Rumour Land - Splinterlands - Chaos Packs Price to 20x ROI $$$$

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)


Rumour Has It...

I thought today it was a good time to look at the future price of "Chaos Legion" Packs, if Alpha, Beta, Untamed are anything to go by then its a no brainer to hold some of these little gems for a rainy day...or at least until the price inflates to the moon!!


You may say "Well there was only 300k "Alpha" packs so of course its more valuable...There’s 15M "Chaos Legion" And you wouldn’t be incorrect but below I will try and change your mind and we can delve into this in a little more detail:

Current Pack Details...


So the first thing to note is that there are 10x the supply of "Chaos Legion" vs "Untamed" now got many this would cause alarm bell when looking at this from an investment stand point, However what you need to take into consideration is when "Untamed" dropped the player base was estimated to be around 5k you compare that to today which is estimated to be around 375k so this is a 75x on the daily active user base. So proportionally using the same calculation there would need to be 67.5m "Chaos Legion" packs on sale to be the same supply to active users which is a heck of a lot of packs!


So with this taken into consideration 15m "Chaos Legion" packs in the grand scheme of things taking into consideration the mass increase in active players...

Future Chaos Legion Price Prediction

So what would the average player be prepared to pay for a pack once the General Sale is finished?? And lets not kid ourselves its going to sell out faster than previous packs. To take a stab at this we need not look any further than the 8th Dec 2021 this was before the General Sale, back then they were selling on Hive Engine for 10 HIVE Per pack which was around $20 at that time, you got to remember people were willing to pay this especially NEW players who didn’t have enough SPS staked or the VOUCHERS available to purchase... They were purchasing these packs with the knowledge that the General Sale was coming soon and they could get them for $16 cheaper at $4 and without having to hold VOUCHERS and yet they were flying out of Hive Engine! So is $20 a pack the future price for the "Chaos Legion" packs?? If people were willing to purchase them before what about when they cant no longer buy them for $4 and the only way was 3rd party purchases... I personally believe $20 is low balling and I think we could be more inline with "Untamed" around $40 per pack which would be a ROI of 10x.

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SPS Airdrop Benefits

If you think about it if a player was to purchase 1000 packs hold until the airdrop finished, that’s an extra $860 worth of SPS, assuming the SPS price continues to remain the same which is highly unlikely, but possible especially if the DEVs confirm "Riftwatches" requires SPS... but that’s a discussion for another day! Then that another reason to purchase packs regardless of the price! Remember the airdrop is scheduled to finish its not going to last forever and players want to take advantage of this!

Other Benefits of Chaos Legion

  • META Changing Abilities
  • Legendary Fiend Cards - Cost 0 Mana
  • Airdrop Cards


In Conclusion

None of the above is financial advise, each player needs manage their investements within their means and take a calculated approach, I can only speak on behalf of myself who loves this game and believes in the long term success Splinterlands which is why I am stacking up on "Chaos Legion" packs to see if we can get that 10x or higher return.

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Until Next Time Powis Signing Off...

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