This engagement challenge is easy to write because I just need to introduce the combination of cards I usually use. So let's see if OSHANNNUS... I've already introduced a lot of OSHANNNUS, so I'll just do a combo using Rewards card or something like that.
This combo uses ARACHNE WEAVER and a high HP card, ARACHNE has a cheat performance of 70% overall recovery, so it is very strong if you recover a tank that will not be defeated in one turn.
という事で ARACHNE WEAVER と高HPのカードを使ったコンボです。ARACHNEは全体70%回復というチート性能なので1ターンで倒されないタンクを回復させるとすごく強いのです。
This battle also has a magic reflection rule, so being able to recover strength reduced by magic reflection is also a plus?
It is still amazing that even if you are hit from behind with the Sneak ability, you can heal as many times as you want as long as you are not knocked down by a single blow. Of course, CURSED WINDEKU, the lead player, has Thorns, so he can heal as many times as he wants while counterattacking.
I just realized that he is a great shield with all counterattacks.
Sneakアビリティで後ろから殴られても、1撃で倒されなければ何度でも回復できるのはやっぱりすごい。もちろん、先頭の CURSED WINDEKU なんかはもともとThornsを持っているので反撃しつつ何度でも回復します。
It is quite excellent in combination with VENARI BONESMITH as well as strengthening the tank. The disadvantage of reduced maximum HP can be nullified with the Life Leech ability.
タンクの強化ももちろん、 VENARI BONESMITH との組み合わせもなかなか優秀です。デメリットの最大HPの低下もLife Leechアビリティで無効化できます。さらにPoisonもあるのでさらに毒ダメージまで。
Anyway, ARACHENE's combination with various cards is wonderful.
とにかくいろいろなカードとの組み合わせが素晴らしい ARACHENE さんです。
First of all, there's Corrupted Healing as the main ability, which is the whole 70% recovery ability that has appealed to me from the beginning.
まずメインのアビリティとしてCorrupted Healingがありますが、これは最初からアピールしてる全体70%回復アビリティですね。
The cheat-y part of this ability is.
First of all, it can heal all monsters. I don't think there has ever been an ability that can heal multiple monsters at once, but here it is. If you play trading card games, you know that cards with multiple targets can give you a huge advantage. The most famous example is Wrath of God in MTG.
まず、すべてのモンスターを回復できるところ。一度に複数のモンスターを回復できるアビリティは今までなかったと思うんだけどそれが登場しました。トレーディングカードゲームをプレイしてる人ならわかると思うんだけど、対象が複数あるカードってものすごくアドバンテージを取れるんですよ。有名なのはMTGの 神の怒り/Wrath of God とかだよね。
Wrath of God is a card that has the ability to “destroy all creatures, friend or foe” It's a great card advantage because you can remove multiple creatures (i.e. cards) with one card.
神の怒り/Wrath of God は「敵味方のすべてのクリーチャーを破壊する」という能力のカードです。1枚のカードで複数体のクリーチャー(=カード)を除去できるのでカードアドバンテージが大きいんですよね。
Secondly, it is a bit unfair that if you don't recover (if you don't take damage) your max HP doesn't go down. Where you can always heal all monsters, but if you are not losing HP, then there was no disadvantage.
My personal feeling is that if the advantage is for the whole group, the disadvantage should also be for the whole group. In other words, everyone's maximum HP is reduced with or without every turn. 🤣
I feel like the demerit should have been that big.
And, although it is not so obvious, the fact that it has 2 points of magic attack power from level 1 is also wonderful. The difference between 1 and 2 points of attack power is really big, so it is excellent that only 1 card is needed to draw.
Finally, the most wonderful benefit is that it is very easy to combine with other cards and very easy to use, even with Corrupted Healing, but if your HP is high enough, just place it and it will combo on its own. Whether you place it in front or behind, it will heal your HP and increase your durability tremendously. If the HP is 1 or 2, you can't heal it because it will be knocked down by a single shot.
最後に最も素晴らしいメリットは、他のカードとの組み合わせが簡単でとても使いやすい点。Corrupted Healingありきの事ではあるけどもHPが高めなら置くだけで勝手にコンボになる。前に置こうが後ろに置こうが、HPが回復するから耐久度をものすごく上げる。流石にHPが1~2だと一発で倒されるから回復できないけどね。
It's easy and convenient and a must-have card...I'd definitely include it when using Death. I don't know what kind of cards will be added in the conclave, but probably a lot of cards that can be combined.
Because if you have a high HP card with some excellent abilities, it's a combo target by itself. It's good to collect them while you can!
The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.
以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121