Bem vindo meus queridos ao primeiro sorteio especial do token @sbtofficial onde nesta postagem iremos destribuir aos participantes 100.000k SBT token mais 32 cartas splinterlands entre commom raro e epic aos partiicpantes, mas antes vamos conhecer um pouco do projeto para assim depois explicar como vai funcionar o sorteio | Welcome my dears to the first special draw of the @sbtofficial token where in this post we will distribute to the participants 100,000k SBT token plus 32 splinterlands cards between common rare and epic to the participants, but first we will know a little about the project and then explain how it will work the giveaway | Bienvenidos mis queridos al primer sorteo especial de tokens @sbtofficial donde en esta publicación distribuiremos 100,000k token SBT a los participantes más 32 tarjetas splinterlands entre raras comunes y épicas a los participantes, pero primero conozcamos un poco sobre el proyecto y luego yo Te explicaré cómo va ejecutar el sorteo |
Quando vc faz stake SBT desbloqueia sorteios dentro do discord SBT para os valores 10.000, 25.000, 100.000 e 1.000.000 SBT onde vc pode ganahr desde cartas splinterlands a premios em SBT token deixarei uns links abaixo mostrando quais possiveis cartas vc pode ganhar | When you stake SBT unlocks raffles within the discord SBT for values 10,000, 25,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000 SBT where you can win from splinterlands cards to prizes in SBT token I will leave some links below showing which possible cards you can win | Cuando apuestas, SBT desbloquea sorteos dentro del discord SBT por valores de 10,000, 25,000, 100,000 y 1,000,000 SBT donde puedes ganar desde tarjetas splinterlands hasta premios en token SBT. Dejaré algunos enlaces a continuación que muestran qué posibles tarjetas puedes ganar. |
Common Tier: 10,000 SBT staked
Rare Tier: 25,000 SBT staked
Epic Tier: 100,000 SBT staked
Legendary Tier: 1,000,000 SBT staked
Neste print do discord é mostrado como funciona o sorteio basta clicar no bot e entao um usuario é escolhido aleatoriamente e entao uma outra roleta é sorteada para mostra qual carta vc ganhou, e lembrando que isso acontece todos os dias para cada Stake que pertencer terá uma nova carta sera destribuida | In this discord print it is shown how the draw works, just click on the bot and then a user is randomly chosen and then another roulette wheel is drawn to show which card you won, and remembering that this happens every day for each Stake that belongs will have a new letter will be distributed | En este discord print se muestra como funciona el sorteo, solo haz clic en el bot y luego se elige al azar un usuario y luego se sortea otra rueda de ruleta para mostrar que carta ganaste, y recordando que esto pasa todos los días por cada Stake que pertenezca tendrá una nueva carta será distribuida |
Vc pode ser que nem esse sortudo que é hold de 1.000.000 milion SBT e ganhar uma carta lendaria desta | You can be like that lucky guy who holds 1,000,000 million SBT and win a legendary card like this | Puedes ser como ese tipo afortunado que tiene 1,000,000 millones de SBT y gana una carta legendaria como esta |
Vc sabia que quem é hold SBT alem de concorrer a sorteios de cartas splinterlands e token SBT ganha diariamente DEC, SPS e VOUCHER tokens splinterlands? isso que é mostrado no print abaixo quanto eu recebo pela quantidade que eu sou HOLD, vc receberá esta mensagem dentro do jogo avisando que foi depositado quanto maior a quantidade de SBT vc tiver mais vc receberá | Did you know that who is hold SBT besides competing for splinterlands card draws and SBT token wins daily DEC, SPS and VOUCHER splinterlands tokens? This is what is shown in the print below how much I receive for the amount I am HOLD, you will receive this message inside the game notifying you that it has been deposited, the greater the amount of SBT you have, the more you will receive | Sabías que quién tiene SBT además de competir por los sorteos de cartas de splinterlands y el token SBT gana tokens diarios de DEC, SPS y VOUCHER splinterlands? Esto es lo que se muestra en la impresión a continuación cuánto recibo por la cantidad que tengo, recibirá este mensaje dentro del juego notificándole que ha sido depositado, cuanto mayor sea la cantidad de SBT que tenga, más recibirá |
