The 4 most expensive cards in the Splinterlands universe!

in Splinterlands29 days ago



Hello everyone, this is my participation in the social media contest where I bring you the characteristics of the 5 most expensive cards in the entire game!


Elemental Phoenix.png

Mana Cost5
Element01- fire.png Fire
Card Type00-magic.png Magic
The Lord of Darkness is the ruler of the Dark Eternals of Mortis. Long ago, when he was named Lagfael, he discovered the truth of darkness from a Dark Tzar who paid him a visit from the dark eternity. Defecting from the living of the Splinterlands, Lagfael wrote the Dark Codex and began recruiting souls for the Dark Eternal collective. The Lord of Darkness loves combat, and his mighty flame whip leads Dark Eternal teams to victory again and again at Mount Mox.


Mighty Dricken $10.000,00

Mighty Dricken.png

Mana Cost2
Element6-Dragon.png Dragon
Card Type00-melee.png Melee
The great leader of the chicken uprising known only as the Alpha Chicken wanted more. With his regular chicken body, he could squawk at the Human overlords and peck at the chicken-wire of oppression, but to lead a true rebellion, the Alpha Chicken needed true power. This is where the Dragons came in.

The rebelling chicken forces had laid waste to several farms of East Brynn and they were not slowing, when their leader had a fateful meeting with a treacherous Gloridax sorcerer named Lubiyo. The sorcerer convinced the chickens to stop their onslaught of Draykh-Nahka by offering the Alpha Chicken power that he could not refuse.

As the chicken forces waited, Lubiyo led the Alpha Chicken to the genetic facilities at night when everything was locked. They broke in, and using a combination of dark nether magic and Gloridax chemistry, the Alpha Chicken was transformed forever that night. This was not a Gloridax-sanctioned enhancement, and Lubiyo is currently on the lam, a high priority fugitive of the Dragonsguard.

Now the leader of the chicken uprising is a giant and wild terror. Standing just shorter than a man, he is now a carrier of the Fire Blood; a Dragon. No longer must he powerlessly flap wings of feather. Not only can he fly, but now he can slash and split his enemies with his razor-sharp wings. No longer must he squawk until his voice is raw. Now he can breathe fire. He is the Mighty Dricken.


The Peakrider $3.320,00

The Peakrider.png

Mana Cost5
Element5-Life.png Life
Card TypeSummoner

The creature that rides the mountains of the Life Splinter strikes fear into the heart of every Khymian. His demon steed stands fifteen feet tall, with a long, sharp horn from its forehead that makes a mockery of the sacred Unicorn. The man himself (if he can be called a man) is never seen without his horse, as if the two are one. He has mighty wings, but no one has seen him use them, and he carries a large, horrific weapon with him always. When the Peakrider stands at the summoner's table in a Mount Mox tournament, few can face him without cowering.


Lord of Darkness $2.900,00

Lord of Darkness.png

Mana Cost2
Element4-Death.png Death
Card Type00-melee.png Melee
Abilitiesability_enrage (1).pngability_stun.png

The creature that rides the mountains of the Life Splinter strikes fear into the heart of every Khymian. His demon steed stands fifteen feet tall, with a long, sharp horn from its forehead that makes a mockery of the sacred Unicorn. The man himself (if he can be called a man) is never seen without his horse, as if the two are one. He has mighty wings, but no one has seen him use them, and he carries a large, horrific weapon with him always. When the Peakrider stands at the summoner's table in a Mount Mox tournament, few can face him without cowering.


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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Hey, it is nice content but suggest you to start engaging with the community