My splinterlands journey

in Splinterlands3 years ago

splinterlads logo.jpg

Starting point

I started playing this game just a month ago and not only I have no experience in card games, but i didn't knew what NFTs where, so I was a bit scared to play, I hadn't even bought crypto before but a friend told me to try it and he helped me set up everything i needed, so i bought the summoner spell book and played a few games, and I really liked it and wanted to learn more about the game so I decided to join the splinterland discord server,thats when i started researching what i was doing wrong as well as asking for advice from people with a lot more experience than i had.

How to win DEC

When I become familiar with the game mechanics i reaized that the DEC gains are afected not only by your rankd but by other factors as you can see in this image
DEC gains.png
each of them increased the DEC earnings by a certain percentage
the capture rate decreases each time you fight but recharges by 25% each day, the DEC you gain is really afected by this so we want to maintain this as high as possible
the win streak bonus increase the more times you win in a row.
The gold card bonus gives you 20% more DEC for each gold card you used in the battle and 10% for alpha and promo cards
The guild one depends on the guild level and i didn't joined any guild so i started looking for one that i could join, after a few hours i finally found one thanks to the discord server where I saw a message from someone creating a new guild called Canary Island.

Pushing ladder

Afther all this time i finally felt ready to start pushing up the ladder, at least up to silver rank. So i started renting and buying some cards so i can get enogh power to get to silver, At that time I realized the huge amount of bots being used in bronze and obviously I didn't know how to counter the strategy used by these bots wich was to use Zintar and haunted spirit

Zintar.png haunted spirit.png

so it took me some days to learn what these bots were doing and how to win against them, time passed and i had only one day to get to silver,
This is where I really struggled to learn different strategies. I only had 2 hours to get to silver and I really got nervous, this is when I started to think about waiting for the next season to get to silver rank, but I really thought I could make it so I tried a little more, I started to win and when i got to the last game which could get me to silver rank another bot appeared, but after all those battles I really thought I would make it, I used a card called MYLOR CROWLING to counteract the strategy of this bot

the battle began and I watched it unfold, i got rid of almos all his backline but that haunted spirit was persistant, we got to a high round and we started taking damage each round, I didn't really know who was going to win, I wanted to close my eyes but I didn't, I trusted in my strategy, which I was developing throughout these 2 weeks playing.
Finally i saw it, haunted spirit died and with that i managed to climb to silver, all that effort was worthwhile, the season ended and I opened my chests, got some cards and 4k DEC, quite an experience.

What i learned

It's been almost a whole month since I first played this game, met amazing people and finally realized the great potential this game has, I'm super glad I took the first step and played this FANTASTIC game.
I hope more people can play this amazing game with these amazing developers. 👍.

English is not my first language, so in case you find any spelling mistake, do not hesitate to contact me to correct the error.