Comprei SBT token, fiz stake e como faço a verifiacao? simples basta clicar no link abaixo dentro do discord e la será verificado manualmente | I bought SBT token, made a stake and how do I verify? simple just click on the link below within the discord and it will be checked manually | Compré el token SBT, hice una apuesta y ¿cómo verifico? simplemente haga clic en el enlace a continuación dentro de la discordia y se verificará manualmente |
Resumidamente este evento é desafiar outros jogadores em batalhas splinterlands valendo recompensas em SBT token se fico interessado basta clicar no link dentro do discord para mais detalhes | Briefly this event is to challenge other players in splinterlands battles worth rewards in SBT token if I'm interested just click on the link inside the discord for more details | Brevemente, este evento es para desafiar a otros jugadores en batallas de splinterlands que valen recompensas en token SBT. Si estoy interesado, simplemente haga clic en el enlace dentro de la discordia para obtener más detalles. |
Vamos ao que interessa como funciona o sorteio? Ele é simples o objetivo dessa postagem é promover o token SBT para que mais pessoas possam conhecer e atraindo mais pessoas termos uma comunidade mais ativa e tambem melhorar nossas destribuição de premios e logo com mais eventos divertidos | Let's get to the point, how does the draw work? It's simple, the purpose of this post is to promote the SBT token so that more people can get to know it and attracting more people to have a more active community and also to improve our prize distribution and soon with more fun events | Vamos al grano, ¿cómo funciona el sorteo? Es simple, el propósito de esta publicación es promocionar el token SBT para que más personas puedan conocerlo y atraer a más personas para tener una comunidad más activa y también para mejorar nuestra distribución de premios y pronto con más eventos divertidos. |
Para cada pessoa que vc marca nesa postagem e ela participar do sorteio vc ganha 1 ponto, no final desse evento os 3 usuarios com mais pontos receberá ; o primeiro colocado = 25.000 SBT + 3 cartas splinterlands 2 epic e 1 comum, segundo colocado = 15.000 SBT + 3 cards splinterlands 1 epic e 2 comum e terceiro colocado 10.000 SBT + 3 cards comum splinterlands e o restante será 25 premios de 2.500 SBT a todos os outros participantes + 21 cartas tambem a todos os outros participantes, abaixo esta a lista de todas as cartas do sorteio que serão destribuidas | For each person you tag in this post and they participate in the draw, you earn 1 point, at the end of this event the 3 users with the most points will receive; first place = 25,000 SBT + 3 splinterlands cards 2 epic and 1 common, second place = 15,000 SBT + 3 splinterlands cards 1 epic and 2 common and third place 10,000 SBT + 3 splinterlands common cards and the rest will be 25 prizes from 2,500 SBT to all other participants + 21 cards also to all other participants, below is the list of all the draw cards that will be distributed | Por cada persona que etiquetes en esta publicación y participe en el sorteo, ganas 1 punto, al final de este evento recibirán los 3 usuarios con más puntos; primer lugar = 25000 SBT + 3 cartas splinterlands 2 épicas y 1 común, segundo lugar = 15000 SBT + 3 cartas splinterlands 1 épica y 2 comunes y tercer lugar 10000 SBT + 3 cartas comunes splinterlands y el resto serán 25 premios desde 2500 SBT hasta todos los demás participantes + 21 tarjetas también para todos los demás participantes, a continuación se muestra la lista de todas las tarjetas de sorteo que se distribuirán |
1 - Voce precisa ser meu seguidor (obrigatorio) |
2 - Vc precisa marcar 3 amigos (obrigatorio) |
2.1 - Vc nao pode marca alguem que ja foi marcado por outra pessoa, logo quem marcou primeiro estará dentro (ATENÇÃO) |
3- Vc precisa reblogar essa postagem (obrigatorio) |
4- Vc Precisa estar dentro do discord SBT (obrigatorio) Join SBT discord click HERE |
5 - Vc precisa deixar seu nome de usuario de dicord nos comentarios (obrigatorio) |
6 - Para participar de todos os sorteios vc so precisa marcar 3 pessoas uma unica vez.
