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RE: KE-Ratio as a guide

in Splinterlands2 months ago

I first looked into SPS, but now we can look up any game assets

This is good news and makes things allot more transparent for those who want to go that extra mile before deciding to cast their vote or deciding who is or whom isn't here for solely extracting. I believe those going that extra mile should also consider HBD holdings. If the value is still onchain then its not extracted. For me value shifting (Positive) is not even close to being the same as extracting. The KE is a good guideline but as you pointed out has its limitations. Its always best to not automatically assume someone with a less than stellar KE ratio is an extractor due to the many other factors and opportunities Hive has to offer. Your graph tells me one thing for certain about my own account and that is I need more SPS and Hive (can never have enough). I appreciate the work you put into the formula and presentation of such. that is one cool site, kudos to those who built it. I can't wait to see the other Hive Assets (gaming or otherwise) that might be added.

 2 months ago (edited) 

The conclusion remains the same.

An order of magnitude high KE ratio means we are looking at an extractor.

There are no exception. Considering all game and hive related assets.

HBD data is here. I decided NOT to include HBD, because it only helps the individual holding the HBD. If an individual hold HP and votes fairly, the value is distributed. That is better for the ecosystem.

Regardless, there is no example of any high KE holder holding any meaningful HBD.


There are no exception. Considering all game and hive related assets.

There's always exceptions; I'm not going to go searching for one as that would require for me to highlight someones account that I think is a good Hiven but others might not. I don't know what a An order of magnitude high KE ratio means to you so I can't comment further than that.

HBD data is here.

I seen it on the site. I did not see any other gaming assets listed aside from Splinterlands. Regardless of any of that the site is impressive. I'll be using it in the future.

I decided NOT to include HBD, because it only helps the individual holding the HBD. If an individual hold HP and votes fairly, the value is distributed. That is better for the ecosystem.

Of course we each are free to factor in what we want to or don't want to. While I agree that holding HP + fair voting is better overall for the ecosystem I don't agree that Holding HBD only benefits the holder (I will include such in my factors and hope others consider the same) due to the alternative option (3) shipping that HBD or equivalent in HIVE off-chain to exchanges. To me those who choose to hold HBD are deciding to keep value onchain and while not as good for the ecosystem as HP used to fairly vote its a magnitude better than value shifted off chain and that should be a positive or at least a neutral consideration imo. Thats the great thing about HIVE or any online community. Lots of different opinions get shared along with knowledge and eventually a better understanding of such is attained by those who interact. Once again thanks for the engaging post and your attention to my comments.

You are welcome. People can research as per your points and act accordingly.