Modern LEGENDARY Monsters You Need! - Part 3

in Splinterlands3 years ago


In this post I want to spend a short time talking about the EARTH deck and Modern must own monsters, specifically LEGENDARY thats right, I have reached the final round of this mini part series, saving the best till last. As with all of this series I will be rating these cards based on Utility, Synergy and Cost.

I was only rating the cards based on a Level 1 but I will also do a secondary rating for MAX Level, Also I wont touch on cards which are Starter cards.





I could end the blog here really as we all know how OP Kron was and still is especially now tied in with Obsidian which I will come to. He is so overpowered from Level 1 lets see what he gets, x3 Magic, x2 Speed and x10 HP with Heal So even at Level 1 he's an absolute beast x3 Magic with x10 HP and Heal so every round he will be dishing out huge damage and healing himself up! Take this now upto MAX Level and x4 Magic, x2 Speed and x12 HP with Heal, Divine Shield and Last Stand. So he gains more Power and even more survivability in the form of Divine Shield meaning this first time he's hit it wont count, then if he is the last one alive on the team Last Stand will kick in meaning all his stats will be pumped up! He really is an all round power house and worthy of the Legendary status.


Well Synergy wise with Kron to Obsidian it really is perfect, Obsidian will boost Magic by +1 meaning at Level 1 Kron will be hitting for x4 Magic! and MAX Level x5 per turn! Now imagine playing this with the Blast ruleset...


Currently the cost is at $133 per BCX / 72K DEC - MAX Copy $1.4K / 792K DEC, So in costing terms...Yes its a small fortune and this is to be expected its Legendary, Its Meta breaking, Its well established and been around awhile and its in demand from all players. So yes this would effect the overall rating due its availability to be able to purchase. However what about renting...15 DEC a day...I was surprised it was so low, so much so that I have now rented a copy.


This card is a beast, Theres no sugar coating that its a pricey asset but when you can rent for 15 DEC a day in my opinion its a must own for the Utility and Synergy it brings to your team. Yes likely your only getting a Level 1 so you will only get the heal but still I say only thats an epic Level 1 card.

Level 1 - 9/10
MAX Level - 10/10




Another great Legendary card in Djinnn, granted not quite on the same level as Kron but its still a card which has its place in the Earth team. I do believe potentially they should have given this card slightly higher HP for that survivability but it does hold Camouflage as an ability meaning it will evade the sneak and snipe and opportunity abilities so It has the potential to last out longer. So lets look at the Levels, so Level 1 gets 1x Magic, 1x Speed and 2x HP with Camouflage. MAX Level gets x3 Magic, x1 Speed and x2 HP with Camouflage, Void and Weaken. This card comes good at Level 3 really, The Void is nice to have but with the Low HP it wont last long as a Tank but the Weaken is a nice ability to have as it will reduce all opponents HP by 1.


As with Kron the Synergy Biljka has with Obsidian is perfect, Obsidian will boost Magic by +1 meaning at Level 1 Biljka will be hitting for x2 Magic! and MAX Level x4 per turn! So again not alot to talk about with Synergy its a perfect match.


Currently the cost is at $2.35 per BCX / 1.2K DEC - MAX Copy $26 / 13K DEC, So in costing terms...and when you compare to the cost of Kron its an absolute steal. Granted the Utility of Kron to Djinn is on a different level but like I say Djinn has its place and for that cost its must own not even rent just pick it up as it will inflate in price once its out of print.


Level 1 - 6/10
MAX Level - 8/10




And finally Queen Mycelia, Another magic Legendary card for the Earth team. Its very similar to Djinn Biljka in terms of a Low health and Magic output. The difference between this and Djinn is Mycelia offers protection to the entire team in the form of the Protect ability. Lets delve into the levels, So Level 1 gets x1 Magic, x1 Speed and x4 HP with Protect and MAX Level gets no difference in stats but what it does get is Protect, Amplify, Triage and Rust...So whilst this card doesn’t increase stats wise it does become an all round support card with Triage offering a HP support to back line, Rust to mitigate the oppositions Armour and Amplify Increases Magic Reflect, Thorn damage and Return Fire.


As with Kron and Djinn the Synergy with Obsidian is perfect, Nothing new to talk about with this card as it mirrors the two above. Just a perfect match.


Currently the cost is at $19 per BCX / 10K DEC - MAX Copy $209 / 110K DEC, So in costing terms...It does come in slightly more expensive at that middle ground but you can rent a Level 1 for as little as 3 DEC a day which is more than affordable for the Utility and Synergy this offers.


Level 1 - 6/10
MAX Level - 9/10


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Until Next Time Powis Signing Off...

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Queen is so good. I think she's as close to (power-level-wise) as we'll get to a Kron. Her kit has so much utilization and gets better at each level. Interesting fact, the amount of Biljka's and Queens based on print distribution will be the same (~18k max BCX). You wouldn't think that currently based on Queens price. I think we'll see CL cards continue to go down in price with the Airdrop ending. I'll wait til then to pick up a few more. Sharing on Splinterlands Digest Twitter.

I agree queen is very good!! I'd love to be in a position to have a maxed out copy! I can only see that card going up in price in the future. Thanks for
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