6.2 - Para participar do premio de pontos vc pode marcar quantas pessoas vc quiser, vc é livre, por cada pessoa marcada que participar do sorteio vc ganha 1 pontos os 3 melhores pontuados receberão os premios que ja foram ditos a cima
7 - Votar não é obrigatorio mas dependendo da quantidade de hive arrecada nessa postagem um grande sorteio como este pode ser repetido em breve
Duvidas? se vc nao entendeu como funciona o sorteio sinta livre paraperguntar e eu responderei
1 - You need to be my follower (mandatory) |
2 - You need to tag 3 friends (required) |
2.1 - You cannot tag someone who has already been tagged by someone else, so whoever tagged first will be in (ATTENTION) |
3- You need to reblog this post (required) |
4- You need to be in the SBT discord (mandatory) Join SBT discord click HERE |
5 - You need to leave your discord username in the comments (required) |
6 - To participate in all the draws, you only need to tag 3 people once.
6.2 - To participate in the points award, you can tag as many people as you want, you are free, for each person tagged who participates in the draw, you earn 1 points, the top 3 points will receive the prizes that have already been said above
7 - Voting is not mandatory but depending on the amount of hive collected in this post a big draw like this one can be repeated soon
Doubts? if you don't understand how the draw works feel free to ask and i will answer
1 - Necesitas ser mi seguidor (obligatorio) |
2 - Necesitas etiquetar a 3 amigos (requerido) |
2.1 - No se puede etiquetar a alguien que ya ha sido etiquetado por otra persona, por lo que quien haya etiquetado primero estará en (ATENCIÓN) |
3- Necesitas rebloguear esta publicación (requerido) |
4- Tienes que estar en el discord SBT (obligatorio) Join SBT discord click HERE |
5 - Debes dejar tu nombre de usuario de discord en los comentarios (requerido) |
6 - Para participar en todos los sorteos, solo necesitas etiquetar a 3 personas una vez.
6.2 - Para participar en la entrega de puntos, puedes etiquetar a tantas personas como quieras, eres libre, por cada persona etiquetada que participe en el sorteo, ganas 1 punto, los 3 mejores puntos recibirán los premios que ya han sido dicho arriba
7 - Votar no es obligatorio pero dependiendo de la cantidad de colmena recolectada en esta publicación un gran sorteo como este se puede repetir pronto
¿Dudas? Si no entiendes cómo funciona el sorteo, no dudes en preguntar y te responderé.
E esta pronto e vc terá 2 semanas para participar que é quando vai sair o vencedor, entao mais uma vez relembrando LEIA AS REGRAS, caso vc nao cumpra uma delas será desclassificado, lembrando que mais uma vez se tiver alguma duvida como funciona ou quiser saber se vc ja esta dentro do sorteio basta pergunta, lembrando aos novos usuarios que faço sorteio todos os dias de tokens hive ou nft, no total será destribuidos 25 hives em premios,desejo sorte a todos e vamos a festa! | And it's ready and you'll have 2 weeks to participate which is when the winner will emerge, so once again remember READ THE RULES, if you don't comply with one of them you will be disqualified, remembering that once again if you have any doubts about how it works or want to know If you are already in the draw, just ask, reminding new users that I do a draw every day for hive or nft tokens, in total 25 hives will be distributed in prizes, I wish you all luck and let's party! | Y esta listo y tendras 2 semanas para participar que es cuando saldra el ganador, asi que una vez mas recuerda LEER LAS REGLAS, si no cumples con alguna de ellas seras descalificado, recordando que una vez mas si tienes cualquier duda de como funciona o quieres saber si ya estas en el sorteo solo pregunta recordando a los nuevos usuarios que todos los dias hago un sorteo de tokens hive o nft, en total se repartiran 25 hives en premios, les deseo ¡toda suerte y vamos de fiesta! |
Let's give this a shot
@blitzzzz @hurtlocker @queenstarr @h3m4n7 @kqaosphreak @vaynard86 @chefbgob @cogie88 @cryptoniusrex @candnpg @cpol @miguelsky2
I replied to a comment. I hope it fits now.
