Splinterlands Art Contest! // Week 157 // Fanart Libing Lava

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hi hiver, have a nice weekend everyone.
Today I submit my entry for the weekly Splinterlands art contest, featuring the fanart This Living Lava Monster. In my first days in the game, this was my favorite tank, I even have a golden card this monster, it was great, not so much anymore 🤣

Hola hiver, tengan todos un buen fin de semana.
El día de hoy presento mi participación para el concurso de arte semanal de Splinterlands, con el fanart este monstruo de lava viviente. En mis primeros días en el juego, este era mi tanque favorito, incluso tengo una carta dorada este monstruo, era genial, ya no tanto 🤣


I am about to go up to the silver league, every day I rent some cards to complete the 1500 power that I lack and buy some cheap cards if I can, this to obtain the two chests of the mission in silver.

Estoy a punto de subir a la liga de plata, todos los días rento algunas cartas para completar los 1500 de poder que me faltan y compro alguna carta barata si puedo, esto para obtener los dos cofres de la misión en plata.

360° View

The model on this occasion i worked with sculpting, initially I assembled a base with metaball, then I joined them with the part of the face, the fingers and the giant part of the other arm. Some images of the process:

El modelo en esta ocasión lo trabaje con esculpido, inicialmente arme una base con meta bola, luego las uní con la parte de la cara, los dedos y la parte gigante del otro brazo. Algunas imágenes del proceso:






And finally I leave you this other render, I hope you liked the monster of the fire element, and right now while I was writing the post, I thought that maybe not that it is not so great anymore, if not that I have to have it of a higher level so that it can fight better In this league, my summoners are lvl1 hahaha, but I still defend myself with my Byzantini Kitty in silver 😜
Until next time friends ✌️

Y final mente les dejo este otro render, espero les haya gustado monstruo del elemento fuego, y ahorita mientras escribía el post, pensé que quizás no que ya no sea tan genial, si no que tengo que tenerlo de mas nivel para que pueda luchar mejor en esta liga, igual mis invocadores son lvl1 jajaja, pero igual me defiendo con mi Byzantini Kitty en plata 😜
Hasta la próxima amigos ✌️



Yo!! Nice try with the body shape and the Lava texture. I saw you give the eye emission!
And I think If you have 2 layers of Lava, one below the moving lava with slightly emission and one above with the dark red rock, It will look even better!
Here is a material tutorial, Hope this help!
Blender Tutorial - Procedural Cracked Surface Material

Thanks for the advice friend ✌️

Nive lava texture :D

Did you play around with the transmission and emission settings on the principled node? (assuming you used that) Think a bit more transluscency and glow would have looked great and also killed your render time ^_^;

These are the nodes that were in Blender 1.9 ... from when I started learning, I don't know where the hell they are in the current version hahaha, I moved the configuration a bit at ease, but creating them from scratch, I didn't get to that knowledge. As for the render, it didn't take long because I did them with Eevee

How long have you been using Blender :O

I don't know, I lasted like 6 months in a row learning from 0, then I didn't use it for a year, and I've been practicing with what I always post here for just over a year.
I started learning 4 months before version 2.0 came out

Oh wow XD

There's nodes in the shader editor (if you like working in one window) and in the shader tab, are they the ones you're looking for?

I don't know, they were materials that already had the whole node tree ready, so I went to the shading and modified the nodes to my liking. These would appear in the materials by default.

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Hola soy Enmy 😉! Esta es mi cuenta para votar contenido de Splinterlands.

Me encantó tu propuesta 🥳

Super chevere, gracias por el apoyo beibi 😜

Yay! 🤗
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Hey que excelente fan art en 3D, 10 de 10. n.n

Gracias amigo, aunque no es de los mejores que he hecho, se nota en los votos jajaja.