Modern LEGENDARY Monsters You Need! - Part 5

in Splinterlands3 years ago


In this post I want to spend a short time talking about the DEATH deck and Modern must own monsters, specifically LEGENDARY that’s right, I have reached the final round of this mini part series, saving the best till last. As with all of this series I will be rating these cards based on Utility, Synergy and Cost.

I was only rating the cards based on a Level 1 but I will also do a secondary rating for MAX Level, Also I wont touch on cards which are Starter cards.





Its a Legendary monster that I believe has been overlooked and under appreciated since it launched. I must admit myself when Harklaw came out I was more focused on Djinn O'Shannus more...But then I was lucky enough to pull a Gold Foil Harklaw and that opened my eyes to the potential of this card if given the right love. That I believe is where the Death Legendary Summoner will focus on, The Devs never like to see a Legendary card under used and under valued which is where Harklaw currently is so I believe some form of Love / Buff package is on its way for this card.

At Level 1 it gets x2 Melee, x2 Speed, x3 Shield and x9 HP with Shield. So Level 1 is not a weak card, its attacking output is average, Speed is on the slower side but its Protection in the form of Armour / HP and The Shield ability meaning it will take less damage from anything other than Magic means this card is a good all round tank. It is only let down by that said Magic which will melt through this cards core defence.

At MAX Level it gets x3 Melee, x2 Speed, x3 Shield and x10 HP with Shield, Immunity and Demoralize. So it gets a little more attack and a little more speed and a little more protection in the form of Immunity meaning it cant be de-buffed by say Poison or Rust etc.. It also has Demoralize meaning it will reduce all the melee damage output on the opposite team so pair that with the Shield it already has means it could be taking 0 damage at times so prolonging the overall survivability of the card. Magic is still a big issue with this card even at MAX Level which is a problem.


Synergy with Thaddius Brood is actually beneficial for Harklaw it reduces the Magic damage by -1 which as we have touched upon already is Harklaws weakness, It also reduced the HP by -1 meaning it will make the opponents potential easier to kill. I like the current Synergy but I do always like buffs so Melee Buff would be nice for this card or Void Buff. Like I say I personally feel this will come in the form of the NEW Legendary Summoners.


Currently the cost is at $2 per BCX / 1.2K DEC - MAX Copy $22 / 13.5K DEC, So in costing terms...Its really cheap for a Legendary card which offers as much potential as Harklaw does, with its Utility and Synergy. I do only see this card getting more love over time and this will inflate the price so I would get in now and grab a MAX Level.


This card has so much potential long term it just need a little TLC and it will be a card that is must own. For the Utility, Synergy and Cost I would really push everyone to go out and stock up before this card blows up. With LAND Due to drop and the need for monsters to work the lands its a perfect time to pick up a Legendary card to capitalize on this chance.


Level 1 - 6/10
MAX Level - 8/10




Lira is one of the Legendary monster that were recently airdropped, Its a card that I have but I haven’t actually used that much really. Just based on the cards stats though Its a very good and powerful card, Its most definitely one of the better airdrop cards to drop in my opinion.

At Level 1 it gets x2 Ranged, x6 Speed and x6 HP with Opportunity and Snare. So Level 1 is a more than capable card, The x6 Speed makes this card really hard to hit without Magic and the ability to take the first shot in most cases. Snare means it will also hit the cards which are playing the Flight ability so this means a higher than average chance of never missing its targets.

At MAX Level it gets x4 Ranged, x6 Speed and x6 HP with Opportunity, Snare and Swiftness. So If this card wasn’t fast enough before at MAX Level its about to get quicker..not only this card but it will now boost the speed of the rest of the team! Making this card a great support monster and potentially meaning more wins with more of your team attacking first and as we know SPEED IS KING!


Synergy with Thaddius Brood is actually not as beneficial as with Harklaw but its not useless, it will still benefit from the lower Magic damage will is again another weakness for this Legendary card and it will benefit from the enemy having 1 less HP...So whilst its not a massive benefit it does help. However MAX Level Synergy with its own team and granting all friendly monsters Swiftness is very good!


Currently the cost is at $5.28 per BCX / 3.2K DEC - MAX Copy $58 / 35.2K DEC, So in costing terms...Its not expensive but its also not as cheap as say Harklaw. Whilst a MAX Copy of this card is very nice for that extra 1 damage, a Level 3 is more than enough and you will benefit from Swiftness, This will cost $31 / 19K DEC so it does make it a lot for cost effective.


This is a very good card and a card I should be using more. It offers great Utility and Cost, Yes the Synergy could be better but as I have said on many of these blog posts, We don’t know what’s around the corner. In my opinion I would look to buy the Level 3 it gives you all you could ever need.


Level 1 - 7/10
MAX Level - 9/10




This Legendary monster is an interesting one, again its a card I own but haven’t really used that often. Its a great counter monster to Magic which is a rare style to fin especially when its a counter to Magic but is a Mage itself.

At Level 1 it gets x2 Magic, x2 Speed, x4 Armour and x7 HP with Void Armour and Knock Out. So even at Level 1 this card dishes out some nice magic damage with some protection to magic thanks to the Void Armour That being said this is only good while the monster has the armour so an armour repair support monster would be nice to have in the team.

At MAX Level it gets x3 Magic, x2 Speed, x4 Armour and x8 HP with Void Armour, Knock Out, Giant Killer, Magic Reflect and Phase. So at MAX Level this card is where it comes into its own as a great Magic counter card in the form of Magic Reflect which means it will reflect back any magic that hits this card by half. It also has Phase which means it can now dodge Magic attacks.


Synergy with Thaddius Brood is actually really nice, Not only will it reduce the Magic attacks coming in at the Void Armour but with Djinn dealing out Magic damage it will be hitting at a opponent with reduced HP so higher odds of it dealing the killer blow.


Currently the cost is at $6 per BCX / 3.6K DEC - MAX Copy $66 / 39.6K DEC, So in costing terms...Its the more expensive one on this list but in comparison to some Legendary cards its actually really affordable. Its a shame Phase isnt activated at a lower level but as Phase is game changing for this card a MAX Level would be the Level to aim for.

This is a very good card and a card I should be using more. It offers great Utility and Cost The Synergy works well with card and its a card you could technically play in any position so it does give you flexibility. That being said for the true potential of this card you will need to invest into a MAX Copy without the Phase it does leave this card somewhat exposed to Magic but unlike the others on this list it does have some answer to that.


Level 1 - 7/10
MAX Level - 9/10


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Another good installment. Sharing this on Splinterlands Digest Twitter.


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On the battlefield, many strategies can help your team win despite the presence of famous or unpopular cards in the lineup.

Indeed they can. But its always nice to have good strong Legendary at your side.

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