The fastest 5 cards at their maximum level in all of splinterlands!

in Splinterlands3 days ago



Hey guys, this is my big post so you can see and learn a little more about the cards. This time we'll see which ones have speed when we raise it to its maximum level. Don't miss it!



Mana Cost5
Element4-Death.png Death
Card Type00-ranged.png Range
Abilitiesability_flying (2).pngability_life-leech.png
Some Dark Eternals choose to turn their back on the Dark Codex, giving in to the temptation of Soul Harvesting. It is a disgusting and archaic practice that takes over the soul of its practicer. Eventually the Soul Harvester becomes addicted, needing to feed off living souls to survive. This is the birth of a Vampire.


Mana Cost8
Element4-Death.png Death
Card Type00-melee.png Melee

On the darkest nights in Mortis, the great Nightmare herd can be seen from a hundred miles away, lighting up the Death Splinter's hazy sky as they burn for evermore. Their story is one of anguish and endless suffering, but also of hope and salvation. A Death sorcerer named Foglip Kraven who has long since passed to the Dark Eternity is the one who first discovered that living animals can be enlisted to the Death Splinter. Before his passing nearly 500 years ago, Kraven was responsible for the saving of the herd, one of the only heroic acts in all Dark Eternal history.

The 200 year period known as the Peaceful Crusades was not always peaceful. In fact, many of the bloodiest battles ever fought in the Splinterlands were fought during this time, as the Lord of Darkness tried desperately to bring great numbers of the living into the dark. One such battle in 275 A.S. has been remembered as the Battle for Lyveria's soul. In this battle, the walls of Lyveria were almost brought to rubble, but the Dark Lord's forces were ultimately held back until they retreated. The weapons Lyveria employed were especially savage; they catapulted huge masses of fuel and tar, which exploded in flame wherever they landed. Tragically, a herd of wild horses was caught on the hillside in the all-devouring flames. They did not die immediately but stampeded off toward the mountains, screaming in pain and flaming rage.

The herd was intercepted by Foglip Kraven himself who swooped in on the back of his mighty battle drake. Moved by the suffering of the herd and not willing to let their souls perish without dark salvation, Foglip used the greatest of his dark magic power to enlist the soul of each and every horse in the herd. Then one by one, they fell dead to the ground. Moments later in faraway Mortis, a herd of flaming horses emerged kicking and neighing from the Tarpits of Creation. Since the birth of the Nightmares, their run across the Wastes of Mortis has never ceased.

Exploding Rats.png

Mana Cost4
Element01- fire.png Fire
Card Type00-melee.png Melee
Abilitiesability_blast (1).pngability_redemption.pngability_true-strike.png
There are some places in the Burning Lands where rats are especially easy to find, so the discovery of Exploding Rats has been beneficial to the Torch in several ways. In most cases, the strange but simple combustion spell is only used for extermination purposes in the caves and around the city of Azad. Combustion works better on some species than others. When used on humans for example, the same spell only catches their hair on fire, which is easy enough to put out. For some unknown reason, rats explode with enough force to take down a brick wall. Because of the intensity with which they explode, rats are also weaponized in several interesting ways.

Regal Peryton.png

EditionChaos Legion
Mana Cost5
Element3-Earth.png Earth
Card Type00-magic.png Magic
Abilitiesability_flying (2).png
They say there is nothing more beautiful than a Regal Peryton. They prefer to live in the mountains all across the Splinterlands, rarely seen by others. When they soar through the skies, the sunlight catches through their wings and creates rainbows underneath them. Regal Perytons are highly intelligent and consider themselves noble guardians of the natural world, using their magic to help others.


Mana Cost2
Element6-Dragon.png Dragon
Card Type00-melee.png Melee
Abilitiesability_true-strike (1).pngability_martyr.pngability_sneak.png
Many believe the best thieves are humans. After all, it was humans who founded the Ebonhood, one of the most powerful thieves' guilds in all of Praetoria. Others say it's the Venari, ratkin and mousekin with a knack for mischief. Perhaps an argument could be made for the light-fingered halflings or brownies, the furtive antoids, and various other races, as well.

But I have it on good authority that the best thieves are actually gremlins, a diminutive race of fey known for their mischievousness, cunning, and tendency to steal anything and everything that isn't nailed down.

And if gremlins are the best thieves, then Vruz is the very best of them all.

Small even by gremlin standards, Vruz's mastery of the art of thievery is without equal; they say there's nothing he can't steal. He's stolen milk from the mouths of babies, leaves from the branches of the ancient redwood, mustaches from under the noses of wizards, and crowns from the heads of kings.

Nobody knows where Vruz came from or how he got there, but Davek Lorens, guildmaster of the Ebonhood, woke one morning to find a snotty heap at the foot of his bed. After he sacked his entire personal guard and sent their heads to the guildhall as an example, he tended to this irritating infant that couldn't seem to keep its hands to itself. You see, even as babes, gremlins have a natural proclivity for pilfering, and Vruz was no exception.

Guildmaster Lorens soon grew fond of the little gremlin and raised him as his own, teaching Vruz everything he knew about the art of thievery. Practically before he was out of diapers, he was considered the best footpad in the entire guild.

Nowadays, Vruz only takes on the jobs that everyone else says are impossible, and he soon proves they're not. His favorite ventures? Fulfilling contracts for dragons… which usually entails stealing some priceless artifact from another dragon. And with every success, his notoriety has grown. Today, stories of his heists and escapades have become the stuff of campfire tales and folklore. Perhaps you've heard one or two of them before.

How about the story about how Vruz stole the High Ring of Thanaloria from the ancient and terrible wyrm, Rage? The Ebonhood had been hired to retrieve it, but no one was volunteering for the job. They all said it was impossible.

Enter Vruz.


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Thanks for sharing! - @underlock