start points 1400 - shitty silver 2 again
day 1 - fire
won the first match of the season
annnnddddd then immediately lose the next
nothing like starting of GOING FUCKING BACKWARDS !!!!!
win 1 - annndddd FUCKING LOSE 2 MORE AGAIN
win 2 - get fucked out of the streak
win 1 - fucking immediately lose 1
10 fucking matches and here i am in seson 89 FUCKING STANDING STILL !!!!!
win 2 - annnddddd get fucked out of the run - EVERY FUCKING TIME !!!!
at least i'm 20 points ahead after 20 fucking matches - BULLSHIT
day 2 - healing
got lucky and pulled off a streak - taking a break so i dont lose it all back
here we fucking go again - win2 , immediately turn around and fucking lose 2 - ALL DAY EVERY FUCKING DAY !!!
god fucking dammit !!! - -well, pissed away that 100 fucking points faster than it took to get it - so fucking sick and tired of alwasy fucking standing still ...
win 2- annnddd get fucked out of the streak by a lower level again
3 more garbage rewards
day 3 - healing again ???
win 2 - annnddddd GET FUCKED OUT OF THE STREAK AGAIN !!!! goddammit !!!!
sweet - pulled of a decent 7 win streak - that got me into silver 1 - still fucking dogshit but better than standing still i guess
6 more dogshit rewards
day 4 - water splinter
annndddd it's 10 fucking matches with no active water splinter
annnddd i made 20 points for all that bullshit LOL
win 1 - lose 1
annndddd then fucking lose a to goddam level 1 - some days this bullshit just pisses me off
win 1 - fucking turn around and lose 1 - another day down 50 points from where i started
pulled a couple new rares - i guess that's something
day 5 - flying
UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE - let's start the day by fucking losing to goddam lower level cards - i must really fucking suck at this
pulled off a 3 win streak vs all the bots
annddd then got fucked by that goddamm level 1 LLAMA - EVERY FUCKING TIME (match 4 in a row vs haoge bot)
this fucking bot shit is getting out of control
10 matches in a row vs the SAME FUCKING BOT - and i'm sitting still on points - FUCKEDUP BULLSHIT !!!
taking a break
pulled off a little streak - annnddd then got fucked by the level 1 yodin - every fucking day
got a legendary in the rewards - matches
day 6 - water
annndddd let's start by losing 3 in fucking row to lower level cards - pissed away yesterdays points - EVERY FUCKING DAY !!!
got lucky and pulled off a win streak - at least i made my points back
another day of fucking standing still - taking a break
come back from break and fucking lose the first match
annnd followed by a decent 3 win streak puts me into gold 3 - NICE !!!!
annndddd then lose the first fucking match - some things never change
7 rewards - 1 usable card
day 7 - exploits
pulled off a quick streak - and then fucking lost to a level 1 - another day of dogshit
got lucky and pulled off another streak - FML , it was 5 matches of nothing but bots till i lost
pulled off a really decent 7 win streak vs the bots - made it halfway up into gold 2
annnndddd lost 4 in row in league battles - every fucking time
followed by losing 3 in fucking row to all the fucking high level motherfuckers in gold 2
looks like i'll be right back down into gold 3 in another match or 2 - EVERY FUCKING DAY - EVERY FUCKING SEASON
fuck this bullshit - taking a break
annndddd lets fucking lose another 1
pulled off a little streak vs the bots - made my points back at least
taking a break
2 more shitty rewarrds
day 8 - water
lose 3 in row to fucking level 1 summoners - fucking nothing but numbered bot accounts
pulled off a decent streak and made up the lost points
holy crap - battled my way into gold 1
annndddd immediately fucking got my ass kicked right back down to gold 2
at least i made it to gold 1 - better than i've done for a while
wow - 7 absolute fucking garbage rewards
day 9 - FLYING !!!! hell yes
made a SUPER FUCKING RUN for 250 points - alomost fucking made it to diamond 3
thats AWESOEM with 1 day left in the season
GODAMMIT - tried to get in a couple more and lost my ass back into gold 1 - FUUUUCKKKK
eeked back into diamond 3 - stopping here before i fuck it up again
pulled a bunch of new cards out of 30 rewards - got a few golds , i guess thats better than nothing
pulled a pack from daily rewards is ok
*(this account is for entertainment purposes only - please consult a mental health professional if you consider taking any of this seriously)
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Not too bad!
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