The Splinterlands community is eagerly anticipating the release of land in the game. Some people who purchased land claims during the pre-sale have held their land tokens for over a year. This has been profitable since land was initially introduced for sale at $10. In the last week land plot claim tokens hit a high of $1,000 on hive engine as we all learn more about what land has to offer.
What we know is that the land is called Praetoria. There will only ever be 150,000 land plots owned by players. A small amount of land regions (1,000 plots) and land tracts (100 plots) are also available to be owned by players. The game itself will also own a certain amount of land. We also know that land will mint new NFT cryptocurrency cards called item and spell cards which will never be available from packs. Owning land or buying the cards on a secondary market like hive-engine will be the only way to obtain these cards. Splinterlands has stated that even though they will control some land- “Splinterlands will NEVER sell item or spell cards.” This means that the land owners will have 100% control over the item and spell card market. The owners of land will have to decide if they want to sell their minted cards and make profit or use the cards in gameplay for a major advantage. Knowing this, there is no question about why land has value. It will likely pay for itself in a relatively short period of time.
The developers of Splinterlands have demonstrated the ability to bring value with their integrations, and because of this track record I can imagine a land plot having the potential ability to produce $25-$50+ of cryptocurrency assets a day. Land plots will also have rarities- common, rare, epic, and legendary. Instead of gold foil land, it will come in different categories- natural, magical, and occupied. Can you imagine how many dollars’ worth of NFT cards a legendary land plot will produce? The developer’s intention with land was for it “to be groundbreaking for the blockchain-based gaming industry”. That means it will not be lame and those who get in now will probably not regret it. If a land owner can make $25-50 a day on a land plot x 365 days a year= You can potentially make in between $9,125 and $18,250 of profits a year. Being a virtual NFT land owner is indeed groundbreaking and I wholeheartedly believe the developers will work to make Splinterlands land priceless. Everyone involved with Splinterlands has an opportunity to be a part of history by being a land owner, which should equate into fun and profitability. This is why I make the case for $10,000 land plots by end of 2022.
Possibly over-optimistic but it's fun to speculate as to what might happen. Land plots currently at ~$840 USD on Atomic Hub.
Land just hit $940 on hive-engine! 2022 will be so much fun :)