Like to join in
Of day
@dragonballfan, @vegata, @booboohabibi , @noctury @captainloken , @udow, @tengolotodo, @ynwa.andree, @bitandi, @kheldar1982
yeah you in, when you stake sbt in your wallet you open raffle inside the discord with cards splinterlands , in the discord SBT and see if you like after =)
if your friends tag 3 and reblog you
further increases your chances of winning
Looks interesting and I would like to join and love to invite my
loyal giveaway followers
@amaillo-m, @makhinoo, @davideownzall, @alexis666, @asrullpare, @cibi, @irisworld, @genming, @highhaschdi, @siberian12, @henruc, @asrullpare, @noctury, @eman13088, @evanr, @ducanhsx1, @nemesis-10101, @gessy, @matthew14429, @lundall, @vaynard86, @matimath, @splurgee, @blitzzzz, @Koodies, @alphawog, @screamheart, @highfist, @relf87, @tinyputerboy, @jfang003, @lordanquek, @gregory-f, @ericburgoyne, @sheikh27, @jmehta, @jdike, @reagept, @ianballantine, @yeckingo1, @marleyroots, @jingo-submo, @eddqq, @caimanx, @deathstarer7, @qoogohome, @shadecroat, @subidu, @udow, @vrezyy, @pero82, @dub-c, @ramadhanight, @killwizzy, @captain210, @casimirio, @uglykillerpigz, @ian0426915, @nysster, @cynano, @darkeis, @circlebubble, @asakasa, @kungfukid, @waynechuasy, @darkeiz, @ellis23, @g3kk0u, @kaylerfaye, @joshnaire, @jamwhiz, @calmocean26, @bigbarger, @wommi, @lordshah, @riciuz, @pix21, @angelvirus1586, @tengolotodo, @mauriciolimax, @chaos23, @arpuch, @harpreetjanda, @ygramul, @dtam, @wokeenochian, @stamato, @sinistro85, @jonimarqu, @xg4028, @onw, @xheadhunterz, @rayius, @belhaven14, @junkodo, @thaddeusprime, @fenrirthekeeper, @ivanov007, @nfteam0173, @splinterob, @kryptofire, @sieghard1990, @bt34, @janome, @teerandom, @neong, @sygxwin, @redeculous, @bechibenner, @pirulito.zoado, @herman-german, @redco, @ringo95, @alfrin, @loboguara, @taintedblood, @pius82, @nwb0719, @beelmukjj, @isnochys, @cogie88, @gr33nm4ster, @flummi97, @crazyphantombr, @zandroid64, @gummybears, @liecka, @curtis90, @engilhramn, @garigarikun, @marcinxyz, @butar1977, @mxm0unite, @teca, @jhuleader, @megawolf, @criptosectadepit, @packagedmilk, @yras, @hobosummoner, @edgerik, @jerson1231, @chaosbug, @micro-2017, @nurodan, @wommi, @failingforward, @webbywebster, @moonthumb, @prapledragon, @submo, @koukou21, @axeleration-95, @krueger053, @elliotc, @eiiviin, @isaac7378, @papucho, @halujai, @halulam, @nasty13322, @packagedmilk, @savannaholness, @vinally, @levih, @powermeat, @krustan, @gnomomatix, @daethical, @abzolutezer0123, @haizelanne, @lootersofdec, @serfapups2, @jimmy-junior, @boreum, @ebastion, @bubblechew, @reibar, @card0card, @baburamg, @emeraldtiger, @rimurutempest, @mordikkio, @danideuder, @vimukthi, @golddiggernrw, @monsterbuster, @outwars, @cryptoace33, @cheesecrackinged, @yorra, @ccrentals, @dafusa, @vegata, @keniel16, @theduce, @ladymisa, @thedoc07, @stonemountain69, @syel25, @olaf.gui, @theacks.
