Why HIVE and Splinterlands are so much more too me that just writing and playing - A Way back too society

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Most of the people here don't know how I'am and before this did I have another account which I lost. But I just want to speak a bit about HIVE and Spliterlands and the opportunities in life they have and can give me. For some are HIVE just a good source of information, for some a bit about profit. For me is it a part of my way back to society and life. For me is HIVE and Splinterlands a way for me to and fun and share knowledge but it's also a way for me to redeem myself, both to myself as a human and in a financial way.

Thank to HIVE and Splinterlands can I buy Christmas gifts to my family, pay for food and pay debts. This while having fun at the same time while playing and sharing the knowledge I can.
For me is HIVE and it's tokens an amazing opportunity I never have had before exactly as Splinterlands.

If we go a few years back in time was i trapped in a horrific cycle of addiction while hating myself more and more by every day that past. I started doing drugs around 15 years old, the first drugs I took was Cannabis and spice. I loved the feeling it gave me, all my problems felt so much easier to handle and my low self-esteem got better. This didn't affect my grades from ground school as we call it in Sweden "ground school" is from around 7 years old to 15-16 years old depending on when you were born. My grades were good and I got nearly A in everything.

When I soon thereafter started "high school" which is from about 16 years old to 19 years old. My grades started to decline as well as my addiction got worse and worse. Now did I not only smoke weed and spice everyday but I also did a lot of amphetamines and research chemicals (3-mmc, 3-cmc this is hardcore stimulates which feels like a mix of cocaine, amphetamine and MDMA) .
My grades took a hit and I soon thereafter when to rehab for 3 months. When I come home was my addiction worse and I wasn't ready to stop, I wanted to escape reality forever being high all the time. I took heroine for the first time at that rehab and well it was the most relaxing, beautiful feeling I ever had. All my problems vanished and I could just sit (nodding) and flee the reality I had to face.

This kept on going for a long time and when I was around 20 years old did I inject heroine 4 times a day to not go in whitdrawels on top of that did I a lot of benzos and I mean a lot this while I injected research chemicals or amphetamines 2-3 times a day and smoking weed and popping high doses lyrica. This time of my life is really blurry and from 20 years old to about 23 did I do this. I often worked as a human being and had job while working out, you just get so justed to the drugs that know one even notice you being high all the time. During this time did I have like 4 different jobs and went to rehab several times.

I did have enough I was drained both in body and mind and nearly suicidal everyday, but then something changed I meet the girls of my life as first were we just friends and she offered me a bed if I really wanted to quit, by that time did I want nothing more than just that, I too had lost my home to it was perfect. Just after a few weeks did we notice that we liked each other, and still became a relationship for 2,5 years. We lived together during this time, she is an ex addict too not as hardcore as i but still an ex addict and after about one year did we start doing drugs together and this did so much damage to me and her, fights, jealously behaviors for both and so much more problems. Today do we sadly hate one and each other after a lot of happenings, or we're both are quite sad over it accually rather than angry.. It's sad she really was the beauty of my life and I really loved her I even loved here more than I loved myself. I would have died for her everyday. She was everything to me.

Our breakup had left me homeless and it was my fault i got in that position it was me who started taking drugs again and started to ruin the life I had built up, again. At this point had I done this so many times. Started to build up a life just to ruin it a few month or years later. Even my family couldn't handle my destructive behavior any more and I understand that. They were always worried for me waited for a call just to hear me death in an overdose. When I took drugs was I a real danger to myself and had by this point gone thru around 15 overdoses. My family was exhausted after all years of worrying. I couldn't come home and live with my family and I neither wanted too. I didn't want them to see the shape I was in, I know it breaks their heart to see me like that all broken up and messed up by drugs.

This time was I homeless 7 months straight with no money, mobile, nothing. At knight did I steal cycles to sell to get my drugs and stay away from withdrawals. I didn't just steal cycles I snitched everything I could to sell. To get drugs and food. It was a horrible time which resulted in an overdose/suicide attempt that left me in a ventilator for 2,5 days. I was seconds from dying, I was lucky that the cops found me. If it had been just few minutes later and I would't here nor write this.

Now 14 month later, 14 month free from drugs and misery can I start to live and start to recognize who I'm again. i currently live off government payouts. I live at a semi-rehab now for ex-addict. We do everything ourself but we have personal during the day that we can talk to and that helps us with different difficulties we can meet which is great. My goal is to start my studies again and start a course to be a coder/programmer but this is after the summer of 2022. I have a lot of debts which is around 30k with a quit high interest. I sad over the chooses I have made in life but happy to be a live and well. I currently live off 400 dollar a month excluded the rent for the room i have in the facility. It's hard to survive of that affording to buy everything from scratch.

But it's a part of the punishment and karma for everything i have done wrong. Nothing drops from the sky, it's a hard work getting back t life as it should be and i neither want anything to be drop just in front of me I want to earn it!.

To point is that HIVE and Splinterlands have gave me an opportunity to do right by myself. I gives me a space to pay off my debts, it gives me an ability to pay my family for everything they have gave me. It gives me a chance of redemption in a way without judging me. In the real world do I always get judge for my former past. It's hard to get an employment, it's hard to get trusted, everything is hard and people will always judge. But HIVE and Splinterlands don't and I can fell like a normal person and that's quite awesome!. I can have fun, get knowledge as i love cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and blockchain gaming I can also give knowledge at least the knowledge I have thru writing articles which I enjoy spending my time doing, and I get also paid to have fun thru knowledge-sharing and gameplay. It can not get better, I love what blockchain has to offer me and I bow to the people giving me this chance.

For me is redemption important I want to give back what I have taken. With HIVE and Splinterlands is my chances so much greater to succeed in this and this makes my life an easier path to go even thru the hard times.

I'm very grateful for this, I'm very grateful for HIVE and Splinterlands existing making so much more possible in life for me. Splinterlands and HIVE is life changing in many ways for many people and I give all my gratitude to the creators who has made this possible and also a gratetude to all tokens on HIVE adn their creators.

This community owns.



Thanks for feeding us with this information. It's so useful. I really appreciate