Hello to all fans of the Brawls! We are the Hel-Brawlers, one Squad of the bigger Brawlers and Yield Guild family. We like to play the game for fun and rewards, and what we took extremely seriously are the Guild Brawls. Here is our battle report #19.
Prep Stage
We are currently fighting in Tier 2, so we have to fill 16 Frays each brawl.
Select your fray! We are a very active guild, which means, that we have more members who are willing to play Brawls than we've got frays. For that reason, we have implemented a rotating system that makes sure that everyone has the chance to play in the brawl and to make sure that we play the best we can! What does that mean? The last 3 players of the last brawl in terms of results are rotating out and the next 3 players can join. The highest DEC contributors get the first choice of frays.
Combat Stage
Time to fight! We've got a total number of 106 battles this brawl. The battles of Fray 2 are shown below:
Battle 1: WIN
Used Gladiator Card: Sarius
These new rulesets are crazy... Only range AND return fire is a heavy combination... But I was able to bring more hitpoints and more close range monsters than my enemy!
Battle 2: WIN
Used Gladiator Card: Relenor Cleaver
Attention: Gladiator is fighting! Without a counter-part, this is an easy game.
Battle 3: WIN
Used Gladiator Card: Relenor Cleaver
Battle 4: LOSE
Used Gladiator Card: /
Battle 5: WIN
Used Gladiator Card: Relenor Cleaver
Used Gladiator Card: Chimney Wallstop
Used Gladiator Card:
Battle 6: LOSE
Used Gladiator Card: Chimney Wallstop
Battle 7: WIN
Used Gladiator Card: Cutter Breeze
Give me close range please!
Battle 8: LOSE
Used Gladiator Card: Quora Towershead
Result Stage
We managed to get the first position. Also 3k merits and around 25 SPS are a decent amount of rewards.
Thank you for reading. If you have any questions to our guild, feel free to contact us here.
If you want to start playing Splinterlands, please consider to use my referral link.
Thanks for sharing! - Underlock#8573