to check this out! Thank you for this opportunity! 😉
+reblogged !PGM
Looks interesting and I would like to join and love to invite my
loyal giveaway followers
@amaillo-m, @makhinoo, @davideownzall, @alexis666, @asrullpare, @cibi, @irisworld, @genming, @highhaschdi, @siberian12, @henruc, @asrullpare, @noctury, @eman13088, @evanr, @ducanhsx1, @nemesis-10101, @gessy, @matthew14429, @lundall, @vaynard86, @matimath, @splurgee, @blitzzzz, @Koodies, @alphawog, @screamheart, @highfist, @relf87, @tinyputerboy, @jfang003, @lordanquek, @gregory-f, @ericburgoyne, @sheikh27, @jmehta, @jdike, @reagept, @ianballantine, @yeckingo1, @marleyroots, @jingo-submo, @eddqq, @caimanx, @deathstarer7, @qoogohome, @shadecroat, @subidu, @udow, @vrezyy, @pero82, @dub-c, @ramadhanight, @killwizzy, @captain210, @casimirio, @uglykillerpigz, @ian0426915, @nysster, @cynano, @darkeis, @circlebubble, @asakasa, @kungfukid, @waynechuasy, @darkeiz, @ellis23, @g3kk0u, @kaylerfaye, @joshnaire, @jamwhiz, @calmocean26, @bigbarger, @wommi, @lordshah, @riciuz, @pix21, @angelvirus1586, @tengolotodo, @mauriciolimax, @chaos23, @arpuch, @harpreetjanda, @ygramul, @dtam, @wokeenochian, @stamato, @sinistro85, @jonimarqu, @xg4028, @onw, @xheadhunterz, @rayius, @belhaven14, @junkodo, @thaddeusprime, @fenrirthekeeper, @ivanov007, @nfteam0173, @splinterob, @kryptofire, @sieghard1990, @bt34, @janome, @teerandom, @neong, @sygxwin, @redeculous, @bechibenner, @pirulito.zoado, @herman-german, @redco, @ringo95, @alfrin, @loboguara, @taintedblood, @pius82, @nwb0719, @beelmukjj, @isnochys, @cogie88, @gr33nm4ster, @flummi97, @crazyphantombr, @zandroid64, @gummybears, @liecka, @curtis90, @engilhramn, @garigarikun, @marcinxyz, @butar1977, @mxm0unite, @teca, @jhuleader, @megawolf, @criptosectadepit, @packagedmilk, @yras, @hobosummoner, @edgerik, @jerson1231, @chaosbug, @micro-2017, @nurodan, @wommi, @failingforward, @webbywebster, @moonthumb, @prapledragon, @submo, @koukou21, @axeleration-95, @krueger053, @elliotc, @eiiviin, @isaac7378, @papucho, @halujai, @halulam, @nasty13322, @packagedmilk, @savannaholness, @vinally, @levih, @powermeat, @krustan, @gnomomatix, @daethical, @abzolutezer0123, @haizelanne, @lootersofdec, @serfapups2, @jimmy-junior, @boreum, @ebastion, @bubblechew, @reibar, @card0card, @baburamg, @emeraldtiger, @rimurutempest, @mordikkio, @danideuder, @vimukthi, @golddiggernrw, @monsterbuster, @outwars, @cryptoace33, @cheesecrackinged, @yorra, @ccrentals, @dafusa, @vegata, @keniel16, @theduce, @ladymisa, @thedoc07, @stonemountain69, @syel25, @olaf.gui, @theacks, @noctury, @jfang003, @ifarmgirl, @beerlover, @coquicoin, @wazock, @ghostlybg, @adysscheryl, @nietokilll, @johnripper, @boscohage, @olympicdragon, @blesker, @ruralio, @hoosie, @codingdefined, @orenj1, @doombot75, @boeltermc, @urkanon, @n1t0, @splinterlandsnet, @imfarhad, @supriya.gupta, @mario02, @vicer0y, @bntcamelo, @Dagger88, @kraus, @stevermac1966, @pregosauce, @guurry123, @ultralawzski, @kaniz, @bokica80, @lespipirisnais, @operahoser, @bimskies, @dirolls, @nopasaran72, @ecto1337, @daje10, @d-zero, @joalheal, @steemstreems, @pius82, @djbagman, @tokutaro22, @ricestrela, @captainquack22, @thranax, @newnow497, @stewie.wieno, @gomek, @camillecrls629, @suara8, @laaalunaaa, @sorsa, @danideuder, @heidy17, @golddiggernrw, @heatman, @peniel2010, @tydynrain, @caren07, @yorra, @bandada, @arieruzzzz, @longganisan, @treefrognada, @dk1trade, @new.things, @ieronimus, @diegoloco, @olaf.gui, @bitandi, @joalheal, @valentin86, @arkasz.
