い!😉

The recovery will lower the maximum HP, but if you take down one opponent per turn, the damage you receive will be reduced, so you can endure much longer without being knocked down.
Even if they do fall, if you place a second monster with higher HP as well, it will be even more durable.



In this battle, DIEMONSHARK was defeated by poison at the start of the second turn, so we have the advantage in the battle from here.

このバトルでは2ターン目の開始時に毒で DIEMONSHARK が倒せたのでここからは戦闘を優位に進める事が出来ています。

The convenient thing about this formation is that the rear guard is rather flexible as long as you have a good tank in the battle. With ARACHNE WEAVER and CURSED WINDEKU, it is possible to adapt to various rules.

この編成の便利な点は、戦闘に優秀なタンクを置いておけば後衛は割と融通が利くという事ですね。 ARACHNE WEAVER と CURSED WINDEKU を置いてしまえばいろいろなルールに対応可能。

If you are a USUT, you can strengthen yourself with Bloodlust, and if you are a VENARI BONESMITH, you can fight while recovering with LifeLeech. BARON FYATT is also good at Halving!

USUT であればBloodlustで自分を強化できますし、 VENARI BONESMITH ならLifeLeechで回復しながら戦う事ができます。BARON FYATT もHalvingがつよいですよー

Oh, VENARI BONESMITH also has a powerful poison! Poison is very powerful if it gets in, but the 50% chance is a problem when you are unlucky. It's not good to rely on it too much, though. Poisoning is very strong, isn't it?

あ、VENARI BONESMITH は毒も強力ですね!毒は入れば超強力なんだけど、確率が50%っていうのは下振れしたときに困る。あまり頼りすぎるのも良くはないんだけど。強いよね、毒付与!

I often include BONESMITH and BARON FYATT, but I think the best thing about this combination is that it is so versatile that it can be used for many different rules.

私の場合は BONESMITH と BARON FYATT を入れてることが多いけど、このコンビネーションは汎用性が高いのでいろいろなルールに対応できるのが一番の利点かな?

It's too bad Death doesn't have a Cleanse holder, but ARACHNE WEAVER will recover, so can we take advantage?

DeathにはCleanse持ちがいないのが残念だけど、 ARACHNE WEAVER が回復してくれるので優位がとれるかな?



For Earthquake rules, you could put a monster with Flying.
For Super Sneak rule, you can put CURSED WINDEKU at the end of the list. For Armored Up and Heavy Metal rules, it is effective to put a monster with Shatter.

Super Sneakルールなら最後尾に CURSED WINDEKU を置いてみたり。 >Armored UpやHeavy Metalルールなら Shatter持ちをいれる。

You can take many different strategies. 😉😍



The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.

以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。



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