With the recent release of the Riftwarchers set, there are abilities that offer more accessibility to our Bronze and Silver players. One of which is the Stun ability. People may know that this ability was only available to certain higher leagues like Gold and above for older sets but now it will be fun for almost everybody who has these cards. Here I will give you an idea about Stun and when is the best time to use this ability in a battle.
A Stun-ning Description
The Stun ability works so that when a monster was stunned with this ability, that monster will skip a turn. Hence, missing a crucial shot or an ability for that turn. This has a 50% chance of activation too.
This will work well with a specific ruleset which is the Heavy Hitters ruleset.
Knocking Out your Opponent in Heavy Hitters
Heavy Hitters ruleset gives everyone the Knock Out ability where attacking stunned monsters will deal double the damage.
Let say a monster with 2 damage has the Knock Out ability, that attack will deal 4 damage to a stunned target. This is where cards with the Stun ability will truly shine. Especially, cards with a high Speed.
Card Selection
Here are the Riftwatchers cards that has the Stun ability at Level 1 and they can fit in with certain Summoners and around 20+ Mana requirement. Although, having these cards will surely bring some variety to your deck and can be your trump card to certain rulesets.
With my battle showcases, I'll be focusing more on Runeslinger which is Level 2 as you can see from the picture above. They are great with General Sloan providing an additional +1 Ranged attack for Runeslinger plus having other cards that buff this card pretty well.
Here are teasers of the battles I took that highlight the use of the Stun ability in a Heavy Hitters ruleset. You can click the teasers displayed below to see the whole match.
A thing I would consider is...
- Speed of the Stunner - You should let your stunner monster hit first your target before letting your damage dealer monsters attack. This may be done by either increasing your Speed like Swiftness ability or utilizing the Reverse Speed ruleset so your slow stunner monsters can attack first.
The images used here are from Splinterlands and also from their respective creators
Borders used are from @lorddiablo (A big shoutout to your work!)
The background used for the icons and card selection are from Joshua Bartell on Unsplash
The thumbnail was edited using Canva while the gif was created using Adobe Express