to check this out! Thank you for this opportunity! 😉
+reblogged !PGM
i love your spirit always tag more yeahh
tag 3 people and reblog this post guys 50 roulette with prizes
(1/3) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
I thought it was a nice jester.
Credit: reddit
@lorddiablo, I sent you an on behalf of
Thank you for being an !LOLZ supporter.
You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@lolz.pimp just slapped you with , @pirulito.zoado.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/4 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
I am in
count me in
rating 5
!LOL @bechibenner
At dive bars.
Credit: reddit
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@lorddiablo, I sent you an on behalf of @bechibenner
hey bechi, so this draw you need tag 3 friends and reblog =)
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
how do you hide the people you tagged
Hello @pirulito.zoado,
You just need to write this front of the usernames and you will have them hided! 😁
I !LUV this feature!
(10/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
thanks my dear
Will it be that if I hide a whole post I can escape some s pam? 🤣
Your welcome and yeah, might be a good idea! 😁
Have a !LUV-ly evening! 😉
Thank you so very much for the tag, brother! I appreciate it! May overflowing fortune fill your cup! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Good luck to all
@lismarcarolina2 @jfuji @antonette @chinito @cibersk8 @valeryc @morenow @promete0sz @zonadigital21 @rosmiapure @larissalugo @chechostreet
Thank you for the reblog my friend :)
Hi. It seems like an interesting opportunity and I decided to participate.
I follow you end reblog the post.
I tag : @arc7icwolf @mad-runner @stefano.massari @libertycrypto27 @claudio83 @giuatt07 @zottone444 @p1k4ppa10 @yameen @moeenali @blumela
my Discord Username is: lozio71
Success! You mined 1.0 HBIT on Wusang: Isle of Blaq. | tools | wallet | discord | community | daily <><
And, you found a BLAQ pearl (BLAQ)!
Check your bonus treasure tokens by entering your username at an H-E explorer or take a look at your wallet.
Read about Hivebits (HBIT) or read the story of Wusang: Isle of Blaq.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
A taxidermist takes only your skin.
Credit: reddit
ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@pirulito.zoado, I sent you an on behalf of @lozio71
Credit: ianmcg
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!
hey me dear welcome;; thanks for join. you can tag more if you wish and if your friends tagged tag more 3 blog and reblog you increase your chance for the top 3 and all partiicpants go to 50 roulette prizes, so here you can tag infinite fell free 😉
ty @jhuleader
discord :taeleejhuleaderz
tagging @mondroid @mond @jhizzle207 @bunsbagsandcaps @buns @sbtofficial @itzninjafool @itznur @itznur2 @sheloe @solyari @solymi @solymanhossain @solmar @solmal @stever82 @steve @marcus-cooper @walhallo777 @tech-brave @techy22 @mustangboy @apeofwallst @nardian @valhalla-hash @tdmdaddy @newearthproject @newenx @sola-fide @newenx @newenglandsavage @infini8y @infinity-tamil @trader-one @luthien12 @mundovirtual @kojiri @pixi @maxmaka @butters323 @butterb @butterbabe @darudemydude @lokhrodan @djbagman @axlertwinblade @aftersound @bebeomega @butops @damour @gentlepusa @kraken14 @notrealbatch @pladozero @rickonlsd @wesquin703 @r0nd0n @wesquinrent
I tagged all the streamers on SPLTV!
hehe, I was tagged I hope this isn't how I find out I got a new job but I'm not mad if it is :)
(1/3) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
hey djbagman ahah let me explain about this giveaway
you need tag 3 friends and reblog if you your friends tagged tag more 3 friends and reblog too, you increase your chance about the top 3 big prizes and all participanst go to 50 roullete with tokens and cards splinterlands =), if you have dubt feel free for question
!PIZZA byeee
thanks pal!
