splinterlands daily swearfest - season(83)

in Splinterlands2 years ago

start points 1600 (shitty silver 1 )

the last daily rewards were better than i got the whole season plus season rewards

lost the first match of the season - kicked right down into garbage fucking silver 2

nothing like getting fucked out of 100 points to start the season

this fucking bullshit watching 32k deck fall to 8k and losing every fucking season is starting to fucking pisss me off

haven been able to make it into diamond league for 10 or 11 fucking seasons now

day 2 - down to 1450

yup , still fucking losing my ass

win 3 ANNNDDDDD....


the focus is death

LOSE 3 in fucking row and could't choose death for any of them any way

day 3 annndddddd still down 150 fucking points from where i started

man this game has turned into such a fucking joke


another round of 20 games - win 1 - lose 2 , it;s like fucking sitting still

finally get a run up to 1500

annnddddd then turn around and fucking lose 3 in a row right fucking back to 1450 - FFFFUUUUCCCCCKKKKK !!!!!!

day 4 - finally got a decent run up to 1500

but its nothing but win 1- lose 1 vs lower level cards - FUCK I HATE LOSING TO LEVEL 1's

annnddd then lose again to a fucking level 1 LLAMA - I FUCKING HATE THAT GODDAMM LLAMA - fucking bullshit

here comes another fucking losing streak - wont be making it to diamond league this season

4 fucking days stuck in silver 2

life splinter

win 3 - almost made it to silver 1


the last 4 or 5 matches i couldnt use life splinter

finally got a run to silver 1

i'll probably fucking lose 3 in row now

9 more worthless garbage shit useless cards

day 5 death splinter

annnddddd let's start with 2 fucking matches i couldnt even use death splinter and fucking losing

annnddd amtch number 3 i couldnt use death - and thats 3 in row fucking lost

fuckin this stupid goddammm bullshit - going to fucking bed

thought i would try a few more - started fucking losing my assss AGAIN !!!!

day 5 of fucking losing

win 3- lose 3 -

win 3 - taking a break , maybe i wont fucking lose 3

made a decent push to gold 3

IMMEDIATELY GOT SMASHED OUT by the higher level douchebags

9 more fucking worthless garbage rewards

day 6 - defend

still in fucking silver 1 after 6 fucking days

pushed into gold 1 a little bit -


up 50 points - down 50 points - over and over and over

got fucked out of 3 in row - FUCKING AGAIN !!!!!!

on won 3 in a row - taking a break

10 more garbage fucking rewards

day 7 - earth

lets start by losing 3 in a fucking row - AGAIN - FUCKING GREAT !!!!

well, another ucking day of win 1 - lose 2

or win 1 - lose 2

im down 100 points from where i was yesterday - FUCKING BULLSHIT

def won be making it to diamond league for 11th season in fucking row

at this rate ill be fucking lucky to make it to gold 1

tried a couple matches before next focus

pfffffttt - fucking almost lost my ass back into silver league


day 8 and i can barely stay in gold 3 - whata a fucking joke

i just bought a couple of those yesterday - and this one makes enough to upgrade her to level 4 - SWEET !!!

and the extra merits came in handy too !!!

day 8 - stealth

win 1 -lose 1 , about 10 fucking times in a row - it's like im just spinning my wheels

finally got decent run in - made it up to 2100

pulled a gold card

day 9 - fire , seems about right after pulling a gold rat

win 1 - annndddd immediately fucking lose to the higher level douchebag - just another fucking day

win 1 - lose 2

annnddd FUCKING GODDAMMMIT win 1 - lose 2 AGAIN !!!

nothing like fucking going backwards - EVERY GODDAMMM DAY , i really dont know how i manage to make any headway at all

UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE - well, pissed away 5 in a row

there wnet that 100 fucking points into the toilet

it's like i'm not even fucking playing at this point

played a few more

another 10 fucking rounds of win 1 - lose 1 , what a fucking waste

and lost another 3 in a fucking row

dropped under 2k - thats over 100 points going backwards in the last 2 days - FUCKING GARBAGE BULLSHIT !@#$#@!

day 10 - (so fucking tempted to rage sell right now)

flying - played another 10 rounds of fucking lose 3 - win 1

the best i can do after 82 seasons is barley hanging on to a gold 3 spot - absolute fucking waste

pulled of a streak and made up 100 points

still got another 100 to go before i catch up to where i got fucked

pulled a decent streak up to 2200 - fucking finally

4 shitty rewards again

day 11 - water

annnnddd immediately get my ass kicked by the high level douche bags

win 2- lose 2 - FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK FUCK !!!!!

taking a break

oh look, another fucking day of win 1 - lose 3 - SONOFABITCH !!!!

losy another 1 - almost back into gold 3 - wow these cards fucking suck

pulled off a magic streak - made it to over 2300 - there's a fucking miracle

win streak follwed by a fucking losing streak - another fucking day of standing still !!!!

6 more garbage shitty cards

it's like i only get 1 decent reward / season - kinda shitty

day 12 - dragons - should be decent - but EVERYTHING seems to suck ballz anymore

win 1 - annndddddd turn around and fucking lose 2 - wow, it really is like i'm not even fucking playing

GODFUCKINGDAMMMIT - welll, fucked out of 3 in a row - there went that 50 fucking points into the toilet

fuck this - taking a break

day 13 - exploits

let's start another day by losing 3 in row - godfuckingdammit !!!

GODFUCKINGDAMMMIT - another 10 rounds of win 1 - lose 2

got fucked out of 75 points for the day - fucking BULLSHIT

tried a couple more - LOST 3 IN A FUCKING ROW AGAIN !!!

thats 2000 fucking points i got fucked out of - EVERY FUCKING SEASON ON THE LAST COUPLE DAYS I LOSE MY ASS

getting so fucking sicka and tired of this fucking bullshit

its official - after 83 seasons i cant fucking make it past gold 2 - time to start fucking selling shit

oh wait , ALL THE FUCKING MARKETS ARE GARBAGE RIGHT NOW - i'll just ride this dogshit to zero i guess - fuck it

3 more garbage shitty ass useless rewards

day 14 - stealth

win 3 - NICE


i fucking give up for the season

tried a few more thinking i could at least make it to gold 1

fucking lost 3 in row - FUCKING AGAIN !!!!

win 1 - FUCKING LOSE 2

well, that's definitely enough losing for me

one last push

took all fucking season to get a decent run in

battled it up a couple hundre points to 2600 -

fucking made it to gold 1 at least

probably the best rewards all season

*(this account is for entertainment purposes only - please consult a mental health professional if you consider taking any of this seriously)

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