Should This Card Be Adjusted? Let’s Discuss!
There’s been plenty of chatter in the tavern about whether this card should be nerfed or adjusted to make it more appealing to buyers. Some ideas have surfaced, and I’d love your feedback on them.
🔥 Let's burn those vouchers, folks! 🔥
I’ve outlined a few ideas below. Let’s dive in and see what could work:

For Level 1, the goal is to encourage more players to upgrade to Level 2 Ulfga's, not just for the new ability, but also for an overall improvement in utility. This creates more incentive for progression.

At Level 2, the card still shines due to its new ability. It becomes slightly harder to kill, which of course is bad :D but encourages you to go to lvl 3.
At Level 3, I believe the card is in a good spot as is. No changes needed here!
Here’s where things get interesting. I’ve brainstormed a few potential changes, especially considering the "Slow" ability.
Should "Slow" be replaced? If yes, what should take its place?
Some ideas for Level 4 include:
Adding Taunt would make this card a true game-changer, potentially shaking up strategies.Flank or Another Debilitation Ability
Abilities like Flank could add more synergy and tactical depth, while a debilitation ability could fit well within the card's theme.

What do you think? Which ability would work best for this card at Level 4?

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From the storytelling perspective, I'd say Taunt might be the only viable option since everyone will want to strike her down :-D Flank not really, because you don't want any of your units near her. Corrosive could be, or burn - spreading the plague to your own team, but under a different name.
For gameplay, taunt and flank make the most sense.
haha yea, thanks for the opinion :)!
Too be honest, I don't see anyone paying 1500 vouchers for level 1 of this card. You've gotta go at least level 2 to get the new poison ability. If you add taunt then you are right, it would be a game changer....but it is a legendary so it wouldn't be bad. I think flank would be awesome as well. I am certain we will see some pretty creative uses for this card as is... at least at the silver level.