Count me in, please!
tagging @tydynrain , @new.things , @grindan , @daje10, @healjoal, @osomar357 , @josman831 , @blitzzzz , @ieronimus @middle-earthling @kalib @onthemountain @kryptodenno @jfang003 , @luizeba @imfarhad @geom @underlock @dirego1 and @zer0requiem
discord: treefrognada
Thank you so very much for the tag @treefrognada! I deeply appreciate it! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
I hope you entered the contest! 💜 And hopefully remembered a load of more people to tag. I only realised after I hit the reply button that I should have targeted people who enter giveaways instead of those who do them 🙄 Best of luck in the draws! 🍀
I followed all of the rules to enter, though I wasn't completely sure what to do with the Discord part. I joined their server, and tried to verify myself, but I'm not sure if it worked. I tagged a few people. Thank you again so much @treefrognada, and very likewise! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
I think you need two more steps to get verified.
Ah, OK. I did the first one. I'll do the second now. Thank you again! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Count me in!
ign: @pero82
Usual participants of my giveaways
Don't miss the chance guys:
@abu78, @akiraymd, @akkiawan, @alexis666, @altharoz, @amaari, @arc-echo, @asdfghjkiraaa, @bechibenner, @birdzbeezntreez, @bitandi, @blitzzzz, @bokica80, @championsacademy, @circlebubble, @cmmndrbawang, @cosmicpigee, @crazyphantombr, @criptosectadepit, @daethical, @dafusa, @dagum, @danideuder, @diochen, @dk1trade, @dracozauberer, @dragonballfan, @dtam, @ebastion, @emeraldtiger, @engilhramn, @epearson, @flquin, @fredkese, @gessy, @ghostlybg, @golddiggernrw, @gs1, @harharhar, @harharhar02, @hatdogsensei, @henruc, @ianballantine, @i-hizzy, @imfarhad, @inrpmwetrust, @javeson, @jesustiano, @jfang003, @jhridoy14, @jhuleader, @joalheal, @joseal2020, @karwol, @kramaric.goat, @kryptofire, @ladymisa, @lightbruce17, @lorddiablo, @lumkela, @lumpiadobo, @mango-juice, @mario02, @maxpain00, @monsterbuster, @mordikkio, @new.things, @nietokilll, @noctury, @noroi, @nozem01, @oadissin, @obifenom, @olaf.gui, @olipereira, @onthemountain, @ouroloki, @pablito.saldo, @pirulito.zoado, @pregosauce, @professorrotten, @prototypecodec, @pulubengdugs, @qoogohome, @queen-silvia, @reiell1, @ricardoeloy, @riciuz, @rimurutempest, @rtonline, @scfather, @sifounas43, @stamato, @stonemountain69, @subidu, @syel25, @sylmarill, @tengolotodo, @theacks, @thebighigg, @thedoc07, @tinyputerboy, @tirizard, @treefrognada, @txrose, @tydynrain, @vaynard86, @vicer0y, @virtualgrowth, @wommi, @ydaiznfts, @zonadigital21
you in
!GIF Good Luck
I would !LUV if you would win 😄Good Luck @pero82
Via Tenor
(1/1) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
!LOLplease add me, thanks. @diochen
Credit: reddit
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@pirulito.zoado, I sent you an on behalf of @diochen
hey diochen , for this raffle you need tag 3 friends or users and reblog the post
count me in
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
hey kryptof, for in this giveaway you need tag 3 friend and reblog the post 😆
$PIZZA slices delivered:
pirulito.zoado tipped oadissin
pirulito.zoado tipped lozio71
pirulito.zoado tipped lorddiablo (x2)
pirulito.zoado tipped pero82
pirulito.zoado tipped djbagman
onthemountain tipped pirulito.zoado
pirulito.zoado tipped jdike
pirulito.zoado tipped tydynrain
cpol tipped pirulito.zoado
pirulito.zoado tipped bechibenner @joseal2020 tipped @pirulito.zoado
count me in please.
