in Splinterlands3 years ago

Here come another week of battle challenge. And the weekly topic is HILL GIANT. Earth is one of favorite deck, and Hill Giant was one of the earth card I used pretty often during low mana match. No further ado, let's start!




Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.


All Monsters have the Divine Shield ability.

MANA: 14





Magic deck is one of my favorite choice during low mana match. On the event where not many cards could be play due to low mana restriction, magic attack behavior which piercing through the shield could be very handy.
Hill Giant_lv3_gold.png

1st Position - Hill Giant

Protagonist of the week! This is a low mana match, so I need a card with low mana requirement but provided decent HP as tanker, and Hill Giant fulfilled this need perfectly. Although it did not have any ability, but the stats of 7 HP and 2 Attack is consider very high for a card which only cost of 3 mana.

2nd Position - Fungus Fiend

It's always good to fill up the empty position, additional card that taking additional damage could be crucial to win the game sometimes, so Fungus Fiend were put in this position. I choose Fungus Fiend over here instead of Furry Chicken because of the 1 attack. If Hill Giant has been taking out, Fungus Fiend would still stand a chance to deal some damage. 1 attack might not help much, but better safe than sorry.
Wood Nymph_lv3_gold.png

3rd Position - Wood Nymph

The main reason of choosing Wood Nymph is because of her HEAL ability. The HEAL amount are depending on the target max HP, so the combination of Wood Nymph with Hill Giant would form a very good tanking composition.
Djinn Biljka_lv1.png

4th Position - Djinn Biljka

That's not many mana left, so I chosen another magic card with low mana requirement which could benefit from the summoner ability, which is Djinn Biljka. Djinn Biljka wasn't my favorite pick due to his low HP, but under low mana restriction it doesn't really matter anymore since most of the low mana card won't come with good HP. And his CAMOUFLAGE might secure him from opportunity or sneak attack to stay in the field to deal damage as long as possible.
Furious Chicken_lv1.png

5th Position - Furious Chicken

Again, a zero mana requirement card just to fill up the empty slot. This card was chosen to stay at the last position to protect the middle lane from taking SNEAK damage.


My line up VS opponent line up




Did your strategy work?
What will you try differently next time?

Yes my strategy did work as expected, even though opponent has picked an anti-magic card - Unicorn Mustang as tanker. My magic line up still manage to deal damage to Mustang due to the attack enhancement by Obsidian, although it's a little bit slow in this case. And most importantly, the cheap mana cost tanker - Hill Giant did manage to survive for pretty long due to healing from Wood Nymph. Even though Hill Giant is obviously a weaker tanker compare to Mustang, but with the help of Wood Nymph, Hill Giant survivability is on par with Mustang in this match. Proven against how combination of the right lower mana cost card can outrun stronger card.

I did make a mistake in this match, I overlook the UNPROTECTED rule, which mean my initial purpose of choosing magic deck to pierce through armor wasn't really matter in this match. Perhaps I should focus more on dealing physical attack during match with UNPROTECTED ruleset.

Do you like HILL GIANT?
Why or why not?

Hill Giant wasn't really my favorite card, but I did use it pretty often when that's not much mana left and I need someone which is able to take some damage in my line up, and Hill Giant always fit this need perfectly. With the mana cost of 3, Hill Giant did provided an exceptional good stats as a tanker.