hey scather. for this giveaway you need reblog this post and tag 3 friends or other users
@cjlugo, @ga8ox35, @alicia2022, @noctury Check this out!!! My discord username is cpol. Thank you very much for the chance to win!!!
Upvoted and reblogged!
Discord: tydynrain
😁🙏💚✨🤙I tag @pregosauce, @mypathtofire, and @stdd!
you can tag more if you wish
thanks for join
Oh, OK, thank you! You're most welcome, absolutely! Thank you, again! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
i am in
hey monster for this giveaway , you need tag 3 and reblog 😄
@pregosauce @achim03 @rentaw03 @solymi @khazrakh @kotenoke might have a first glance at the SBT token ;)
Discord is: ChrisDIke#4994
or Discord in SBT channel is: jdike
Ahh didn't realize SBT was being revived for anything. I distributed something like 500k+ of that token out to a bunch of random people awhile back.
would have been (nearly) whale status ;(
thanks for joinn
count me in
tagging @davidhaha @wlun @rainbowdad
Count me in.
!Gif thank you IGN: @vaynard86
tagging @houhou @nambowan-888 @relf87
Via Tenor
Hi friends,
A big giveaway, don't miss it and reblog this post + include 3 friends.
@rqr4 @lozio71 @dewabrata
Thanks @lordshah
Thanks for the tag!
It seems like an interesting opportunity and I decided to participate.
I follow you end reblog the post
So kind of you, Piru regularly runs some nice giveaways, this one is huge. Hope you'll get a win. Thanks
It's me who has to thank you for thinking of me and tagging me by letting me know about this opportunity
Thanks again!
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
It's a little meteor
Credit: reddit
ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@lozio71, I sent you an on behalf of @lordshah
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
It's just something I can see myself doing.
Credit: reddit
@pirulito.zoado, I sent you an on behalf of @lordshahI would like to participate in this giveaway.
hey yamen welcome to this raffle but you need tag 3 friends and reblog too 😄
I am in
Please tag me
hello spriyaa this raffle you will need tag 3 and reblog too 😇
count me in participando @mariela53 @irenenavarroart, @yole, @yolimarag
I'm in @fredkese
Tagging @rtonline , @stamato , @gondek
hey fredkese
for this giveaway you need tag 3 friends and reblog =)
giveaway tag 3 and reblog
@xcpol @hive-107603 @kahyazhe Check this out!!!
do u forget ">!"
Let me try! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
It is a nice initiative you have started in the Splinterlands community.
Count me in
My friends join
Thank you
!1up @oadissin @leijun987, @theacks, @tempatsaya, @flr25, @jonimarqu, @hoffmeister84, @sheikh27, @squishna, @moonthumb, @monkey8128, @lipe100dedos, @amaillo, @indiebandguru
hey my dear for this giveaway,. you need tag 3 friends and reblog =)
Count me in pls @eddqq !BEER
hey eddqq for this drops you need tag 3 friends and reblog =) 🙃
count me in
@chaosmagic23 , @cmplxty and @sagesigma
reblogged too
SORRY! You don't have enough VSC to give. You must have at least 50 VSC in your wallet. If you wish to have VSC to reward your favorite authors, please go to: VSC MARKET
LO SENTIMOS. No tienes suficientes VSC para dar. Debe tener al menos 50 VSC en su cartera. Si desea tener VSC para recompensar a sus autores favoritos, por favor vaya a: VSC MARKET
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(5/10)@pirulito.zoado! to your account on behalf of @onthemountain.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.
hey mountain for this giveaway you need tag 3 friends and reblog 😉